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Abrahamic Montheists: Will God Eventually Lead All People to Heaven?


Jesus in me
Commiting sin.

Actually this wall was broken by the death of Jesus on the cross. The curtain separating people from The Holy of Holies was rent asunder. I suppose what you mean is that people erect their own walls hoping to keep God out but this never works. You can run but you can't hide.:facepalm:


I don't think so... Science really has nothing to say about God.

Hi Davy. May I quote from "Beyond the Cosmos", 1996 ed., by Dr. Hugh Ross, p.21.

The creation event, often called the Big Bang, has been confirmed in several ways through the past decades of research. The most direct evidence comes from measurements of the distances and motions of the galaxies and of the temperature and characteristics of the initial explosion's radiation residue at varying distances. This bursting forth of the cosmos from an infinitely small volume...implies that the universe has a beginning, a starting point in the finite past. Einstein recognized this implication (Bennett, Lincoln, "FORTY MINUTES WITH DR. EINSTEIN," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 50 (1956), p.30), and dared to say that it affirms the neccessity of "a superior reasoning power."

Of course, Einstein's conclusion went against the grain of scientists trained to presume an infinite universe, and an irrelevant, if any, Initiator. Over the years general reletavity was affirmed with higher precision, and then in 1993, two physicists, Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor, from their study of the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16, and their set of measurements "makes Einstein's general relativity the most accurately tested theory known to science, even to a trillionth percent precision." From "Beyond the Cosmos" p.23.


Active Member
Some thoeologians argue that a person can temporarily choose to separate him/herself from god, but that in the end, god will lead all people toward himself.

Do you agree? Disagree? What does your church/temple/mosque teach?

If you ask what the church/temple/mosques teach you'll get a lot of human opinions in the end :)

As for what the Koran teaches (as far as my knowledge goes), depending on your development of the soul you will be closer or further from GOD. All descriptions of Heaven and Hell are allegorical. Hell is bad, Heaven is good. Some people are "already in Hell" and some people may even be able to achieve Heaven on Earth as well.

Out of all of GOD's total creations, we are a verrrrryyy miniscule minority that could not make a firm stand with GOD's absolute authority, and GOD being fair gave us this test even though the angel's insisted we be banished.

I'm afraid to throw my own opinions and mislead people here but to simply answer your question, there is no mention in the Koran about God leading all people to Heaven in the end (as far as I can tell).


Active Member
I don't think so... Science really has nothing to say about God.

Just a comment here, but GOD has something to say about Science, afterall He created everything:

"Expansion of the Universe Theory" Confirmed

[51:47] We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to EXPAND it.

The Big Bang Theory Confirmed*

[21:30] Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe?


Well-Known Member
Some thoeologians argue that a person can temporarily choose to separate him/herself from god, but that in the end, god will lead all people toward himself.

Do you agree? Disagree? What does your church/temple/mosque teach?

Please define heaven.


How quickly these story book so called christians run for cover when their claims are put to the test such as your simple question.