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A theory of creation from ancient texts


New Member
I have read all three major religions bibles, being the Old Testament or Tanakh (I read both), the New Testament and the Koran, after reading them all and various scripts based upon the teachings of older religions such as Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism and Paganism I have come up with a newer version of genesis to the revelations and Koran taking away the names of the Jews that god has taken for punishment and putting the creation into a more realistic version with today's knowledge of evolution.

In the beginning there was absolutely nothing, an infinite source of nothing, but this nothing was alive. The first five phases of the universe have no time, infinity or nothing or God or whatever else you wish to call this primordial force had no concept of time, no need to keep record of how long just the need to be, and to create something to live in, as it had taken some time of thinking from nothing to the complexities required to actually create.

The first phase was simply forming thoughts and to try and localise oneself to the phenomenon that being had become, so formalising some form of dialect that the self could interpret to alleviate the boredom of being alone this included much speaking or thinking to oneself. After a period of talking to oneself it became obvious that it needed to hold a conversation with someone else, so it first of all searched everywhere it could now travel within itself, finding no boundaries and no other entities it began to ponder the concept of creating another life force to talk to, making it equal to the primitive self it had created within itself. This primitive being had no form, it was a simple consciousness contained within the greater consciousness and could do nothing more than glide around in nothingness.

The second phase is the beginning of time potentially, but not for our creator, our creator was never going to be a slave to time, everything would happen eventually like our creator desired or it would not, these two states of being were desirable as free will was most important in the creation of other beings to spend eternity with. So our creator began to make paradoxes, these are barriers within infinity that have full access and restricted access to infinity, these were the first children of the creator and were replicas of the one it had made for itself to explore with.

A simple paradox is the immortal consciousness contained in every living being in the universe, this is the part of you that survives through every death and endures every birth in a new body, the body which encompasses the simple paradox is known simply as a complex paradox, as the creation of the first complex paradox was to pour many simple paradoxes into one un-living shell to create a simple atom or complex paradox. So a simple paradox requires a complex paradox body to gain freedom in the universe.

With children (in the Chaldean oracles I would refer these as the Kether or top of the pillar of mildness in the Kabala) roaming all over infinity it decided it was time to start training them to produce simple paradoxes and to eventually solidify their cores of immortal consciousness into complex paradoxes or powerful stars but these were always going to be more than the stars we see all over our galaxy, as these particular stars would produce the atoms or gases needed to formulate stars of every shape and description in their respective galaxies. As the first children became proficient in their skills they became lost, now wild clouds of gases were not needed for a structured universe our creator wished to live in, so it started to train the children to hold the gases in disks rotating about the centre, and forming the super massive black holes we now know exist at the heart of every galaxy.

The third phase was now to create new complex paradoxes in the gases swirling around the galactic stars, or shall we call these the gods, no we shall call them Galaxies, as there are trillions of gods in the universe but only one true creator or primordial force. So our creator started to talk to the gases much like it talked to the Galaxies in their simple paradox forms and gave birth to millions of new consciousnesses within each of the Galaxies area of influence, all the time the Galaxies were observing and learning. As the consciousnesses came into being they were taught how to pull together the gases around them to form a complex body for them to then roam the galaxy in. These in Chaldean oracles are known as Unzoned gods and are the living stars we see all over the universe.

The fourth phase was to then teach the Unzoned gods how to push together the atoms making the gas clouds all around them to start making asteroids, and then again our Creator spoke to the clouds (with all the created watching and learning) forming around our Unzoned gods and gave simple paradox life to few of the atoms around our Unzoned gods, these beings were called Planetary beings and they were asked to gather the atoms and asteroids into various types of planet, some learned how to form like the stars, but were much weaker and formed gas giants while others collided all over the solar system making more solid planets like the earth.

The fifth phase was to then select one of the Planetary beings for upgrading or promotion to Planetary deity, to do this the Unzoned god would create masses of the atoms required to make water on some planets and then with the assistance of the Planetary being's and guidance of our Creator bring life to the pools of water on the surface beginning the very simple and basic steps of evolution from the goo pools of basic building blocks into the evolved structures we have all over our planet Earth, all life forms from the amoebic pools to Human beings are known simply as Human souls. When the life became free thinking on the Planetary being, the Planetary being would be promoted as a Planetary deity and the Unzoned god would become an Arch angel.

