This is not true and I think many embryologists would take issue with being told that they don't know anything about the developmental process.
I am not talking about the developmental process, I am talking about defining when life starts.
Yes its extremely complicated but this doesn't preclude us form being able to identify at which point a developing baby is sufficiently neurologically developed to be aware of itself.
At present I am not aware of any scientific way to find out when a baby becomes self aware.
I am not sure a newborn is self aware.
I am not sure if self awareness is the criteria that determines if abortion is ok.
I am not sure of a lot of things.
I also disagree that pregnant women are the best qualified people to make this judgement given that no qualifications or experience this field of science are needed to become pregnant.
The pregnant woman knows how and why she bacame pregnant.
Was she raped by her uncle? Was she just careless?
The pregnant woman is the one who has to live with the consequences of her decision for the rest of her life. Who would be better qualified to make the desition than her?
Its like saying that parents are the best people to decide what medical treatment a child needs by virtue of the child being their rather than them having any knowledge of modern medicine.
This is a silly statement.
Very few abortions are performed due to medical problems.
Most (as far as I know) abortions are performed because the pregnant woman does not want to have the child for some reason. It has nothing to do with science.
Again, what knowledge/abilities are needed to make the correct decision in all cases?
I feel that there needs to be a point at which the developing fetus is afforded legal protection so that it can't be terminated without good reason.
I think most countries have that.
In mine you can have an abortion if the child is less tha 12 weeks old.
If it is older there has to be a good medical reason for the abortion.