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Adam, Eve and the Apple


Active Member
My God, Creator of all things forgive me for blaming Adam for Eatin the Apple when I have recently found out that it was EVE. Blimey, how does one forgive her, I am sure you would forgive her as well as the snake if they showed a little love to the world, or have they passed that stage where they can be forgiven. I ask you to show the ones that have gone against you and your creation a little forgiveness, I only ask.
Has anyone ever blamed someone to find out it was actually the other person who was lieing?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
My God, Creator of all things forgive me for blaming Adam for Eatin the Apple when I have recently found out that it was EVE. ?
Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil first but was not resposible for the sentence of death being passed upon all mankind. That was Adam's purview:
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned..." Romans 3:12

Has anyone ever blamed someone to find out it was actually the other person who was lieing?
In a way Adam blamed God because He gave him Eve:
"And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." Genesis 3:12


The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden is I beieve an allegory and shouldn't be taken literally... Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil should tell us that this is meant to be allegorical. The serpent and the tree are allegorical and symbolic...

- Art

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden is I beieve an allegory and shouldn't be taken literally... Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil should tell us that this is meant to be allegorical. The serpent and the tree are allegorical and symbolic...

- Art
There is nothing in scripture that would lead a Christian to interpret the story as allegorical.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Of course it's an allegory and why wouldn't God use such a literary device to convey his message?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
His message that trying to understand the reason behind the rules was sinful? That using the brain God gave you was forbidden?


Well-Known Member
His message that trying to understand the reason behind the rules was sinful? That using the brain God gave you was forbidden?
Do you really believe that is what the story means..??? Just want to make sure you don't believe that Christians (well... most of us) don't believe in the interpretation you provided.


Here's my own inspired understanding
of the timeless (true in every generation)
adam & eve allegory.

man and woman (together) embody (represent)
the WHOLE of the human race.
The serpent is the one(s)
who speak in double forked tongues.

There is the twisted version of the truth. (symbol=serpent)
(the elite family trees of iniquity)
There is the segment of the population who swallow the lies/tainted fruit.(symbol=eve)
(note the seduction of trickery marks the EVE of the fall)
Then there is the REST of the population who BLINDLY follows the decieved.(symbol=adam)
(the stupidity of the rest of man's kind as sheeple, marks the fullness of the forfiet)
Then the unquestioning belief in the lies...
gets handed down from generation to generation...
(under the serpentine leadership)
by all of the decieved, boxed up thinking of a
population of parents, educators, professionals who have no clue what they missing.
(both male and female... to carry the "blame" rather equally)

And what does man'skind FOREFIET in all of this?

Their birthright as co-creators in God.
The knowledge that with/in God ALL things are possible.
Instead of rejoicing in creative individuality...
Instead of living unique lives of wonder and awe!...
mankind chooses instead to stupidly and blindly follow in the serpentine influence.

So we live in a "black and white" world (tree of good and evil),
instead of a TECHNICOLOR one (tree of life).

I myself prefer the technicolor tree,
and remain ever alert for those who try to steal my birthright.
Those who try and author (AUTHORity, AUTHORize) my life.
I don't listen to serpents. I don't follow men.

*** I somehow don't think the OP was for real.


Well-Known Member
Here's my own inspired understanding
of the timeless (true in every generation)
adam & eve allegory.
It's an interesting take on the subject... but allow me some questions:
Then the unquestioning belief in the lies...
gets handed down from generation to generation...
(under the serpentine leadership)
by all of the decieved, boxed up thinking of a
population of parents, educators, professionals who have no clue what they missing.
(both male and female... to carry the "blame" rather equally)
This allegory is "true in every generation".... and so applies to today?

So you believe that the human race is still trapped into believing the "twisted version of the truth" and we have given up: our birthright of being a co-creator/hope/creative individuality/and are stupid and blind?

Sheesh... sounds awful.
I myself prefer the technicolor tree,
Ummmm.... how is this possible if your allegory and mankinds "fullness of the forfiet" are true is this generation (and true to you I assume)?


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Not all opinions are created equal, and some border on irresponsible. The appeal to allegory is cheap, convenient, and evinces a self-serving ignorance of the pervasiveness of superstition in the ancient world. It also exhibits a remarkably arrogant thoughtlessness as it casually dismisses such writings as the Talmud.


It's an interesting take on the subject... but allow me some questions: S

This allegory is "true in every generation".... and so applies to today?
Yes. I would say it applies within even a new paradigm today.
With the advent of technology...
the "mediums" of our day/the "media" is now able to keep people tuned into
their regularly scheduled doses of "reality" programming...
right from the comfort of their self purchased "lazy boy's".

