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Abiogenesis discoveries and research


Premium Member
As far as I am concerned your statement does not make sense because you're not citing reports and facts . You're only saying that you agree with what scientists say.
The references contain specific facts in the references that are used in research for abiogenesis.

As usual, your rejection is based on a lack of knowledge of science and a personal agenda.

No specific objections were provided based on the facts provided.

More to follow.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
As far as I am concerned your statement does not make sense because you're not citing reports and facts . You're only saying that you agree with what scientists say.
You want references from me rather than looking for yourself. Ok - here's one:

Genomic Signature in Evolutionary Biology: A Review​

Simple Summary​

In a broad sense, genomic signature refers to characteristics associated to DNA sequences. Many studies analyze genotype–phenotype patterns in a group of genes, thus targeting genomic signatures associated to a given disease or identifying a gene expression profile. However, some studies in comparative genomics and evolutionary biology refer to genomic signature as the statistical properties of DNA sequences, such as the distribution of k-words. In these fields of study, genomic signatures are species-specific and can be informative about phylogenetic relationships. In this review, we identify the main genomic signatures in a large collection of articles by performing a bibliometric analysis and then rename each signature according to its conceptual meaning. Among the different signatures, we use the term organismal signature to denote the DNA patterns able to infer evolutionary relationships and go on to review its formulation and applications in the second part of the article.

Here's another https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jeb.14158

Evolutionary coexistence in a fluctuating environment by specialization on resource level​


Microbial communities in fluctuating environments, such as oceans or the human gut, contain a wealth of diversity. This diversity contributes to the stability of communities and the functions they have in their hosts and ecosystems. To improve stability and increase production of beneficial compounds, we need to understand the underlying mechanisms causing this diversity. When nutrient levels fluctuate over time, one possibly relevant mechanism is coexistence between specialists on low and specialists on high nutrient levels. The relevance of this process is supported by the observations of coexistence in the laboratory, and by simple models, which show that negative frequency dependence of two such specialists can stabilize coexistence. However, as microbial populations are often large and fast growing, they evolve rapidly. Our aim is to determine what happens when species can evolve; whether evolutionary branching can create diversity or whether evolution will destabilize coexistence. We derive an analytical expression of the invasion fitness in fluctuating environments and use adaptive dynamics techniques to find that evolutionarily stable coexistence requires a special type of trade-off between growth at low and high nutrients. We do not find support for the necessary evolutionary trade-off in data available for the bacterium Escherichia coli and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on glucose. However, this type of data is scarce and might exist for other species or in different conditions. Moreover, we do find evidence for evolutionarily stable coexistence of the two species together. Since we find this coexistence in the scarce data that are available, we predict that specialization on resource level is a relevant mechanism for species diversity in microbial communities in fluctuating environments in natural settings.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Or if you don't want to read the actual research papers, there's a slew of journalism reports such as

Tiny Unique Sea Creatures Reveal the Ancient Origins of Neurons

Approximately 800 million years ago, our brain cell components began to take shape in shallow seas.​

Research published in the journal Cell offers new insights into the evolution of neurons, focusing on the placozoans, a millimeter-sized marine animal. Scientists from the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona discovered that the specialized secretory cells in these ancient and unique animals may have given rise to neurons in more complex animals.


Premium Member
Or if you don't want to read the actual research papers, there's a slew of journalism reports such as

This thread is for both my references and others that offer references. Somr you offer relate more to evolution, but they are good references.

Thank you for your contributions!


Veteran Member
As far as I am concerned your statement does not make sense because you're not citing reports and facts . You're only saying that you agree with what scientists say.
And why don’t you recognize the expertise of scientists? You are hostile to what the science reports for no rational reason. You have the same access to knowledge as anyone else but you refuse to acknowledge that it is valid.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You want references from me rather than looking for yourself. Ok - here's one:

Genomic Signature in Evolutionary Biology: A Review​

Simple Summary​

In a broad sense, genomic signature refers to characteristics associated to DNA sequences. Many studies analyze genotype–phenotype patterns in a group of genes, thus targeting genomic signatures associated to a given disease or identifying a gene expression profile. However, some studies in comparative genomics and evolutionary biology refer to genomic signature as the statistical properties of DNA sequences, such as the distribution of k-words. In these fields of study, genomic signatures are species-specific and can be informative about phylogenetic relationships. In this review, we identify the main genomic signatures in a large collection of articles by performing a bibliometric analysis and then rename each signature according to its conceptual meaning. Among the different signatures, we use the term organismal signature to denote the DNA patterns able to infer evolutionary relationships and go on to review its formulation and applications in the second part of the article.

