One is based on logic, reason, observation, and testable data. The other is based on myth and metaphysical speculation. I'd much rather accept something that I can see and feel, over something that I cannot.
Religion is not the opposition of logic, reason or observation.
This is a misconception that is thrown around a lot, as if saying religion is unreasonable will make it true. Unfortunately that is not how the world works.
I'll concede it is not testable per se, But I suppose the hundreds of thousands of accounts of spiritual experience and millions of believers can be roughly thrown into that category if one chooses to see it that way.
You do realize that people can see, feel and experience God?
Again, Just because you don't believe or don't want to believe it does not make you right.
Chemistry and biology make much more sense than creationism, even when the specifics of an idea in chemistry and biology can't immediately be known.
I didn't realize chemistry and biology were against religion?
I believe in the validity of chemistry and biology and I'm still a Christain.
Fancy that.
Both cannot be true. Either the world was created by a deity in six days, according to it's own laws and powers, or it was evolved over millions of years, based on it's laws. These two are irreconcilable. Which is why I pointed out what I did in the OP; either man was created by a deity out of the dirt of the ground, in which we'd see ourselves made up more of silicon, or abiogenesis is correct, in which we'd see ourselves made up more of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Creationism is based on a book of religion, abiogenesis is based on chemistry. One is observable and testable, the other isn't. Chemistry isn't based on belief and opinion; creationism is.
Okay firstly, I quoted the actual scripture that has only one translation that says soil, The rest say
dust of the ground. That is not necessarily dirt and is not necessarily the only component.
You're just running with your dirt theory.
Secondly, Science and religion are not enemies.
Creation is not a theory to most believers, It's fact.
Yes we have belief, But that does not diminish it's reality.
Just as you believe in abiogenesis, I believe in God.
Both can be proven true or false to the individual.
And herein lies the fundamental difference. Either creationism is true, or what science tells us about abiogenesis is true. It cannot be both. I asked a simple question in the OP, and have yet to receive an actual answer, only avoidance and questions about why I'm asking in the first place. And this is the mentality and tactic of those who accept creationism. If one cannot answer the question, fine, but don't judge me for asking, or expect me to believe something when I have unanswered questions about the topic.
Just because you don't like the answer, Doesn't mean it's not a valid answer.
It all comes full circle, Any question or issue or whatever you have with religion, Will eventually come down to 'God did it'.
The Bible is not a detailed account of every action or thought or moment in time.
It has plenty of wiggle room.
I'm not judging you.
You asked, You got answers.
It's not anyone's fault that you just don't like/can't understand/refuse to acknowledge the answers you're given.