Every Human soul would be immortal, granted reincarnation throughout phase five, once the universe reaches phase six judgement will happen, and some of the bad souls will find the life they take next will be a long lasting punishment, which could last forever if they don't change their ways.

The Arch angels would be taught how to bring to life the amoebic pools and then how to teach them and guide them through the complexities of evolution, changing from one state into another state by concentrative selection. To evolve the first state needed a stimulus to change into or reach, to achieve its goal, how they would reach this new state was left to them and they would alter their own state in order to achieve the new state required, or simply put they would evolve by an apparent random selection.

After these five phases of creation our Creator gave up its supreme position over the universe and entered as a simple life form living on any of the Arch angels planets all over the universe, however the philosophy of religion for the Earth is that our Creator has lived on the Earth for some time, all religions used to say God was a man doing good deeds on the Earth up to around the eighteenth century and with no direction coming from a higher deity, our churches all turned to God being in Heaven and ruling over us from there, this is not true I know categorically, all bibles point to the whore of Babylon and her lovers to be ruling the heavens and God being a mortal trying to put an end to their tyranny, so the churches are not preaching the bible to people, hence they have reading guides to take you through the bible instead of reading it for yourself as a book.

Religions pre dating the Jewish religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam pointed to there being two judgements, while the religions since the Arch angel worshipping of ancient Pagans and Gnostics all pointed to there being only one judgement. Taking that into consideration it would seem that the Jewish prophets could only see as far as the first judgement and then they all died while the ancient religions Christianity has destroyed managed to see two judgements.

So with two judgements it is safe to assume those who control the Earth in their hidden cults are going to be judged like the rest of us, they however will be judged harshly as their role was to serve and protect to love the stranger as taken from all religions of the Earth. I believe all occult forces have been working together as a main goal to usurp the power of our Creator if he is amongst us, and use it to enslave the Earth under the unjust rules of Capitalism, which all countries partake of on the Earth, no country has thrown away their use of money so no country is anything other than a 'form' of Capitalism.

Phase six of the universe finds our Creator as a simple Human soul somewhere in the universe, it is teaching the higher entities how to relocate their consciousnesses into a Human soul so they can represent their people on a more personal level than trying to discern the language of a star. Once the 'celestial beings', consisting of the Galaxies, Unzoned gods and Arch angels are taught to be in both states at the same time of Human soul and Arch angel or Galaxy or Unzoned god judgement will take place clearing the worlds of tyrants and leaving untouched all innocent souls. You did not need to believe in any deity and if you did choose a deity your deity should be the Arch angel who built your planet and helped you evolve into the stewards of the system you live in, i.e. all Human souls who reach the level where they use tools and start to make reasons for everything existing, become the stewards of the planet and it is their duty to look after all life on the planet and promote their Arch angel if they follow any religion.

I believe we are on the precipice of phase six, we are about to meet our maker if the religions of the Earth have any truth in them, our Arch angel is about to be born amongst us if it hasn't already done so. It will be a common human soul with the integrity of the soul increased so it is harder to die, it will also be very intelligent and wise in all matters it takes to heart, it will be a fast learner and quick study capable of researching on its own merits without the need for any teachers, it will absorb all religions taking the best and most complimenting aspects of each to form a global unified theory it would be a special being yet at the same time it must comply with the everything is made equal part of the philosophy.

Phase seven is the final phase, this is where the universe is at peace, all evil entities have been taken to planets flooded to block out the sun as their immortal prisons, they will be left outside of the universe for an eternity and then they will be reintroduced and given a second chance to join in with the rest of the universe. In this phase our creator will be trying to link all galaxies together with (I suppose I should use star gates as that concept is already realised in our entertainment culture) something akin to star gates shortening the travel between galaxies to moments instead of years, travel within galaxies once the link to the Galaxy is attained would make travel through the stars something of minutes or hours not years.

