A sentient Being from nothing is just as absurd if you apply Human Logic. the issue is, we lack the probable understanding to comprehend either. however, if a Sentient being can come from nothing why not a universe? was there ever truly nothing? does anything need a beginning? I make my stance based on my logic and rationale. but it does not make the assumption any less strange. but most assume time as a line. or a ball of twine. I see time as something else. time. Eternity. to me is a Ring. it has no end or start. it loops back around and changes with flow.
so whether its nothing into everything or everything has always been for nothing. it all holds some logic some rationale even if outside our sight. its the fun of trying to figure it out that makes Life worth living.
God: “You’ve been unhappy because you’ve desired things that cannot be.”
Lucifer: “That’s what desire is. The need for what we can’t have. The need for what is readily available is called greed.”
And the Knowledge of some things we cant have. cant understand. but I shall try and learn it anyway. and if I must pay an eye to do so, il make myself an eyepatch.
Was there ever truly nothing?
Its a possibility Proof that the Universe Could have Come from Nothing?
A sentient being didn't arise from nothing, it is the result of 4 billion years of evolution.