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Accuracy of the Bible


RF Addict
Is the accuracy of the Bible important? Why or why not?

BONUS QUESTION: Is the accuracy of the Bible important in some areas moreso than others, such as, for example, science over history? Which areas do you think are most important, and why?
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I think it's important to understand that the bible is a book about spiritual truths and for spiritual guidance. It is NOT a science book and was never meant to be. Much of it is not even a history book and wasn't meant to be. It is not even ONE book - it is a collection of different literary forms by a myriad of authors over a span of 2000 years.

There's a lot of talk about inaccuracies in the Bible. In my experiences many of these "inaccuracies" are overblown, exxagerated, and shaky when truly studied in context. Often, they are absolutely UNIMPORTANT when it comes to whatever spiritual truth or teaching is the central point of whatever chapter or book is being discussed.

I have yet to meet a "biblical inaccuracy" that "impressed" me as important or theologically devastating.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
By faith I believe the Bible is the inspired, infallable, inerrant word of God. Its accuracy is of upmost importance to me. If the Bible is inaccurate in one area, then I can believe that it could be inaccurate in other areas and I should question the whole Bible.


Resident Liberal Hippie
By faith I believe the Bible is the inspired, infallable, inerrant word of God. Its accuracy is of upmost importance to me. If the Bible is inaccurate in one area, then I can believe that it could be inaccurate in other areas and I should question the whole Bible.
This is why I feel that Kathryn's and te-lanus' faith is stronger than yours. They put their faith in God, and use the Bible for spiritual guidance. You put your whole faith on the Bible, and by your own admission, your faith would fall apart if you questioned the any of it.


Oldest Heretic
Most of the Bible is about Recollections in one form or another.
Some of these are recollections of teachings, others of historical events, others of Jewish laws and still others are of ancient Myths, and a few are about prophercies.
The writers were relying on their memory, and all memories are faliable.
The fact that the Bible is not exactly factual, in no way damages its usefulness for teaching moral and religious truths.

Faith is not about believing in the accuracy of a Bible, It is about Faith in God and following the teachings of Jesus. In this the Bible is a source document, but not the only source of Faith.
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Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
This is why I feel that Kathryn's and te-lanus' faith is stronger than yours. They put their faith in God, and use the Bible for spiritual guidance. You put your whole faith on the Bible, and by your own admission, your faith would fall apart if you questioned the any of it.

The way that I know God is from the Bible. Take it away or call it full of errors and what do I believe about God? Which god am I praying to? See my faith is God gave us the Bible and that is how I know him and how I know how to get saved. Yes if the Bible is wrong, my faith is shaken. If the Bible is wrong, did Jesus raise from the dead? Do I need to be born again? Did God create the world? Did Jesus die for my sins? See if the Bible is in error my whole faith is in vain.


Resident Liberal Hippie
The way that I know God is from the Bible. Take it away or call it full of errors and what do I believe about God? Which god am I praying to? See my faith is God gave us the Bible and that is how I know him and how I know how to get saved. Yes if the Bible is wrong, my faith is shaken. If the Bible is wrong, did Jesus raise from the dead? Do I need to be born again? Did God create the world? Did Jesus die for my sins? See if the Bible is in error my whole faith is in vain.

Terry, you are another whose faith is strong.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Is the accuracy of the Bible important? Why or why not?

BONUS QUESTION: Is the accuracy of the Bible important in some areas moreso than others, such as, for example, science over history? Which areas do you think are most important, and why?

How could it not be important? If the sole source of information on the life and teaching of Jesus is inaccurate, then why believe anything that you can't historically verify?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The way that I know God is from the Bible. Take it away or call it full of errors and what do I believe about God? Which god am I praying to? See my faith is God gave us the Bible and that is how I know him and how I know how to get saved. Yes if the Bible is wrong, my faith is shaken. If the Bible is wrong, did Jesus raise from the dead? Do I need to be born again? Did God create the world? Did Jesus die for my sins? See if the Bible is in error my whole faith is in vain.
You do realize that Christianity was here for about 400 years before the Bible was, don't you? And it was here for at least 45 years before the first NT document was written.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
How could it not be important? If the sole source of information on the life and teaching of Jesus is inaccurate, then why believe anything that you can't historically verify?
Because "accuracy" can mean any number of things. Accurate as to what?


Well-Known Member
Is the accuracy of the Bible important? Why or why not?

BONUS QUESTION: Is the accuracy of the Bible important in some areas moreso than others, such as, for example, science over history? Which areas do you think are most important, and why?

Well, since the bible has virtually no accuracy to it and there are still a but load of believers I'm guessing it doesn't seem important to them. It's important to me mind you, as it's lack of accuracy show's it's just a collection of stories and legends.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Yeah, this kind of statment right here shows that accuracy doesn't factor in to the believers thought process.
Again, accuracy with regard to what? Historical accuracy is relatively unimportant -- as we understand it today, since the writers were not largely writing history text books or news articles. What history was written was of a completely different literary nature, compatible with other historical writings of the time. In that sense, the compatibility counts for more than the factual accuracy in the exegetical process.

If that's not the sort of accuracy you refer to, could you be more specific, rather than simply spout an infantile contradiction?


Intentionally Blank
The way that I know God is from the Bible. Take it away or call it full of errors and what do I believe about God? Which god am I praying to? See my faith is God gave us the Bible and that is how I know him and how I know how to get saved. Yes if the Bible is wrong, my faith is shaken. If the Bible is wrong, did Jesus raise from the dead? Do I need to be born again? Did God create the world? Did Jesus die for my sins? See if the Bible is in error my whole faith is in vain.

Sucks for you.


Guardian of Life
The Bible is, first and foremost, a book of ethics. It's historical or scientific accuracy are not necessary (although I do believe that it is).


Intentionally Blank
The Bible is, first and foremost, a book of ethics. It's historical or scientific accuracy are not necessary (although I do believe that it is).

Horrible, barbaric, primitive, vengeful, genocidal, murderous ethics. With an occasional sprinkling of moral enlightenment.


Active Member
Is the accuracy of the Bible important? Why or why not?

BONUS QUESTION: Is the accuracy of the Bible important in some areas moreso than others, such as, for example, science over history? Which areas do you think are most important, and why?

The OT is very different to the NT as I see it. There are a lot of things described in the OT that have been ignored or glossed over. That might be because some things could not be understood from our view of the world today.
It was written by many different people at different times so is very varied. The parts of the OT that are repeated forever are not going to give us any more info. but to me there are parts that are never mentioned (maybe intentionally) that are most important and accepted for what it says would change everything as we know it now. But of course most people don't want to hear it.
Some would find a way to claim an other meaning that fall in with their belief.