These are my thoughts on religion added to the core of ancient religions which coincided with our modern religions in any way, I have theorised on how everything really began and how the universe is still in its early stages of evolution.


New Member
Why make things so unnecessarily complex? You posit an extensive argument from ignorance that also flies in the face of parsimony.
All i said was all current forms of government are capitalistic in origin, i don't see how this makes me fly from parsimony, do you know parsimony means the careful collection of wealth or stinginess, i fail to see how this is collecting wealth or stingy can you please be more clear on what you mean?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
All i said was all current forms of government are capitalistic in origin, i don't see how this makes me fly from parsimony, do you know parsimony means the careful collection of wealth or stinginess, i fail to see how this is collecting wealth or stingy can you please be more clear on what you mean?
^ Is this a sentence?


New Member
^ Is this a sentence?

I was otherwise engaged earlier when i posted that, sorry i missed a few punctuations.

All i said was all current forms of government are capitalistic in origin. I don't see how this makes me fly from parsimony, do you know parsimony means the careful collection of wealth or stinginess? I fail to see how this is collecting wealth or stingy, can you please be more clear on what you mean?

I hope that makes it a little clearer for you.


All i said was all current forms of government are capitalistic in origin, i don't see how this makes me fly from parsimony, do you know parsimony means the careful collection of wealth or stinginess, i fail to see how this is collecting wealth or stingy can you please be more clear on what you mean?
If that's all that you said what with your seven phases and entities and all, then you truly have no idea of what parsimony (of brevity) is.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
All i said was all current forms of government are capitalistic in origin, i don't see how this makes me fly from parsimony, do you know parsimony means the careful collection of wealth or stinginess, i fail to see how this is collecting wealth or stingy can you please be more clear on what you mean?

What I meant was:

Is ... this ... a ... sentence.
If and of these words are unclear, I'll do my best to explain them.


Active Member
the body which encompasses the simple paradox is known simply as a complex paradox, as the creation of the first complex paradox was to pour many simple paradoxes into one un-living shell to create a simple atom or complex paradox. So a simple paradox requires a complex paradox body to gain freedom in the universe.

I disagree. I think the anti-nothingess of the hyperverse flux, conglomerated the negative-paradox of meta-existence, such that it infused the abstraction of imaginary Phase-6i of the universe. Because you see, the amount of phases the universe contains actually holds an imaginary value. Hence Phase-6i of the universe.


I find i
I have read all three major religions bibles, being the Old Testament or Tanakh (I read both), the New Testament and the Koran, after reading them all and various scripts based upon the teachings of older religions such as Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism and Paganism I have come up with a newer version of genesis to the revelations and Koran taking away the names of the Jews that god has taken for punishment and putting the creation into a more realistic version with today's knowledge of evolution.

In the beginning there was absolutely nothing, an infinite source of nothing, but this nothing was alive. The first five phases of the universe have no time, infinity or nothing or God or whatever else you wish to call this primordial force had no concept of time, no need to keep record of how long just the need to be, and to create something to live in, as it had taken some time of thinking from nothing to the complexities required to actually create.

The first phase was simply forming thoughts and to try and localise oneself to the phenomenon that being had become, so formalising some form of dialect that the self could interpret to alleviate the boredom of being alone this included much speaking or thinking to oneself. After a period of talking to oneself it became obvious that it needed to hold a conversation with someone else, so it first of all searched everywhere it could now travel within itself, finding no boundaries and no other entities it began to ponder the concept of creating another life force to talk to, making it equal to the primitive self it had created within itself. This primitive being had no form, it was a simple consciousness contained within the greater consciousness and could do nothing more than glide around in nothingness.

The second phase is the beginning of time potentially, but not for our creator, our creator was never going to be a slave to time, everything would happen eventually like our creator desired or it would not, these two states of being were desirable as free will was most important in the creation of other beings to spend eternity with. So our creator began to make paradoxes, these are barriers within infinity that have full access and restricted access to infinity, these were the first children of the creator and were replicas of the one it had made for itself to explore with.

