Not justified true belief due to following facts. Not knowledge. Faith, as you learned from other religious people, and unreliable.Yes I have faith that God exists.
This is completely untrue. We discuss gods because many humans have a tradition of belief that has been transfered down through generations. Theists can't defines or describe what this is, and there is no fact or observations that informs believers. Science is fairly new in comparison and has damaged what believers think is true for sevral centuries. This conflict continues with more fringe and fervent believers who rejecy science and exvertise, and oddly use technology to spread their disinformation.You have faith that if a God exists then science would be able to detect it even if the God is spirit and cannot be detected.
You seem to be confusing fantasy with problem solving capabilities. Both Darwin and Wallace observed natural selection in nature and they used they ability for abstract thinking and problem solving to form explanations for what they observed. Ancients did a similar thing in experiencing a flood or earthquake that caused damage and lacking adequate knowledge to explain why these things happened they used their abstract thinking to conjure gods in control of everything. They used the model of typical human life to create male gods who got angry with his children. Yahweh started out as part of a collection of gods and even had a wife. These gods were invented to answer qustions, but they were not factual answers.I see imagining the possibility of a God as part of rational thinking. It would be like being able to imagine the possibility of evolution as part of rational thinking about it.
You can always tell when a theist is feeling threatened, and they start telling non-believers what they believe. This quote is an example and inaccurate. This is usually an effort to make the skeptic seem similar to the believer to diminish the non-rational beliefs of the theist. This suggests there is consciousness of holding false ideas and bad conclusions. This is another example of the fear response mechanism.Your truth is that God does not exist and the Bible is not true, or you want more evidence for both. The evidence for God and the truth of the Bible is there for me to believe even if not you.
Why?No thanks, I'll stick with my faith in God.
Why don't skeptics "see" what you see? Are you special, or are you assigning too much significance to weak evidence?I believe the evidence I see.
Here you do it again, trying to attack science as a reliable means to understand what is true about reality, and inflating your flawed religious beliefs. Notice you say nothing here that advances your beliefs with facts and a coherent explanation, it is mostly just repeating belief as if to reinforce them to yourself.You need science to tell you what your beliefs should be even if it tells you things based on the naturalistic methodology presumption. It is all that science can do, it can only tell us about it's conclusions based on what it can see. It sees no God and so leaves God out of it. The presumption.
It's easy to see what is happening for me. For you there is no reason to say that the science is wrong at these junctures, and that the science might be claiming stuff based on the presumption.
You just swallow it hook, line and sinker when I am more cautious.
Science is a reliable method that explains what is true about the universe, and you seem hostile to that.
When you can't get science right because you have bias due to religious belief you have a problem.I can see what is happening in science and how it wants to describe what is true about nature.
I have a faith in God however and so ideas like gods are not obsolete to me even if they are to you.
More defensive, passive agressive comments. God concepts are irrelevant to science. There are no facts that suggest this set of ancient ideas are true.Science does not say that belief in God is wrong, even if you think it does. That is your belief, not that of science. But in a practical sense science does not consider God and so comes that a conclusion that someone who believes God does not exist would come to, someone like you.
It confirms your beliefs and feels like home to you I guess, even if it lacks all warmth and love and even if the reality is that it does not say that God does not exist.
Your assumptions distort any understanding you can have about how things are in the universe. You make no effort to think about how you came to believe in religious concepts. I asked who told you these ideas are true and you avoided them. What are you afraid of in pondering how social and cultural influence creates new believers, including you. I ask believers if they have special abilities to sense the evidence for God, no answer. Could it be you are aware that you did not make a deliberate and conscious decision that a God exists?My non expert opinions is that science does not work when it is trying to tell us stuff which contradicts what God has said.
That opinion does not matter to you, that is my opinion and is what matters to me.