Kindly read my posts carefully before replying.
Thanks, Dad.
When challenged re: 30 proteins being less than unique, I suggested as a conservative allowance (to make the odds INCREASE for evolution) that 1,000 hypothetical proteins, any 30 of which will work. The odds are still quite high, even though I've gone ahead via natural selection and etc. to increase them by billions.
So generous. But if that is what your intent was, you should have expressed it more clearly, for that is not at ll what you wrote to me indicated.
With your degree in statistics, riddle me this - say we have event X. This event has occurred. Of what relevance is calculating the odds of this event happening, other than to show that after the fact, such calculations are meaningless?
The odds are also astronomical of simultaneity regarding the evolution of the six factors you cited
Seeing as how you have merely asserted all of your claims thus far, I think that your Victory dance is not only premature, but should be an embarrassment to you. And I have seen no actual calculation from you, just taking a number and adding exponents to it. That is not a calculation.
that these 6 factors (note my remarks added to the below):
1. Trauma to tissue including blood vessel (to some of a population)
What does "to some of a population" refer to?
2. Damaged blood vessel and tissues release various compounds due to damage (note that these compounds are similar, but not identical in all vertebrates) (compound release factors evolve)
What is a "compound release factors evolve" ?
Oh - you interpreted that to mean that these compounds are 'released' actively? No - see, here is where you show how your lack of relevant biological knowledge hinders you. These compounds are releases when the cell is ripped open. You are just adding 'volition' where none is needed.
3. Damage to vessel endothelium creates 'rough' surface; blood components now exposed to collagen and other extravascular proteins ('foreign' materials, in effect); larger blood vessels experience muscular spasm (spasm response evolves or has already evolved)
Spasm is due to tissue damage.
4. Platelets bind to 'rough' damaged endothelium, release clotting factors (platelets "release clotting factors" evolve)
"platelets "release clotting factors" evolve" - what does that mean?
5. Clotting factors (not the same in all vertebrates) initiate cascade of reactions that results in cleavage of fibrinogen, which then reforms as a fibrin network, 'catching' RBCs (fibrinogen in organic life evolves)
6. clotting factors, material released from damaged tissues, and some clotting cascade intermediates act as chemo-attractants for some WBCs (WBCs naturally selected to bind, cascade intermediates evolve)
OK, I get it - you are just adding "x must evolve" at every step because you think that these things are all solely relevant to clotting, and had to have evolved specifically for this.
Remember when I countered your claim about a knowledge of statistics should be a prerequisite for studying biology and phylogenetics with knowledge of biology and phylogenetics was actually required? Same applies here.
As it is with all creationists, even those operating under the pretense of being logical and Socratic and just wanting to learn, when it comes down to a discussion, it is ALWAYS just an attempt to ignore/weasel out of damaging situations, usually by adding additional criteria.
Your technique is tiresome, disingenuous, and pathetic. You really need to study the subject before launching into a 'debate' armed with only an ability to misrepresent the opposition and continually add criteria to what you will accept as answers (never answering others' questions, also) - i.e., moving the goal posts (and in this case, by generally not understanding where these other things came form).
You could have read the
paper I linked to, but that would have taken away your just-so retorts.
The just-so story is vastly, exponentially enlarging, given the fact that the mutations in DNA needed to build a complicated new part (or up to 6 parts in the above, not including cellular motor parts to drive them except platelets as you wrote) quietly accumulate in duplicate genes, because by themselves each of the necessary mutations is neutral, neither beneficial nor harmful. Then, thousands to millions of years later, all are in place, while the species that needed clotting survives when it bleeds from natural causes or prey attack.
Speaking of just-so stories...Tell us all how many mutations you know are needed for these things and how you determined this. You seem to pretend to know all about how mutations work, how the beneficial ones only work if no harmful ones occur, etc. Explain it all to us, won't you?
The new part starts working, (clotting) natural selection chooses it, and the improved creature is off to the races.
Since this is a religiousforum, I feel it's okay to mention, respectfully, you have a spiritual block in place that makes you believe evolution is magic, all-powerful.
Oh my goodness, my feelings are so hurt by your meany condescension, I am wondering if I should bother continuing to engage with you!!!
But as you are without this spiritual block, please explain to us how Yahweh made thousands of organic molecules from silicates, and how He made a fully formed adult human male out of these silicates. With supporting documentation and experiential justification.
Take your time.