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Abstinence Only In My schools


Well-Known Member
I haven`t been too active around here lately because I`ve been busy fighting with my local school board and the Christian Coalition.

First they tried to pull Planned Parenthood out of our county schools Life Skills (Sex Ed) curriculum.

Then after the kids themselves showed up in a truly organized fashion to speak against the action the school board came to a compromise.


Anyone who takes the portion of the class that PP teaches can only do so if a parent has signed a waiver stating they want their children in the class.

I don`t really know what the hell this was about since I`ve been signing this same waver for the past 4 years already.


PP has been teaching this portion of the class free of charge for 10 decades.
The topic of abortion is taboo, they cannot discuss it.

Next problem.
Now my local paper has made public the fact that a school board members wife gave a pro-life video to our county schools with the recommendation they use it as a part of sex-ed curriculum.
The local Catholic Coalition bought a bunch of these tapes and donated them to the school system here for their use.


Please click the link at the right of the column for a short clip of this video.
It`s full of lies, traumatizing misconception, and fear mongering.

I called my kids school yesterday when I heard of this and let them know that if either of my children were to view it without my consent there would be a lawsuit.

I am in the process of attempting to reach out to other parents here who feel as I do but it`s difficult.

The Christian Coalition has been organizing this "coup" for a few months entirely unknown to me or anyone I know.

Any help here?
What do I do?
Where do I go?

I`ve seen what happens once this door is opened.

I can`t allow this.


Veteran Member
Linwood I need time to let my gears roll on this but while I am at my part time gig....take the anomity out of the Christian groups..which groups are they specifically......names of chruches ect....man that really stinks you have to put up with that garbage ...Definetly need a plan..:)

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Linwood - I would suggest that you find the local chapter (perhaps at the state level) of the ACLU. They will be able to give you some pretty good advice. Keep us posted - this is some really sad garbage. I REALLY want to know how this turns out.

Best of Luck,


Well-Known Member
linwood, do you really find the video to be that bad? I mean, she does concentrate solely on the dangers of sex, it seems, but sometimes the truth hurts. It is not false information that STD's are incredibly easy to contract these days, (due to how common they are), and that they cause sterility, death, and all kinds of other ailments. We always talk on these forums about how good education on STD's and the like is lacking in most schools, and then when good information is presented, we don't like it. Would you like the video better if Stenzel preached birth control instead of abstinence as the solution?

My school showed us that same video last year. I wouldn't say that it 'scared' me so much, as it gave me a sense of just how dangerous unprotected (and protected, for that matter) sex can be. Sometimes the truth is scary. We shouldn't sugarcoat things and leave out necessary info just because we don't want our kids to be scared. Personally, I hope my future kids will get to see a video like that. In fact, I want them to be scared, because I don't want them to do it! :)

If anything, I say better safe than sorry. I would rather scare the crap out of my kid with raw truth instead of having them contract a disease or getting pregnant simply because no one told them just how serious this subject is.

*edit* To the best of my memory, the video did not focus on religion or religious-related things. I can understand if you disapprove of the video because it tries to push religion, but I don't understand what problems you may have with the information provided.


Keeper of the Grove
If a school promotes any viewpoint, they are under legal obligation to provide the same amount of time to promote the opposite side of the issue. If they do not allow this, sue them for all they are worth (This leads to much fun. Think the opposite of abstinence posters; while I don't nescessarily agree with sex this young, they are obligated to put up posters for it if I ask them too, because they have pro-abstinence ones already up). I can probably provide you with the exact part of the legal code that says this, if you want. My personal advice? Look up autodidactism. If you doubt it, then think about this: Einstein, Da Vinci, Newton, and many other geniuses were autodidacts. Many psychologists agree it is the best way to learn, because you develop your own opinions, time management, motivation, and many other skills, which are rare, or non-existant, in public schooling (which, by the way, is based off of a totalitarian system brought back to the U.S.A. from a totalitarian country).


Well-Known Member
Ceridwen018 said:
linwood, do you really find the video to be that bad? I mean, she does concentrate solely on the dangers of sex, it seems, but sometimes the truth hurts. It is not false information that STD's are incredibly easy to contract these days, (due to how common they are), and that they cause sterility, death, and all kinds of other ailments.
YesI find it that bad.
I would compare it with teaching creationism in my schools.
The lies are obvious and I find it difficult to see how you can`t find them in that little clip alone.
To be fair I have bid on the video at E-bay.
I had to get it at E-bay because it is the only place to find it where a pro-life organization isn`t directly profitting from it.
You can`t buy it elswewhere.
This also brings up the hypocrisy of the original attempt to ban PP from the schools.
The pro- choice representative is not allowed in school but this pro-life preacher is.

Crap..and more crap.

