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AD&D Anyone?


Moved on
Well, if we can't get a DM for DnD, then I do have an alternate system that I could GM. It's something my friends and I have been playtesting for a few weeks now. It's not perfect, but it's worked out decently so far. If anybody is interested in skipping the whole DnD hunt and trying it out, just tell me and I can fill in some details.


Moved on
Start filling:)
Welcome! This is a game of puzzle-solving, teamwork, betrayal, and commerce. You all came from downtrodden backgrounds but have been given a second chance by an eccentric nobleman. Will you use this chance to become wealthy? powerful? famous? The choice is yours!

There are seven main attributes that make your character who they are. All attributes are percentile, meaning they will be measured against the roll on a 100-sided die.

Dexterity is how accurate and nimble you are. It effects things such as whether you hit that mugger in the back of the head, or stumble and smack the old lady he was robbing. It also affects most actions involving careful detail work.

Strength determines how powerful you are. A person with a high strength attribute is more likely to be able to kick down a door or break through a blockade than a weaker man, and also gains bonus damage when attacking anything with a melee weapon.

Toughness determines how much force it takes to hurt you. How long you can endure a challenging task as well as your hitpoints are both determined by this attribute.

Agility is how speedy you are. It will effect how quickly you can run, as well as if you are able to avoid that flying mug in the bar. Lastly, Agility is what decides who may strike first in combat.

Willpower is how in-tune with magic you are. It not only effects how well you can cast spells, but also how resistant to them you are.

Charisma is how charming or attractive you are. Somebody is much more likely to be persuaded by somebody who they like, and a high charisma attribute is a good way to make friends.

Nerve is how brave you are. Somebody with a high nerve attribute would have the balls to take a wild jump between buildings while somebody with a lower nerve attribute would nearly wet himself at the thought.

Sample Character
Olaf the Coward

First divided 400 points between the attributes.

Dexterity 70
Strength 50
Toughness 40
Agility 80
Willpower 40
Charisma 90
Nerve 30

400 Krons (Rolled a 4 on a D10)

Appearance: Olaf is a small, thin man with a dark brown goatee and short, messy hair. His brown tunic and green cap are dirty and worn, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Background: Olaf has lived his life as a poor bard singing his way to his next meal. Since he was a child, he dreamt of someday becoming a great singer and make a fine living, but unfortunately, he has a terrible singing voice. Luckily for Olaf, what he lacks in ability he makes up in charm. Olaf is quite the ladies' man despite his filthy appearance. His smooth words have gotten him food and drink on a daily basis and he has talked himself out of quite a few brawls. This is fortunate, since Olaf is a coward. Extremely easily frightened, Olaf will flee if he feels like he is in the slightest danger. One day Olaf awakens drunk in the gutter once again, getting prepared for the old sing-and-charn once again, but this was not any ordinary day...

From here, Olaf may spend his 400 Krons on equipment or luxuries. Will he buy a new set of clothes? A nicely-crafted dagger? An assortment of spell reagants?

More info will come if anybody is still interested.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'll play, allthough it might be abit complicated on a forum.
Are we going to have an official dice roller? or have everyone download a dice program and post the roles?


Apostate Heretic
Azor the indignant
Dexterity: 90
Strength: 90
Toughness: 90
Agility: 20
Willpower: 50
Charisma: 10
Nerve: 50

7'5" 350lbs a solid wall of ugly and pain, no need for equipment, killing people naked is just fine:)


Moved on
Azor the indignant
Dexterity: 90
Strength: 90
Toughness: 90
Agility: 20
Willpower: 50
Charisma: 10
Nerve: 50

7'5" 350lbs a solid wall of ugly and pain, no need for equipment, killing people naked is just fine:)
Looks like a pretty decent setup there. There's some more stuff to add that I haven't listed yet. Tomorrow morning I might go ahead and make a character creation thread.


Well-Known Member
Here's my practice rolls :)

I'll create a real character once a thread is created.

Dexterity: 40
Strength: 30
Toughness: 70
Agility: 50
Willpower: 40
Charisma: 100
Nerve: 70

These are based off numbers I rolled. What a tough, brave looker (and not much else). :)


Moved on
is that a no?
Sorry for the delay. I was away from home for the 4th of July. I can get this set up now. So far we have you and Caina with characters (although Caina has not rolled for starting money) and Nutshell who hasn't made his character yet. I suppose we can get it started with just the two or three of you and if anybody else wishes to join in they can just PM me their characters.

Shall we get this rolling then? Azor just needs to roll for Krons and Nutshell needs to make his real character. I'll get working on the game thread now.


Deviled Hen
What's the difference betweeen D&D and AD&D? I'd love to join in but all I've done it the occasional D&D session.

There's the original D&D (of which I have copy of the rules, because I am truly ancient...haha) and then there's AD&D, the first version...and now there's the updated AD&D with the streamlined d20 rules, which I must say is one heck of a lot easier to work with, except I had all the old stuff memorized and now I'm just too confused so our son is the family DM.

Version 3.5 rules?

I'd love to join in, but am unsure if I could be reliably on when I once again trek to the frozen North in August, as I would be tying up mum's phone line and she will be very ticked off at me.

Let me think about it, though. If I do, I betcha I can get Eibhlin to post openly again. Such a shy person for someone who's on the stage every chance she gets. :)

Her last character was a cleric named Fryer Cluck.

Hm...seems to be a little family resemblence there. :chicken: She's such a chip off the old beak.


Deviled Hen
I if I can figure out how to make a zip file I can put it on this site, I have the 3 core book for 3.5 and a good number of the Supplement books to.

My son has lots of stuff. PM me with whatever you need, or email me and I can send as attachments.