Here's another https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jeb.14158

Evolutionary coexistence in a fluctuating environment by specialization on resource level​


Microbial communities in fluctuating environments, such as oceans or the human gut, contain a wealth of diversity. This diversity contributes to the stability of communities and the functions they have in their hosts and ecosystems. To improve stability and increase production of beneficial compounds, we need to understand the underlying mechanisms causing this diversity. When nutrient levels fluctuate over time, one possibly relevant mechanism is coexistence between specialists on low and specialists on high nutrient levels. The relevance of this process is supported by the observations of coexistence in the laboratory, and by simple models, which show that negative frequency dependence of two such specialists can stabilize coexistence. However, as microbial populations are often large and fast growing, they evolve rapidly. Our aim is to determine what happens when species can evolve; whether evolutionary branching can create diversity or whether evolution will destabilize coexistence. We derive an analytical expression of the invasion fitness in fluctuating environments and use adaptive dynamics techniques to find that evolutionarily stable coexistence requires a special type of trade-off between growth at low and high nutrients. We do not find support for the necessary evolutionary trade-off in data available for the bacterium Escherichia coli and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on glucose. However, this type of data is scarce and might exist for other species or in different conditions. Moreover, we do find evidence for evolutionarily stable coexistence of the two species together. Since we find this coexistence in the scarce data that are available, we predict that specialization on resource level is a relevant mechanism for species diversity in microbial communities in fluctuating environments in natural settings.
Thank you. But let's get this straight. I find no evidence that bacteria become anything other than bacteria or that gorillas become anything but gorillas. No matter what conjectures are put forth.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That evidence is there. You have been presented with pieces of it. If you truly want to know more, take a course such as the ones offered here 60+ Free Online Courses on Evolutionary Science But to even begin to learn that answer you need to learn how science works. How science works - Understanding Science is a place to start.

Scientists think that they should seek to understand how the world works and that science is the tool to accomplish that goal. Scientists think that knowledge is better than ignorance. Scientists know that the tools we use today such as cellphones and computers are the products of science. Don't like science? Then throw away all the products of science and that's everything today and go live in the tall grass with a spear and an animal hide loincloth.
I'd have to be able to ask questions.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Thank you. But let's get this straight. I find no evidence that bacteria become anything other than bacteria or that gorillas become anything but gorillas. No matter what conjectures are put forth.
You refuse to look at the evidence I provided. That tells me you are uninterested in learning but prefer to just ignore the evidence provided you. Just don't ask us to provide something you won't carefully look at.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You refuse to look at the evidence I provided. That tells me you are uninterested in learning but prefer to just ignore the evidence provided you. Just don't ask us to provide something you won't carefully look at.
There is no longer really anything to LEARN. I looked at it. It is basically conjecture. This is not to say that breeding horses with short legs with other horses with short legs does not produce more horse swith short legs and continually so as the breeding process goes, but horses are still horses. They're not lions. It's all conjecture with things like the "Miocene" era, etc. as if anyone knows what really happened. Nonsense. Even though it makes sense to you, it no longer does to me. I BELIEVED all of this until I realized that it's all...conjecture...with no real evidence except in the imagination and contrivance of men. No substance beyond conjecture as to what is. And no basis in FACTUAL real matter. The excuses are generally the same. No time -- long time ago -- genes changed ever so slightly it took a long, long time to evolve from one form like a dinosaur to birds, we found feathery imprints on dinosaur fossils so they say this proves (oh no not proves but -- strongly suggests that dinosaurs evolved over a long, long time to birds that fly.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Thank you. But let's get this straight. I find no evidence that bacteria become anything other than bacteria or that gorillas become anything but gorillas. No matter what conjectures are put forth.
I need to remind you that you do not even understand the concept of evidence. You have run away from countless offers to help you to understand this concept. That makes your claims about "conjecture" more than just a falsehood. It is actually a lie on your part.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I'm not sure what you mean.
I have often used the Miller Urey experiment as a litmus test for creationists to see if they can be honest. It is clear evidence for abiogenesis. It does not "prove" abiogenesis, but the concept technically has not even been completely explained in the present primary literature. There are still unanswered problems. What I like about it is that the experiment, demonstrated that it is possible for amino acids to form abiotically, without life. It used to be claimed by some that abiogenesis was impossible because this first step was impossible. This experiment refuted that claim. Once again by no means is it "proof" of abiogenesis, but it is clear evidence for it. And that is why I used it as a test. If someone cannot be honest enough to own up the weakest evidence existing there is absolutely no way that they will own up to much more conclusive evidence existing.