" Regarding a mother who put her teenaged daughter on birth control pills: "That drug has just made this girl 10 times more likely to contract a disease," Stenzel says in the video. "This girl is going to end up sterile or dead. Thanks, Mom."
She is implying that the mother has intentionally gone out of her way to do something to harm her child..even kill her.
This is fear mongering at it`s core.
It is a blatent misrepresentation...a lie.
No mother who has put enough thought into getting her teen girl on the pill has neglected to get her some condoms as well or at the very least educated her on their use.
She has promoted disrepect in a kids for their parents who take this route with their children.
I am one of those parents

It`s bull - is what it is.

"If you have sex outside of marriage ... outside of one partner who has only been with you, you will pay,"
This is not a feasable lifestyle choice in this world and it never has been.
It promotes failure and guilt over that failure

We always talk on these forums about how good education on STD's and the like is lacking in most schools, and then when good information is presented, we don't like it.
Where has it been presented?
It was being presented by PP when they were running the sex ed portion of Life Skills but now they are trying to get rid of them and replace it with this.

You`re not saying this is good information are you?

Would you like the video better if Stenzel preached birth control instead of abstinence as the solution?
No I would like the video better if it was burnt into an unrecognisable blob and displayed on a pedestal with the inscription "This is your brain on religion."

I want them both taught Ceredwin.
Yes..I agree abstinence is the perfect solution.
The problem is that it isn`t a viable solution..not viable at all.

My school showed us that same video last year.
This gives me some insight as to why you find any value in this video.

I think you`ve just proved my point.

Remind me Ceredwin...what school do you attend?

Do you see my point?

We shouldn't sugarcoat things and leave out necessary info just because we don't want our kids to be scared. Personally, I hope my future kids will get to see a video like that. In fact, I want them to be scared, because I don't want them to do it! :)
Nor do I but I don`t lie or manipulate my children, I hope you`ll change your mind before you have any

*edit* To the best of my memory, the video did not focus on religion or religious-related things. I can understand if you disapprove of the video because it tries to push religion, but I don't understand what problems you may have with the information provided.
The information is a lie, it`s that simple.
the video is lying, manipulatuing truth, and ostracizing those who have no sexual hang-ups.
Abstinence itself is a religious based ideology.
It exists nowhere but where the Abrahamic faiths have exerted power.

There is no reason why a person cannot enjoy sex without being married.
I did it for well over twenty years of my life.

In fact evidence shows overwhelming divorce rate for those that marry in their teens and twenties.
This makes for parents who aren`t ready for kids, and children with estranged parents.

We all ride in cars, yet more people die from traffic accidents than STD`s each year.

I don`t see anyone advocating all seatbelts and airbags be removed from vehicles though.

There is no difference here.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
HelpMe said:
well, it's what bush wanted.
I think that speaks volumes about Bush.

Hang in there, Linwood! Among other things, you can't teach children to value and respect truth if you are also in effect teaching them that truth doesn't matter when it comes to human sexuality -- which I think is one of the messages of these abstinence only programs.


Well-Known Member
This also brings up the hypocrisy of the original attempt to ban PP from the schools.
The pro- choice representative is not allowed in school but this pro-life preacher is.
I agree that the PP should not be banned from schools, especially not secular ones.

She is implying that the mother has intentionally gone out of her way to do something to harm her child..even kill her.
This is fear mongering at it`s core.
It is a blatent misrepresentation...a lie.
I don't think that she was directly implying something specifically negative towards the mother, but perhaps that just a simple difference in interpretation.

In my opinion, she's just making a point that the dangers of putting a girl on the pill, etc., are often unknown or downplayed. What the mother may see as a favor, is really something much more serious. No one would seriously argue that mothers intentionally seek to harm their daughters--the problem is that they are just as uneducated.

I am sure that parents put their dughters on the pill with the best of intentions--to help protect their daughters. Like I said before though, oftentimes parents just don't know enough (although they may think they do) to properly caution their daughters.

"If you have sex outside of marriage ... outside of one partner who has only been with you, you will pay,"
This is not a feasable lifestyle choice in this world and it never has been.
It promotes failure and guilt over that failure
I think that this should be a personal choice. It may work for some, but you're absolutely right that it does not work for all, and shouldn't have to.
Where has it been presented?
It was being presented by PP when they were running the sex ed portion of Life Skills but now they are trying to get rid of them and replace it with this.

You`re not saying this is good information are you?
I really like the PP--I think they do a lot of good as far as sex-ed and things like that go. I don't agree with their stance on abortion, and wish that at the very least, they would encourage adoption equally with abortion, but aside from that they've got a good set up. Unfortunately, coming from a religious school like I do, I have never been personally taught by them, but I have looked into their program.

And yes, I am saying that this is good information. Perhaps we're talking about two different things here--you're talking about the, "If you have sex outside of marriage, you WILL die." whereas I'm focusing more on the facts presented, such as the number of teens who pick up STD's every year.

