joeboonda said:The Bible is literally true, unless it says otherwise, like if it says here is a parable, or something appeared 'like' whatever. There are some good books out there on the subject. Of interest is that for centuries people looked at the Bible as all very mystical, I forget who started that, maybe Augustine, but I may be wrong, gotta look it up, anyway, as time went on people began to take it for what it said, especially when Israel became a nation again, then understanding of prophecy grew greatly. In the late 1800's and early 1900's many folk lost a lot of faith because of so called scientific findings that supposedly went against some statements in the Bible, however as time went on, both science and archeology agreed quite nicely with the Bible. Back in I believe 1863 someone came out with a big list of scientific facts that disproved the Bible, now every one of those facts have been found to be wrong. Anyway, a good rule of thumb is believe the Bible, and where you think there is a disagreement in science, just wait for science to catch up. And always pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you are reading, and how it applies to your life, and study, study, study! If you question something in the Bible, you can bet that there are many books on the subject which can help. I hit the internet or the local Christian bookstore, I look at all the different answers, and see which line up with what God's word says. All I know, is, seek and ye shall find, God has revealed all we need to know for now, but we must dig a bit ourselves.
no such thing as SO CALLED scientific findings..........carry on