He thinks that since it is such weak evidence why even bother with it. And I bother with it because it is weak evidence.


Premium Member
I'm not sure what you mean.
What this thread and others like represent will likely be posting new research and exchange among those who are interested in abiogenesis.

The fundamentalist Christians just end up with background noise and can rattling in this thread and others in serious science. For those like @YoursTrue the posts are not read nor considered serious in terms of science, because of their apriori rejection of science.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
In a thread on Noah's Arc the inability to respond coherently to the impossibility of the flood and the construction of the Arc it was decided to change the topic to Abiogenesis loaded with all the blue smoke and mirrors and 'arguing from ignorance' posts. Like all science, there are unanswered questions concerning abiogenesis, but this does not negate the advances in research and discoveries concerning abiogenesis.

The purpose of this thread is to address the actual real research and discoveries concerning the sciences of abiogenesis.

The first research article concerning research on the origin of life at mid-ocean vents. It is worthy of note that the first life known has been found in rocks related to mid-ocean vents.

NASA Study Reproduces Origins of Life on Ocean Floor​

Feb. 25, 2019

An image of Saturn's moon Enceladus backlit by the Sun, taken by the Cassini mission. The false color tail shows jets of icy particles and water that spray into space from an ocean that lies deep below the moon's icy surface. Future missions could search for the ingredients for life in an ocean on an icy moon like Enceladus.› Full image and caption
Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

A team of scientists has re-created some of the first steps of life in the lab, testing whether life could emerge on other ocean worlds.
Updated Feb. 26, 4:30 p.m. PST: Text was added to the 10th paragraph, noting study co-author Michael Russell.
Scientists have reproduced in the lab how the ingredients for life could have formed deep in the ocean 4 billion years ago. The results of the new study offer clues to how life started on Earth and where else in the cosmos we might find it.
Astrobiologist Laurie Barge and her team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, are working to recognize life on other planets by studying the origins of life here on Earth. Their research focuses on how the building blocks of life form in hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor.
To re-create hydrothermal vents in the lab, the team made their own miniature seafloors by filling beakers with mixtures that mimic Earth's primordial ocean. These lab-based oceans act as nurseries for amino acids, organic compounds that are essential for life as we know it. Like Lego blocks, amino acids build on one another to form proteins, which make up all living things.