No I would like the video better if it was burnt into an unrecognisable blob and displayed on a pedestal with the inscription "This is your brain on religion."
Lol--maybe if your campaign gets far enough, that can be your 'mascot' photo. :)
I want them both taught Ceredwin.
Yes..I agree abstinence is the perfect solution.
The problem is that it isn`t a viable solution..not viable at all.
I think that they should both be taught also. I disagree that abstinence isn't a viable solution--you must admit, it works just dandy for some people, but certainly not all. Birth control needs to be taught so that those kids who do choose to have sex know what needs to be done. Abstinence needs to be taught to let kids know that it's alright if they don't want to have sex, etc. Information about STD's and pregnancy needs to be taught in both arenas, however, and I'm sure you agree with that.

This gives me some insight as to why you find any value in this video.

I think you`ve just proved my point.

Remind me Ceredwin...what school do you attend?

Do you see my point?
Not really. I may have come from a religious school, but I am not a religious person. I watched this video with a very objective and secular outlook.

Nor do I but I don`t lie or manipulate my children, I hope you`ll change your mind before you have any
What lies does this video present? It's statistics and information on STD's is quite accurate.

There is no reason why a person cannot enjoy sex without being married.
I did it for well over twenty years of my life.
I don't think abstinence should be forced on anyone, but it should certainly be taught as an option.
Ceridwen-- When we watched that video in health class, I remember it scared the crap out of me. In fact, it still scares the crap out of me.

However, Planned Parenthood gave a talk here at my dorm. They talked about all the STD's, their risks, and how to cure them. They talked about condoms, spermicides (don't even ask), birth control, etc. They gave us the straight truth, and as in most topics, some of the truth scared us, some of it made us laugh, and some of it was reassuring.

I now see that the sex ed program at our school was only half truth, and half propoganda. Yes, they taught us facts. However, there were lots of things they didn't teach us. They didn't teach us how to have safe sex, for one. (Did you know there are special condoms designed for safe oral sex? I sure as hell didn't.) Curing many STD's is as simple as making a trip to the doctor and applying a cream or taking a pill.

I like linwood's car analogy. Car accidents are a horrible killer in our country...however, if you're smart--if you wear a seatbelt, drive slowly in bad weather, never drink and drive--there is no reason to dread driving, and indeed no reason not to practice safe driving all the time. Our school's program would have some lady screaming at us that every time we get in a car, even our seatbelt and safe driving won't protect us from the inevitable massive pileup and fiery death. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I agree with all of that Spinkles. I realize that we really did only get half an education, etc. My point is though, that maybe scaring the ever loving crap out of kids isn't always such a bad idea. It is perfectly possible to safely have sex outside of marriage, however, a lot of what makes that possible is an instilled sense of caution. Caution comes from fear usually. Also in my opinion, young kids, like who she was talking to in that video, shouldn't even be thinking about having sex yet. Introducing information on safe sex at an early age only encourages kids to start having sex at an early age, in my opinion. I think safe sex should be taught, certainly, but not until later.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Ceridwen018 said:
My point is though, that maybe scaring the ever loving crap out of kids isn't always such a bad idea.
Ceridwen, I think you are an incredibly bright young lady, but I have to disagree with you here. When my children were just learning to walk, I took them out to the side of the street, and told them that they were never to walk on the roadway - no matter what. I told them that I would spank them mercilessly if they did - and I meant it. I did that because their very life was at stake. Other than that extreme, I cannot imagine anything that would make me want to instill that kind of fear in them, and I don't think deceiving a child is ever a good thing. Give them the truth - children will surprise you every time with what they can handle, what they already know, and what they need to know the truth of.

All that said, I do understand that not all kids are the same - some may well need to be looked after more closely than others - that's why they invented parents.

Oddly, you and Spinkles are in the group that I would consider to be most at risk - you come from a school that was based on a religious edict. Usually, kids with that background tend to be sheltered from the real world, and are at a distinct disadvantage when faced with reality. Makes me wonder if you two weren't sneaking off during the day to see the real world. :tsk:

Actually TVOR, I don't really consider myself "sheltered". My three years at Catholic school were the only non-public school years of my life.

Makes me wonder if you two weren't sneaking off during the day to see the real world. :tsk:
He's on to us...


Well-Known Member
Actually Voice, I think we're agreeing here! With the story about your kids and the road, you are agreeing that scaring kids is sometimes beneficial to their health. In my opinion, sex is a decision which has the potential of drastically affecting one's life, (most commonly in a negative fashion). STD's can be devastating, and no one is going to argue the life-changing situation that unplanned pregnancy brings about.

