So--after looking up the word 'lithify' I see that the object turns to stone. More precisely, according to a dictionary definition, it means to transform (a sediment or other material) into stone: And these sediments are LITHIFIED to form shales, limestones, and sandstones. So stone (now I'm beginning to wonder what STONE is..) comes from something (whatever...) into stone, I GUESS it means a very hard substance. But technically I have no idea. Now the point is though about dating. So now let me ask about bones that may be found unaffected by lithification if that is possible, such as those found in the floor of a cave without having been absorbed, if that's possible. I mean I've read that bones have been found lying in a cave. I don't know how these bones are tested, if they are tested, because if I remember correctly, bones themselves without being absorbed by something else around them cannot be tested for dates. Am I correct about this? Just wondering -- but I don't want to put you or others to the test particularly because I see (1) it is very complicated (for me) and (2) some people, like Gould spend LIFETIMES examining these particulars which can change anyway as new findings and realizations are discovered.