Hydrothermal vents are places in the seafloor where warm water from under the Earth's crust mixes with near-freezing seawater. These vents form natural chimneys, which play host to all kinds of ocean life. Image Credit: MARUM/University of Bremen/NOAA-Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
"Understanding how far you can go with just organics and minerals before you have an actual cell is really important for understanding what types of environments life could emerge from," said Barge, the lead investigator and the first author on the new study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Also, investigating how things like the atmosphere, the ocean and the minerals in the vents all impact this can help you understand how likely this is to have occurred on another planet."
Found around cracks in the seafloor, hydrothermal vents are places where natural chimneys form, releasing fluid heated below Earth's crust. When these chimneys interact with the seawater around them, they create an environment that is in constant flux, which is necessary for life to evolve and change. This dark, warm environment fed by chemical energy from Earth may be the key to how life could form on worlds farther out in our solar system, far from the heat of the Sun.
"If we have these hydrothermal vents here on Earth, possibly similar reactions could occur on other planets," said JPL's Erika Flores, co-author of the new study.
Barge and Flores used ingredients commonly found in early Earth's ocean in their experiments. They combined water, minerals and the "precursor" molecules pyruvate and ammonia, which are needed to start the formation of amino acids. They tested their hypothesis by heating the solution to 158 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) - the same temperature found near a hydrothermal vent - and adjusting the pH to mimic the alkaline environment. They also removed the oxygen from the mixture because, unlike today, early Earth had very little oxygen in its ocean. The team additionally used the mineral iron hydroxide, or "green rust," which was abundant on early Earth.
The green rust reacted with small amounts of oxygen that the team injected into the solution, producing the amino acid alanine and the alpha hydroxy acid lactate. Alpha hydroxy acids are byproducts of amino acid reactions, but some scientists theorize they too could combine to form more complex organic molecules that could lead to life.
"We've shown that in geological conditions similar to early Earth, and maybe to other planets, we can form amino acids and alpha hydroxy acids from a simple reaction under mild conditions that would have existed on the seafloor," said Barge.
Barge's creation of amino acids and alpha hydroxy acids in the lab is the culmination of nine years of research into the origins of life. Past studies, which built on the foundational work of co-author and JPL chemist Michael Russell, looked at whether the right ingredients for life are found in hydrothermal vents, and how much energy those vents can generate (enough to power a light bulb). But this new study is the first time her team has watched an environment very similar to a hydrothermal vent drive an organic reaction. Barge and her team will continue to study these reactions in anticipation of finding more ingredients for life and creating more complex molecules. Step by step, she's slowly inching her way up the chain of life.
This line of research is important as scientists study worlds in our solar system and beyond that may host habitable environments. Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus, for example, could have hydrothermal vents in oceans beneath their icy crusts. Understanding how life could start in an ocean without sunlight would assist scientists in designing future exploration missions, as well as experiments that could dig under the ice to search for evidence of amino acids or other biological molecules.
Future Mars missions could return samples from the Red Planet's rusty surface, which may reveal evidence of amino acids formed by iron minerals and ancient water. Exoplanets - worlds beyond our reach but still within the realm of our telescopes - may have signatures of life in their atmospheres that could be revealed in the future.
"We don't have concrete evidence of life elsewhere yet," said Barge. "But understanding the conditions that are required for life's origin can help narrow down the places that we think life could exist."
This research was supported by the NASA Astrobiology Institute's JPL Icy Worlds team.
For more information on astrobiology at NASA, please visit:
NASA Astrobiology
Putting link to an interesting article reviewing research on artificial cell division.
Summary:- It has been experimentally demonstrated that simple organic molecules can spontaneously form compartments that can spontaneously divide due to various types of physical and chemical forces. Hence the earliest protocells would not have needed an elaborate DNA/RNA machinery to do programmed cell division as they do now.
Figure below shows the sheer range of organic molecules where spontaneous compartmentalization and division has been observed.


Veteran Member
Thank you. But let's get this straight. I find no evidence that bacteria become anything other than bacteria or that gorillas become anything but gorillas. No matter what conjectures are put forth.
Shall I repeat for the billionth time that the sillyness of "...but they are still gorilla's!!!" is just a strawman drowning in willful ignorance?

What's the use, right?


Premium Member
I've looked at as much as possible and none of it shows in reality, not supposition, that bacteria became anything but bacteria or fish became landrovers. Guesswork aside.
The problem remains . . .
1) You have an ancient tribal religious agenda that rejects any possibility if evolution, abiogenesis or for that matter modern physics and cosmology from the beginning.
2) You have no knowledge of the science involved with evolution or abiogenesis. You misuse basic science vocabulary and selectively misrepresent scientific literature
3) you fail to respond to references as to what is scientific evidence.

In terms of the rules and ethics of Logic

The Appeal to the Stone Fallacy: When People Are Dismissive During Discussions​

Appeal to the Stone

The appeal to the stone is a logical fallacy that occurs when a person dismisses their opponent’s argument as absurd, without actually addressing it, or without providing sufficient evidence in order to prove its absurdity. For example, a person using the appeal to the stone in a debate might simply laugh off all of their opponent’s claims and calls them ridiculous, with no justification.

Sorry, left off the moss.
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