Again, you are ignorant of the legal concept of bodily autonomy. I provided the definition. Once you are physically autonomous, a.k.a. outside the womb in this context, the mother has the ability to give the baby up for adoption, give it to the father, give it to whoever, so that choice makes it separate from the concept of bodily autonomy. But, if the mother is forced to provide the use of ther body for the fetus to mature into a newborn baby, that is an infringement. It is the same reason why slavery is illegal. Unless a person has broken a law or entered into a contractual/employment situation, no one is aloud to force them to give up the use of their body against their will to another human being.
We all know that, after birth, children require a lot from their parents. But, this has nothing to do with the matter at hand, as they aren't direclty dependant on the body of the mother as they are while in the womb. I also agree, its not their fault, and it seems, in most cases to be unfair and thus immoral, but, nevertheless, it is still a violation of bodily autonomy that cannot be ignored, as you are attempting to do.
No, no. I'm not ignorant of the term. I just think it's hogwash. It's a mental fallacy people invent for themselves in order to justify morally depraved actions like killing babies.
This is my opinion. I'm not here saying this isn't a legal term or that it shouldn't be (it shouldn't, but I'm not arguing for legislation change or anything). I'm also not saying the bible's morality should be legislated or any such thing (even though other angry posters can't seem to realize I've left religion out of all of my posts here). Do I expect non-believers to live as believers? No. I know people are going to have abortions, whether they are legal or not, just like gay people are going to have sex and get married, whether it's legal or not.
I just think bodily autonomy is a crap argument,
for abortion. People think it's a smoking gun for abortion, but it's not. It's swiss cheese. You don't need to be a Christian to think that, there are non-Christians who are against abortion and probably against this concept as a whole. Gasp.
New borns
are directly dependent on someone's body, whether you want to attribute it to this fallacious mental construct or not. It's up to you to navigate the slippery slope, I'm just pointing out the holes. Put a new born in a field and leave it there. See what happens. Someone must feed the baby, someone must hold them, someone must care for them. That is someone's body, time, energy being spent to make sure the baby doesn't die or otherwise be damaged in it's development.
Consider this: one argues a new born in their mother's womb is a violation of bodily autonomy, even though it's natural order for it to exist there (where else does a fetus go?) So, in order for "that thing" to infringe on mother's rights, it must exist as something. If it was a TURD no one would care. If it was cancer no one would care. But because it IS A HUMAN BEING, it thus infringes.
The bodily autonomy argument doesn't even make sense; you have to attribute independent human identity onto the fetus (or project it), in order for it to infringe on the mother's bodily autonomy (because poop, pee, or other "natural" things with no identity don't infringe; those are perfectly normal natural order things no one cares about bothering them), yet cannot go so far as to consider it actual human life -- lest it gets too close to murder or other things that might make one feel morally repulsive.
I'm just asking you and others to consider this. Bodily autonomy is not a good argument for abortion; it borders on insanity and makes virtually no sense.