A simple paradox is the immortal consciousness contained in every living being in the universe, this is the part of you that survives through every death and endures every birth in a new body, the body which encompasses the simple paradox is known simply as a complex paradox, as the creation of the first complex paradox was to pour many simple paradoxes into one un-living shell to create a simple atom or complex paradox. So a simple paradox requires a complex paradox body to gain freedom in the universe.

With children (in the Chaldean oracles I would refer these as the Kether or top of the pillar of mildness in the Kabala) roaming all over infinity it decided it was time to start training them to produce simple paradoxes and to eventually solidify their cores of immortal consciousness into complex paradoxes or powerful stars but these were always going to be more than the stars we see all over our galaxy, as these particular stars would produce the atoms or gases needed to formulate stars of every shape and description in their respective galaxies. As the first children became proficient in their skills they became lost, now wild clouds of gases were not needed for a structured universe our creator wished to live in, so it started to train the children to hold the gases in disks rotating about the centre, and forming the super massive black holes we now know exist at the heart of every galaxy.

The third phase was now to create new complex paradoxes in the gases swirling around the galactic stars, or shall we call these the gods, no we shall call them Galaxies, as there are trillions of gods in the universe but only one true creator or primordial force. So our creator started to talk to the gases much like it talked to the Galaxies in their simple paradox forms and gave birth to millions of new consciousnesses within each of the Galaxies area of influence, all the time the Galaxies were observing and learning. As the consciousnesses came into being they were taught how to pull together the gases around them to form a complex body for them to then roam the galaxy in. These in Chaldean oracles are known as Unzoned gods and are the living stars we see all over the universe.

The fourth phase was to then teach the Unzoned gods how to push together the atoms making the gas clouds all around them to start making asteroids, and then again our Creator spoke to the clouds (with all the created watching and learning) forming around our Unzoned gods and gave simple paradox life to few of the atoms around our Unzoned gods, these beings were called Planetary beings and they were asked to gather the atoms and asteroids into various types of planet, some learned how to form like the stars, but were much weaker and formed gas giants while others collided all over the solar system making more solid planets like the earth.

The fifth phase was to then select one of the Planetary beings for upgrading or promotion to Planetary deity, to do this the Unzoned god would create masses of the atoms required to make water on some planets and then with the assistance of the Planetary being's and guidance of our Creator bring life to the pools of water on the surface beginning the very simple and basic steps of evolution from the goo pools of basic building blocks into the evolved structures we have all over our planet Earth, all life forms from the amoebic pools to Human beings are known simply as Human souls. When the life became free thinking on the Planetary being, the Planetary being would be promoted as a Planetary deity and the Unzoned god would become an Arch angel.

Every Human soul would be immortal, granted reincarnation throughout phase five, once the universe reaches phase six judgement will happen, and some of the bad souls will find the life they take next will be a long lasting punishment, which could last forever if they don't change their ways.

The Arch angels would be taught how to bring to life the amoebic pools and then how to teach them and guide them through the complexities of evolution, changing from one state into another state by concentrative selection. To evolve the first state needed a stimulus to change into or reach, to achieve its goal, how they would reach this new state was left to them and they would alter their own state in order to achieve the new state required, or simply put they would evolve by an apparent random selection.

After these five phases of creation our Creator gave up its supreme position over the universe and entered as a simple life form living on any of the Arch angels planets all over the universe, however the philosophy of religion for the Earth is that our Creator has lived on the Earth for some time, all religions used to say God was a man doing good deeds on the Earth up to around the eighteenth century and with no direction coming from a higher deity, our churches all turned to God being in Heaven and ruling over us from there, this is not true I know categorically, all bibles point to the whore of Babylon and her lovers to be ruling the heavens and God being a mortal trying to put an end to their tyranny, so the churches are not preaching the bible to people, hence they have reading guides to take you through the bible instead of reading it for yourself as a book.

Religions pre dating the Jewish religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam pointed to there being two judgements, while the religions since the Arch angel worshipping of ancient Pagans and Gnostics all pointed to there being only one judgement. Taking that into consideration it would seem that the Jewish prophets could only see as far as the first judgement and then they all died while the ancient religions Christianity has destroyed managed to see two judgements.

