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Active Member
Halcyon said:
Take the worlds population, then minus the atheists and agnostics.
I thought an agnostic was someone who didn't say there was nothing, he or she just says I am not convinced yet. Can an agnostic confirm or correct me.

I thought it was only the atheist religion that said on death the lights go out, and that is it.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Agnostic:a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god


Lord of the Badgers
michel said:
Agnostic:a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
Exactly, an agnostic doesn't know if an afterlife exists or not, so they can't very well believe one exists can they. Andypandy wanted to know how many people positively believe in an afterlife.


Active Member
Halcyon said:
Exactly, an agnostic doesn't know if an afterlife exists or not, so they can't very well believe one exists can they. Andypandy wanted to know how many people positively believe in an afterlife.
If the answer 'maybe, not sure' cannot be used as a positive yes, equally, it cannot be used as a positive no. They are a sort of 50:50 each way bet

Maybe we should count all the agnostics in the world and assume that half of them are yes's and half of them are no's.

Actually, everybody believes in an afterlife. It is just that the atheist afterlife is a bit black and a bit quiet and a bit boring.


Lord of the Badgers
Merlin said:
If the answer 'maybe, not sure' cannot be used as a positive yes, equally, it cannot be used as a positive no. They are a sort of 50:50 each way bet

Maybe we should count all the agnostics in the world and assume that half of them are yes's and half of them are no's.

Actually, everybody believes in an afterlife. It is just that the atheist afterlife is a big black and a bit quiet and a bit boring.
No. If you are not sure something exists then you don't believe in it. simple as that.

According to http://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm

The current (when this data was recorded) religious population of the world is 5.2626 billion people. I've included Buddhists in this, since if you're reincarnated its kind of an afterlife, since its after your previous life ;)


Active Member
Halcyon said:
No. If you are not sure something exists then you don't believe in it. simple as that.

According to http://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm

The current (when this data was recorded) religious population of the world is 5.2626 billion people. I've included Buddhists in this, since if you're reincarnated its kind of an afterlife, since its after your previous life ;)
I know it's not exactly related to this thread, does your information show a breakdown of numbers of people in each religion and/or denomination


Active Member
Halcyon said:
No. If you are not sure something exists then you don't believe in it. simple as that.

According to http://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm

The current (when this data was recorded) religious population of the world is 5.2626 billion people. I've included Buddhists in this, since if you're reincarnated its kind of an afterlife, since its after your previous life ;)
You could be asked; "is the cinema are open this evening". You reply, not sure, but we will go and try anyway.

According to your theory, you would have to say not sure so we will not go. Maybe, always means maybe, not no


Lord of the Badgers
Merlin said:
You could be asked; "is the cinema are open this evening". You reply, not sure, but we will go and try anyway.

According to your theory, you would have to say not sure so we will not go. Maybe, always means maybe, not no
That site says whether numbers of adherents are rising or dropping, that's all though, nothing about specific denominations either.

I don't know why you're finding this so hard to understand. Lets use your cineme example, we have 3 groups - 1 those who believe the cinema is open, 2 - those who don't know and 3 - those who believe that it is closed. Andypandy was only interested in the number of people in group 1, the believers. Therefore the numbers in groups 2 and 3 can be discounted, understand?


Not your average Mormon
Merlin said:
Actually, everybody believes in an afterlife. It is just that the atheist afterlife is a bit black and a bit quiet and a bit boring.
Kind of like the atheist's funeral, huh? All dressed up and nowhere to go?


Lord of the Badgers
Merlin said:
Actually, everybody believes in an afterlife. It is just that the atheist afterlife is a bit black and a bit quiet and a bit boring.
Its not boring, because there is nothing to get bored.


Well-Known Member
Halcyon said:
Take the worlds population, then minus the atheists and agnostics.
So since when did not believing in a god mean not believing in an afterlife? Could an athiest not believe that say we were all made through nature, no god at all, and when we die we go to a higher plane of existance? The person would be an athiest, but would still believe in an afterlife.

And an agnostic is the same way... One could say not be sure if there was a god or not, but see the evidence for NDE and say "Well regardless if there is or isn't a god, there is an afterlife!"


Well-Known Member
Katzpur said:
Kind of like the atheist's funeral, huh? All dressed up and nowhere to go?
athiest's still have funerals... Well they are more thought of as memorials, but still... A funeral is not really FOR the dead person, it is for the living people to say goodbye to the recently deceased.


Active Member
Halcyon said:
Its not boring, because there is nothing to get bored.
Fair comment, but you have a whole lifetime without the pleasure of wondering what it will be like in heaven! That must be fairly boring.


Active Member
Ryan2065 said:
Could an athiest not believe that say we were all made through nature, no god at all, and when we die we go to a higher plane of existance? The person would be an athiest, but would still believe in an afterlife.
Is that not Buddhism?