Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel; for it is the power of God unto life, to all who believe in it; whether first they are of the Jews, or whether they are of the Gentiles.
Rom 1:17 For in it is revealed the righteousness of God, from faith to faith; as it is written, The righteous by faith, shall live.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God from heaven is revealed against all the iniquity and wickedness of men, who hold the truth in iniquity.
Rom 1:19 Because a knowledge of God is manifest in them; for God hath manifested it in them.
Rom 1:20 For, from the foundations of the world, the occult things of God are seen, by the intellect, in the things he created, even his eternal power and divinity; so that they might be without excuse;
Rom 1:21 because they knew God, and did not glorify him and give thanks to him as God, but became vain in their imaginings, and their unwise heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 And, while they thought within themselves that they were wise, they became fools.
Rom 1:23 And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness to the image of a corruptible man, and into the likeness of birds and quadrupeds and reptiles on the earth.
Rom 1:24 For this cause, God gave them up to the filthy lusts of their heart, to dishonor their bodies with them.
Rom 1:25 And they changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the created things, much more than the Creator of them, to whom belong glory and blessing, for ever and ever: Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause, God gave them up to vile passions: for their females changed the use of their natures, and employed that which is unnatural.
Rom 1:27 And so also their males forsook the use of females, which is natural, and burned with lust toward one another; and, male with male, they did what is shameful, and received in themselves the just recompense of their error.
Rom 1:28 And as they did not determine with themselves to know God, God gave them over to a vain mind; that they might do what they ought not,