1. Jesus His Pre-Eminence is the Word correct?
John 1:1 This has been not well understood by Jews and Christians alike. The jews took HIS Words to be cannablism, the Christians took HIS Words to mean HIM. But what HE was speaking of is HIS message; Revelations about eternal life; about transfiguration; about resurrection, about the Son of GOD, the Son of Man, about the fall of Man and even the genesis story. These were not just pieces of information, but HIS Word sanctfies. That sanctification is exonoration of the things they said and did (not sinfully) but with the wrong mindset about who GOD is. It is also a shielder, HIS Word like forms a barrier, a hedge like what was written in Job, that the person cannot be harmed by sicknesses and disease: Or by anyone that seeks to harm them; GOD's Word is the shielder that makes the person to become "A Touch Not".
Jesus His Pre-Eminence saying: I am the bread of life: Your fathers ate Manna and are dead, I am the bread that cometh down from heaven, he that eats of this bread shall never die but live forever.
If a man keep my sayings he sall never see death.
Except (which means there is no other way) ye eat th flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
These are Revelations about HIS Word, what HIS Word contains, and that we must eat, assimilate, drink in HIS Word. That is why HIS Word was called "Bread of life", and "Waters of Life". The people have believed that Father Adam and Mother Eve ate from a tree called "The knowledge of good and evil", and that that is what the tree gave them. But they did not believe that what is called "The bread of life" actually gives life.
And HE brought it home when HE at the last supper revealed that the bread and wine was not HIS body literally, but HIS Word. But the Christians have ritualised this and called it "Holy Communion". A Communion is talking about speech, not unlevened bread and grape juice. That is why HE sealed it when HE said: Do this in rememberance of ME...
Do what? Eat bread and drink wine? No, eat Revelations, meditate in HIS Word that was personified by HIS flesh and blood. Why? Because HE was speaking from a height of knowledge that was above the understanding of the people. HE was speaking about HIS Gene; the very Gene of the Son of GOD. And this is not something that is just believed. HE revealed that HIS Word is what contains HIS GENE... And by assimilating HIS Word into your Spirit Being, when it reaches the Spirit Being it deposits HIS Gene in the body.
So when you say we are sanctified through the body and blood of Jesus His Pre-Eminence, you show that you haven't understood that HE is the Word; which means HE personified HIMSELF as HIS message that HE told the people that except they have HIS gene they have no life in them. HE was speaking about the cell system of the body; that blood is the life of the flesh, so the blood of the Son of GOD that sanctifies is not the red blood we have, but HIS Genetics. Meaning, the very cell system of the Son of GOD that Father Adam had before the fall to mortality.