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Active Member
Ryan2065 said:
when we die we go to a higher plane of existance?
This is just a more adult version of "when we die will go to heaven". For mature religious people, heaven is not people sitting around playing harps, or worshipping God for eternity, or even living on some utopian earth. It is obvious that if there is an afterlife, we will go to some higher plane of existence.

How could we not? We are not going to have a lower plane of existence, and we are clearly not going to have exactly the same plane of existence, so it must be higher.


World Leader Pretend
Merlin said:
This is just a more adult version of "when we die will go to heaven". For mature religious people, heaven is not people sitting around playing harps, or worshipping God for eternity, or even living on some utopian earth. It is obvious that if there is an afterlife, we will go to some higher plane of existence.

How could we not? We are not going to have a lower plane of existence, and we are clearly not going to have exactly the same plane of existence, so it must be higher.

Wow, that is some pretty awful logic. There is absolutely no reason to suspect that if there is an afterlife we can conclude anything about what it will be like. It is your hope that it is a higher existence... but you cannot be even slightly certain that it is higher or lower or equal to your current existence. You have no cause. Afterlife mythologies are used to represent our hope that at least when we die we will achieve our ideal. It's a hope and it is different for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
It is not easy to have the funeral without one
Yes, but there are not many religions today that require a funeral... The dead person will still go to where they were going with or without one.. They are really for the family of the dead person to say goodbye to that dead person.


Well-Known Member
Despite their differences, almost all denominations of Christendom agree that humans have an immortal soul that survives the death of the body. Most believe that when a person dies, his soul may go to heaven. Some fear that their soul might go to a fiery hell or to purgatory. But the idea of an immortal soul is central to their view of a future life.

This widely accepted idea is one of the greatest misunderstandings of Christianity

Jehovah God did not create humans to go to heaven after they died. It was not his original purpose that they should die at all

Why does Christendom teach something so different from what the Bible says?

Christendom’s doctrine of the immortality of the soul is derived from Greek philosophy. It was not revealed through God’s revelations to Israel or through the first-century congregation of anointed Christians

If there is no immortal soul, what is the real hope for the dead? It is, of course, the resurrection, a central Bible doctrine and a truly wonderful divine promise. Jesus held out the resurrection hope when he said to his friend Martha: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life." (John 11:25) To believe in Jesus means to believe in the resurrection, not in an immortal soul



Active Member
Ryan2065 said:
Yes, but I was responding to the post that said that all athiest do not believe in an afterlife =P I was pointing out that some do
Sorry, I do not classified Buddhists as atheists. I have always assumed an atheist has no religion at all. Buddhism is a well-developed religion with a complex structure and hierarchy.

Whereas atheists are alone.


World Leader Pretend
Merlin said:
Whereas atheists are alone.

Atheists can still have highly developed philosophical and moral belief structures... they are not "alone". They still have nature, the universe and the world of Man to entertain them.


Well-Known Member
I think we need a clear definition of "afterlife" before we can even start discussing it. According to Merriam-Webster, it is simply "an existance after death". I think it is fair to claim that most, atheists included, believe we exist after we die. We're simply not alive during this existance. I don't see what is more or less boring about sitting next to some god and not being alive versus any alternatives. You're still not alive. Now I agree a resurrection is definately less boring but what's the point if you don't have any of your past memories? To me, living on beyond your death only occurs in the memories of the living and your physical remains. The idea of an eternal soul makes little difference whether it exists or not. I mean, for example, why would I care if my soul goes to heaven or hell? I've never even seen or met my soul and, therefore, don't even know if it exists or not.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Merlin said:
I know it's not exactly related to this thread, does your information show a breakdown of numbers of people in each religion and/or denomination
Will this help?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Merlin said:
I know it's not exactly related to this thread, does your information show a breakdown of numbers of people in each religion and/or denomination
Will this help?

Fascist Christ

Active Member
Merlin said:
Actually, everybody believes in an afterlife. It is just that the atheist afterlife is a bit black and a bit quiet and a bit boring.
I object, because my vision of an afterlife is the same as most Atheists: there is none.

Now tell me, how can "nothing" be black, or have any color at all?

How can "nothing" be boring if there is "nothing" there that can get bored?

Is it too hard to understand that your perceptions just cease?

What do you suppose a blind man sees, all black? How can a blind man see anything if he is blind?

How about that time within sleep that you do not dream? Are you staring at blackness for hours, waiting for the movie to start?

I realize this may be getting a little off topic, so if you want to continue this part of the debate, feel free to use this thread:
Afterlife = God?

I think that an agnostic/atheist person can believe in something beyond this current life and still be considered agnostic/atheist.