He's on to us...
Yes, the Bishop will be angered.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It's true, Ceridwen, that sex can be dangerous, but it is also true that it can be both healing and life enhancing, among many other positive things.
Sunstone said:
It's true, Ceridwen, that sex can be dangerous, but it is also true that it can be both healing and life enhancing, among many other positive things.
That's what I said!

...kidding. :)
As most STD's are curable - and most forms of birth control do work to one degree or another, I would love it if sex ed curriculums focused a little bit on the emotional aspects of being sexually active (in any way). While I agree with Ceridwen's statement that abstinance is a viable method - it is not the only method - as would perhaps be taught at her school. Furthermore, while it might be right for a certain person at a certain point in time - it might be as effective later. I personally know too many nice women who got pregnant when they didn't want to because the chose not to use absintence as a birth control method- but didn't really feel o.k. about using any other method - or didn't know what was available to them (orbecause it was "wrong" - or made them bad). This really isn't an option.

Back to my point, I wish that the movie you saw in school had talked about the idea that having sex changes your life because it is a powerful way of connecting to another person - and makes you vunerable to that person. I think if we (as a society) could focus on that fact being scary that all the other stuff about diseases and etc...would become less hysterical.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Ceridwen018 said:
Actually Voice, I think we're agreeing here!
Laughing at myself - I had the exact same thought as I checked my post, just prior to hitting the "Submit Reply" button. I guess that my point is that if a situation is truly life threatening, it is warranted - anything less, it is to extreme a measure.

I don't know if anyone else is picking up on this - but I do see a pattern of Spinkles being more accepting of pre-marital sex than is Ceridwen... Now, why would that be? :)

Simon the Cat - I agree wholeheartedly with the gist of your post. It is an excellent thought.



Well-Known Member
Here`s a copy paste from a site i`m putting up in the next day or so concerning this video.
I`ve done a little research on Mrs.Stenzel (The woman in the video).

My latest crusade is this video that has been distributed to Sarasota County schools for a visual aid in the sex-ed class.
It`s put out by pro-life organizations and full of misrepresentation, fear mongering, and ignorant ideology.
An article and clip of the video can be found on the Herald Tribunes site here.
Here`s a quote from it .
" Regarding a mother who put her teenaged daughter on birth control pills: "That drug has just made this girl 10 times more likely to contract a disease," Stenzel says in the video. "This girl is going to end up sterile or dead. Thanks, Mom."
Repeat the above in your best "Jerry Falwell on the pulpit voice" and you get the jist of the whole thing.

I`ve yet to see what can be done about that piece of tripe.

Below is an interview with the woman in that video Pam Stenzel where she speaks of HPV( genital warts) as one of the the largest killers of women in the country because they lead to cervical cancer.
"Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the most common STD among teens today, and it kills more women every year than AIDS does."
Here`s an article on the myths and misconceptions of HPV put out by the American Social Health Association.
"No one knows how many sleepless nights can be laid at the door of this myth. The truth, however, is that the fleshy growths we call genital warts are almost always benign. In the vast majority of cases, they do not lead to cancer, turn into cancer, or predispose a person toward developing cancer."

So much for Mrs.Stenzels credibility.

It looks like someone is serious about pushing this abstinence only curriculum in Sarasotas schools.

I read at Free Inquiry Forum that the Christian Coalition is involved.
"Mobilized Youth, along with other groups, is organizing a student-led protest with speakers at the upcoming School Board meeting at the Landings on December 7th at 3 PM. Please bring yourself, your parents, your friends, or anyone else interested in supporting this important cause. (The Christian Coalition is planning on having their own large rally in favor of banning Planned Parenthood from Sarasota schools!)"

By the way, don`t misinterpret the mission of Mobilized Youth from the above quote.
They have been speaking out in favor of Planned parenthood.

Any ideas?

Write me.
Here`s a congressional report and a few articles about the lies and misrepresentation in this nations federally funded "Abstinence Only" curriculum.
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federally funded abstinence education programs that are used in 25 states contain false and misleading information about contraception, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases, said Rep. Henry Waxman."

Media Matters
"Proponents of abstinence-only sexual education curricula for public schools took to the airwaves to respond to charges contained in a report issued by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) that found that "over 80%" of the curricula of federally funded abstinence-only education programs "contain false, misleading or distorted information about reproductive health." But in attempting to counter these charges, these advocates proffered more misinformation."

Waxman Report
"The report finds that over 80% of the abstinence-only curricula, used by over two thirds\par of SPRANS grantees in 2003, contain false, misleading, or distorted\par information about reproductive health."

Project reality and many other advocates of Abstinence Only curriculum defended their curriculum with..yes..you got it..
Totally and entirely proving the reports validity as far as I`m concerned.

Ignorance must be so pleasurable some people will even give up sex for it.

The woman lies to spread fear.
She`s the problem, not the solution.