To all of those who find abortion deplorable, there are tons of children needing parents. Why are you worried about an unborn\unliving thing, when there are children needing a stable home and other basic needs?
there is real violence and indifference being targeted towards children. Where is your religion on this matter?
51 Useful Aging Out of Foster Care Statistics | Social Race Media -.
The Legacy of the 2001 and 2003 “Bush” Tax Cuts | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
President W. Bush
phased out estate tax (which means that there would be dynasties of rich--like the kingdom of George III of England).
So, while some have golden toilets, others starve, and most properties are being bought by rich corporations, while
young couples can't buy houses (have to rent from the rich), and the rich can charge what they want....often making people
homeless (which is why we have such a large homeless population, today).
In this land of the haves and have-nots, it is common for women to hire the burden of pregnancy. They don't want to stretch out their bodies, and have hormonal imbalances. They can merely
hire a surrogate mom to have their babies for theim.
Raised by nannies, the kids have little influence from parents.
More laws passed to
keep families from taking care of elderly family members (California: undue influence to tend the elderly....can undo will/trust and disinherit), forcing elderly into government long term care facilities where loose standards are met (sit up for 15 minutes/day to prevent bedsores), but standards of care are terrible (don't respond to nurse call button, wallow in poop for 24 hours, eat glop)).
More laws make economic incentives to live in sin (marry and lose welfare benefits). SSI requires inspections with nit-picking regulations (no cereal boxes on refrigerators). In California, welfare would fix kid's teeth with temporary fillings (needing a dentist to put in another temp filling in a few weeks....more work for dentist, more pain for kid--easily prevented by using permanent filling material).
The upshot is that our laws are not set up to help.
Should we apply this crazy system to more aspects of our lives? To abortion/or lack of abortion? Perhaps it is a personal matter, best left to the individual?
Someone has to take care of orphans, so it is either family members (which often refuse) or the government, or adopting families. Surely adoption can't be all that bad.