I am, but you are making unfounded layman assumptions, and you are selectively citing and misrepresenting .scientists based on a religious agenda.
I am making a critique for those who:
1 Grant that the universe is Finley Tuned. [/quote]
It is not granted that our universe nor our physical existence is finely tuned.
Not based on a scientific hypothesis
2 Grant that life permitting universes are unlikely,
The claim of being finely tuned for intelligent life is not a scientific hypothesis.
This represents the view of people like Dawkins and Hawkins. [/quote]
No it is not, the cience of the multiverse is based on the evidence surround the expansion of our universe.
If 1,2,3 don’t represent your view then this argument is not applicable to you, so feel free to ignore it.[/QUOTE]
They not only do not represent my view, but the view of virtually all the scientists involved. You statements, and selective out of context citations, so far are without foundation in science.[/QUOTE]
If these claims do not represent your view, then this thread is not for you.
Yes this is the view of Hawkign and Dawkins and yes to say that the universe is FT is a widely accepted fact, but none of this is relevant
My own personal view is that you have no idea on what it is meant by FT, but in this thread I wont even try to explain the concept, you can look it up in Wikipedia, or any other source that you would consider reliable