Smile, hello Aupji, just got back from a long walk. I hope you are well! I missed 3 years of not wishing you a happy anniversary in February.
Of course you may differ with me, lol. Just like old times. But if ALL is Brahman, as most agree in the abstract, how can Maya not be a part of or associated with It? I was attempting to say that Brahman "wills" and Mother Maya "acts" or "produces" accordingly. Our minds separate the two, but in Reality, they are inseparable.
Now, if you wish to argue with the Upanishads, you'll have to take that up with someone else.
Ishavasyam idam sarvam
Yat kim cha jagatyam jagat
Tena tyaktena bhunjithah
Ma gridhah kasyasvid dhanam
All this is for the play and habitation of the Lord.
All this is God, and nothing else.
For me, this statement is profound and profoundly revealing of "the way things are" and an instructive teaching. I interpret it as referring to Prem Lila, the Play of the Love Divine (which I was calling God's sport), as well as a reminder that God resides within all, interpenetrates all, including assuming various costumes as "us." And yes, it is Maya Herself who prevents the "us" from realizing it. Until we do, of course.
Warm, warm regards to you...!