So you believe that the human race is still trapped into believing the "twisted version of the truth" and we have given up: our birthright of being a co-creator/hope/creative individuality/and are stupid and blind?
Most people are not stupid really...
(though certainly blind)
The trickery is so pervasive...
(have you seen the matrix?)
It is quite a feat to break free!
However they do not question what they are handed.
(and this is the fatal flaw)
(EDIT: this was ALSO Adam's fatal flaw!
and the flaw of man'skind that cinched and sealed
the fall from LIFE itself!)
People are over educated in a system
that teaches them only to regurgetate
(not to think for themselves)
they are tricked,
some are lazy thinkers,
some just don't care....
and many many many... are afraid.
It is lonely to live "in the world... but not of it".
Isolation and insult quite naturally follow.
(at least when you are OPEN about what you see)
Is that not exactly what happened to Y'shua? (Jesus?)
and what he said would happen to us?

Sheesh... sounds awful.
It is. Just look at the world you live in!
Do you find it acceptable?
War... disease?
Neglect... production over people?!?
Gluttony in the face of abject poverty?
The greatest poverty of the people...
is that they depend on men..
for what can ONLY be found IN...
what can only be REALized IN GOD...
and, in fact, within themselves.

But then they listen to the churches...
who at least IMPLY that God is "out there somewhere"...
instead of EVERYWHERE...
without AND within.
(and DIRECTLY accessable!!!)
Until people turn within for their knowledge IN God...
for their VERY LIFE IN GOD...
they will never enter into the "Kingdom" of Life...
here and now...
in their very midst.

Ummmm.... how is this possible if your allegory and mankinds "fullness of the forfiet" are true is this generation (and true to you I assume)?

The Tree of life is located in "The Garden".
The Garden is found only WITHIN the Kingdom (of God).
The kingdom can only be found within...

When you tune out the world...
and sit under the tree of life by the side of the river...
24/7.... all the days of your life...
God speaks there...
and your world there becomes increasingly technicolor.
Your world... your REALity... literally transforms around you...
and you see a whole new world...
a very pliable one... that moves WITH you....
as you move there in (active) faith and love and wonder.

Religious men often say they trust in God for everything,
yet their actions show they trust more in the ways of the world.

God gives us what we choose.
We create our reality(ies).
We were created to create.
Not be his little puppets.

Jesus did the "impossible"...
because His Union with God ("The Father") was total...
and he Lived and Moved in the Active Faith
that WITH/in GOD... all things are indeed possible.

This is what I'm talkin' about.

(The Kingdom comes without perception...
but the door is narrow...
and can only be entered one at a time.
The world wil never enter the Kingdom of God "en Mass".
Until the "critical" "mass" of the population
consists of INDIVIDUALS
who have entered into thefullness of their birthright
as active co-creators in the "improbable possibility",
we will never see the paradigm shift of a NEW reality.)


Not all opinions are created equal, and some border on irresponsible. The appeal to allegory is cheap, convenient, and evinces a self-serving ignorance of the pervasiveness of superstition in the ancient world. It also exhibits a remarkably arrogant thoughtlessness as it casually dismisses such writings as the Talmud.

Jesus Jay, you are using a sledge hammer on a problem that requires love and patience.


Allegory is beautiful...
and is found in all of life.
In every story...
in every life.

in every "his"story"...
in every fable & mythology.

yet really,
It is all one story...
one verse...
the UNIverse.
the ONEword.
Profundity can be found everywhere & in every'thing.
(as can God) and so "He" is.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Not all opinions are created equal, and some border on irresponsible. The appeal to allegory is cheap, convenient, and evinces a self-serving ignorance of the pervasiveness of superstition in the ancient world. It also exhibits a remarkably arrogant thoughtlessness as it casually dismisses such writings as the Talmud.

It is also cheap and convenient to suggest that those in the ancient world were incapable of the abstraction needed to be allegorical. Suggesting allegory in the Bible doesn't dismiss it, it renews it.

Edit: Besides which, the characters and events in it are too abstract to be taken as anything but highly symbolic to us. Unless, we want to take it as just a historically important superstitious myth--but why not glean some allegorical truth from it anyway? Like the myth of Sisyphus, some truly human hide behind the veil of literalism.


My God, Creator of all things forgive me for blaming Adam for Eatin the Apple when I have recently found out that it was EVE. Blimey, how does one forgive her, I am sure you would forgive her as well as the snake if they showed a little love to the world, or have they passed that stage where they can be forgiven. I ask you to show the ones that have gone against you and your creation a little forgiveness, I only ask.
Has anyone ever blamed someone to find out it was actually the other person who was lieing?

Forget about forgiving Eve. Let us all praise her for having the courage to defy the tyrannical Yahweh. :clap