Here`s an update on the Pam Stenzel anstinence only video I refered to in this thread.
It`s a review of the video by a biased but well educated source.
I cannot at this time tell you the source because it is due for major publication in two weeks and I technically should not have a copy.
I would appreciate if there was no re-posting of this article in parts or whole.
I myself still have not seen this video other than the webclip I posted here.
I lost my bid on Ebay and just can`t bring myself to pay money for this thing but I know someone who said they`d burn a copy for me this week.
Ceredwin and Spinkles have seen this video so they can tell if there is anything wrong here.
This is not the article in its entirety but just a few pastes from the technical misrepresentaion part.
- Stenzel gives only sex Negative messages:
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You will pay if you have sex outside of marriage. If you are part of the majority of teens who have been sexually active, the message they will get from this is that you have no self control or self respect, you are probably already infected with a STI and going to become sterile or die. No one will want to love you, trust you or
marry you.
·[font="] [/font]Later she says the same thing
If you have sex outside of marriage you are going to pay for it
and adds
with your life.
·[font="] [/font]She makes girls the gate keepers, the ones with the sole responsibility for handling sexual pressure.
·[font="] [/font]She makes the statement with regard to being sexually active,
The next time you put that gun to your head
·[font="] [/font]In reference to the movie, The Titanic,
It is a good thing that boy died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE IS THAT TO GIVE TO YOUNG PEOPLE! It says that if you express your sexuality you deserve to die!?! She is telly youth that she does not trust or respect them. She does not model the optimism needed to empower young people to believe in their own power so that they have the confidence needed to negotiate relationships and become good decision makers.
- Stenzel gives major misinformation:
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Pregnant girls have 2.3 times more STIs. There is nothing I could find that verified that. She jumps with statistics, i.e. a pregnant girl must have had unprotected sex to become pregnant, therefore because she had unprotected sex she falls into the category of one who always has unprotected sex, therefore she has 2.3 more STIs. Quite a leap and quite inaccurate. A pregnant girl may only have had sex one time!
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You are 10 times more likely to get a STI if on birth control. Again, she is using a leap, equating someone who is on birth control with someone who is having sex with many partners without protection of any kind, and thus the 10 times statistic. Actually, someone who is responsible enough to be on birth control, is usually also responsible by using a barrier method of disease prevention.
[font="]Warts lead to cervical cancer.[/font][font="] Although there is currently no cure for genital HPV infection, most cases are transient and clear themselves without medical intervention (CDC, 2001; Elfgren, et al., 2000; Ho, et al., 1998). One study designed to determine the natural history of genital HPV infection followed college women for three years (Ho, et al., 1998). HPV was detected using a sensitive DNA test that detects small amounts of HPV, even when there are no symptoms present. While there was a high rate of HPV infection (43 percent tested positive for HPV at some point over the study period), the average duration of HPV infection was eight months. Repeated HPV DNA testing showed that seventy percent of the women cleared their HPV infections within one year through the natural immune process, and only nine percent continued to be infected after two years. Another study conducted in Sweden supported these findings, with a five-year clearance rate of 92 percent (Elfgren, et al., 2000).
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Girls have 25% chance of being sterile even if cured of Chlamydia. This is a false statement, because if they have been cured of the disease, it can no longer cause any damage. The fact is that some people may not have symptoms when they have Chlamydia and therefore they may not get testing and treatment. Therefore, if left untreated, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a serious infection of the reproductive organs. PID can cause scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can block the tubes and prevent fertilization from taking place. This is why at Planned Parenthood we urge all sexually active individuals to be sexually responsible and get annual pap and pelvic exams that can test for these diseases. Only if left untreated is there a risk of difficulty in becoming pregnant.
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You will definitely give your spouse herpes boils . Many couples where one partner is infected, have healthy sexual relations and even have children without infecting the other partner.
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The HPV test costs $1,000, not covered by insurance and is a blood test. It is called thin prep and it costs about $70 at Planned Parenthood.
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Can you have sex with someone who has had sex with someone else and NOT get a disease? YES, responsible people do it every day!
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You will infect everyone you have sex with. NO! Here is another example of adultismshe believes that youth cannot be responsible with their sexual behavior. She also assumes they will all become infected, no matter how responsible they are.
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Abstinence, no genital contact, equals safe sex. There are many ways to express our sexuality in safe ways. Teaching young people these ways does not give them permission to have sex, it sets them on the right track of being sexually responsible, sexually healthy individuals.
·[font="] [/font]Condoms are barely mentioned and when they are, she negates their efficacy. She omits important prevention information.
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You have to be abstinent for 3 years with periodic blood testing to know if you are free of disease. This is just blatantly false misinformation. The window period for HIV is three months.