So with two judgements it is safe to assume those who control the Earth in their hidden cults are going to be judged like the rest of us, they however will be judged harshly as their role was to serve and protect to love the stranger as taken from all religions of the Earth. I believe all occult forces have been working together as a main goal to usurp the power of our Creator if he is amongst us, and use it to enslave the Earth under the unjust rules of Capitalism, which all countries partake of on the Earth, no country has thrown away their use of money so no country is anything other than a 'form' of Capitalism.

Phase six of the universe finds our Creator as a simple Human soul somewhere in the universe, it is teaching the higher entities how to relocate their consciousnesses into a Human soul so they can represent their people on a more personal level than trying to discern the language of a star. Once the 'celestial beings', consisting of the Galaxies, Unzoned gods and Arch angels are taught to be in both states at the same time of Human soul and Arch angel or Galaxy or Unzoned god judgement will take place clearing the worlds of tyrants and leaving untouched all innocent souls. You did not need to believe in any deity and if you did choose a deity your deity should be the Arch angel who built your planet and helped you evolve into the stewards of the system you live in, i.e. all Human souls who reach the level where they use tools and start to make reasons for everything existing, become the stewards of the planet and it is their duty to look after all life on the planet and promote their Arch angel if they follow any religion.

I believe we are on the precipice of phase six, we are about to meet our maker if the religions of the Earth have any truth in them, our Arch angel is about to be born amongst us if it hasn't already done so. It will be a common human soul with the integrity of the soul increased so it is harder to die, it will also be very intelligent and wise in all matters it takes to heart, it will be a fast learner and quick study capable of researching on its own merits without the need for any teachers, it will absorb all religions taking the best and most complimenting aspects of each to form a global unified theory it would be a special being yet at the same time it must comply with the everything is made equal part of the philosophy.

Phase seven is the final phase, this is where the universe is at peace, all evil entities have been taken to planets flooded to block out the sun as their immortal prisons, they will be left outside of the universe for an eternity and then they will be reintroduced and given a second chance to join in with the rest of the universe. In this phase our creator will be trying to link all galaxies together with (I suppose I should use star gates as that concept is already realised in our entertainment culture) something akin to star gates shortening the travel between galaxies to moments instead of years, travel within galaxies once the link to the Galaxy is attained would make travel through the stars something of minutes or hours not years.

These are my thoughts on religion added to the core of ancient religions which coincided with our modern religions in any way, I have theorised on how everything really began and how the universe is still in its early stages of evolution.
I find it odd that some people would rather look to fictional books written thousands of years ago when they could pick up something more recent....like Darwin.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I find i

I find it odd that some people would rather look to fictional books written thousands of years ago when they could pick up something more recent....like Darwin.

To be fair, Darwin's own work is mostly just significant from an historical perspective. He got plenty of things wrong.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
I find i

I find it odd that some people would rather look to fictional books written thousands of years ago when they could pick up something more recent....like Darwin.

evolutionists are increasingly turning from Darwinism to 'punctuated equilibrium'

The realization that life appeared in sudden distinct stages, not in steady increments and smooth transitions..


To be fair, Darwin's own work is mostly just significant from an historical perspective. He got plenty of things wrong.
That was just my tongue in cheek way of saying there are more accurate & recent studies. I find no fault with people that study and follow the bible...just don't try to convince science and reasonable people that it is fact. I know of religious people that admit that it is merely an allegory, not fact.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That was just my tongue in cheek way of saying there are more accurate & recent studies. I find no fault with people that study and follow the bible...just don't try to convince science and reasonable people that it is fact. I know of religious people that admit that it is merely an allegory, not fact.

Well, it's not "merely" anything, allegory or otherwise. I don't really take anything in Lore literally, but neither are they "just" metaphors. (They're not really allegories, either, at least anymore; allegory has one-to-one symbolism that is dependent on authorial intent.)


Veteran Member
evolutionists are increasingly turning from Darwinism to 'punctuated equilibrium'

The realization that life appeared in sudden distinct stages, not in steady increments and smooth transitions..
Have you any evidence for that statement, many like Dawkins are very dubious of it.