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accent changes


Junior Member
I have, what can be a rather embarassing situation and am interested in hearing if others suffer the same.
When ever i am in a group conversation ( especially with Americans, but with Brits too) I find myself slipping into thier accents. I don't realised I am doing it and I definitely donot doing it to be offensive it just happens.
I can remember way back when... I went to this young lady's place to meet her parents, They were from the south USA, Made a big impression ...Not,,, By slipping into "Y'all have a good time , Y'all be Good now" type thing. They thought I was taking the **** out of them

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
tcprowling said:
I have, what can be a rather embarassing situation and am interested in hearing if others suffer the same.
When ever i am in a group conversation ( especially with Americans, but with Brits too) I find myself slipping into thier accents. I don't realised I am doing it and I definitely donot doing it to be offensive it just happens.
I can remember way back when... I went to this young lady's place to meet her parents, They were from the south USA, Made a big impression ...Not,,, By slipping into "Y'all have a good time , Y'all be Good now" type thing. They thought I was taking the **** out of them

Yeah, I've done that before. Also with the American Southern drawl.

I work with a lot of kids from urban areas, and I find that I begin to use their slang when talking to them for long periods. The problem is, a rural Mainah cannot speak urbanese without sounding like a complete buffoon! At least, not me.:D


The Feisty Penguin
I've resisted the Maine accent so far, I refuse to give up my native Boston accent! But admittedly, sometimes I slip... like saying "the other day" when really it was weeks ago, that something I picked up.


Moved on
Sometimes my mouth twitches out and I'll sound like I have some strange accent that changes every now and then. I've actually been asked if I was a foreign exchange student :areyoucra


Mine doesn't change depending on who I'm talking with - but it has been steadily improving over the years.
I was raised in and still live in the southern US (Alabama) but have been blessed with never having the drawl and southern accent. But, I once spent a week in New Orleans, LA (about 2 hours from my location in AL) with some family from over there and picked up the accent in no time. No idea what happened, I just ended up with a cajun accent by the time I went home.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't get around to areas that speak different accents often, so I'm not sure if I would do that or not.


Well-Known Member
When I was in Germany a few years ago, I began to speak English the way my German friends did, sort of "broken" English (not quite what I would deem "broken" English, but I can't think of a better way to describe it) with a German accent. I thought that was kind of strange.


Well-Known Member
Lol...I have this problem big time! I have a tendency to pick up an English accent just from watching a bit of TV...this was really bad when I was watching Doctor Who. I'm always afraid I'm going to offend people with my fake accent, but I swear I'm not trying...lol.


Working-Class W*nch.
It happens to me a lot. In fact, I've noticed that , like Ðanisty, my simply watching a certain television program can change the way I speak; e.g. watching Monty Python I may subconsciously slip into a British accent and still talk that way for quite a while afterward, not even realizing it. Actually, once after watching a special on George Harrison, my father noticed I was pronouncing my gs very strongly (e.g. a hard 'guh' sound at the end of words like swimming), the way George did his. My mind works in mysterious ways. lol


Well-Known Member
I just remembered... One time when I got drunk I started speaking with a British accent. There really was no reason for it, but I couldn't stop. I normally can't speak with a British accent, but this one time I was drunk I did it quite fine.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
When I get drunk, and watch Braveheart, I start doing a very thick Scotish accent. Does that count?