Islam nowadays is understood as the specific religion of prophet Muhammad pbuh. The way Quran defines Islam, however, Noah, Abraham, all the prophets, and many of their followers were also Muslim. In this article we use Quran as the only source to approach a definition for Islam. Using the purified definition we then challenge the common misunderstandings such as "Islam as the religion of the followers of prophet Muhammad pbuh is the only acceptable religion", "A person has to convert to Islam to reach salvation", and etc.
SaLAM means peace. It is therefore the best word people could say to each other when they greet. A peace treaty after war is also called SaLM (8:61). MoSLeM is a person who accepts another power as superior and has nothing but peaceful intentions in mind when meeting it (27:31). Quran reuses the word MoSLeM to refer to a person who accepts the God as the ultimate authority and lives in such a way that after death meet the God in peace (3:102, 2:132, 7:126, 12:101, 26:89), as the God himself is the ultimate peace (Al-SaLAM) and the home of ultimate peace can be found nowhere but with him (6:127). Such lifestyle is called eSLAM and is the intended essence of religion (3:83, 39:11, 29:46) that is recommended to all mankind (46:15) and is applied by all prophets like Noah, Lot, Abraham, the prophets sent to Children of Israel, as well as Jesus's Disciples. The religion always gets abused and perverted as it is the case now and it was the case when the prophet Muhammad pbuh started his mission. He hence started by reminding the religious people, of eSLAM being the essence of religion (2:112, 3:20, 4:125, 2:132) that is common between all of them (29:46). The revived notion of religion was hence also named eSLAM (2:128) and the people who agreed with it were also called MoSLeMs (49:14, 49:17). In this sense a nominal MoSLeM (Muslim), which is a claimed follower of the prophet Muhammad pbuh, could be different from actual MoSLeMs, who could be from any other religion and yet have peace entered in their hearts (26:89).
1. Methodology
The full article can be found here:
SaLAM means peace. It is therefore the best word people could say to each other when they greet. A peace treaty after war is also called SaLM (8:61). MoSLeM is a person who accepts another power as superior and has nothing but peaceful intentions in mind when meeting it (27:31). Quran reuses the word MoSLeM to refer to a person who accepts the God as the ultimate authority and lives in such a way that after death meet the God in peace (3:102, 2:132, 7:126, 12:101, 26:89), as the God himself is the ultimate peace (Al-SaLAM) and the home of ultimate peace can be found nowhere but with him (6:127). Such lifestyle is called eSLAM and is the intended essence of religion (3:83, 39:11, 29:46) that is recommended to all mankind (46:15) and is applied by all prophets like Noah, Lot, Abraham, the prophets sent to Children of Israel, as well as Jesus's Disciples. The religion always gets abused and perverted as it is the case now and it was the case when the prophet Muhammad pbuh started his mission. He hence started by reminding the religious people, of eSLAM being the essence of religion (2:112, 3:20, 4:125, 2:132) that is common between all of them (29:46). The revived notion of religion was hence also named eSLAM (2:128) and the people who agreed with it were also called MoSLeMs (49:14, 49:17). In this sense a nominal MoSLeM (Muslim), which is a claimed follower of the prophet Muhammad pbuh, could be different from actual MoSLeMs, who could be from any other religion and yet have peace entered in their hearts (26:89).
1. Methodology
The full article can be found here: