Thou art That
The volume of an atom actually occupied with the matter component (ie electrons, protons and neutrons)is minuscule compared the volume an atom occupies. Atoms are 99.99999999999999999999% totally void, but we can still have force carriers eg photons present in through these voids, unless we are in a part of space, where the first photons etc from the expansion have not yet reached.
So is nothing, nothing, is a vacuum, a vacuum, and if so since we are 99.999999999999% nothing can we really exist?
Of course we can, such is the beauty of physics and chemistry.
....and of nothing, for without it, that 99.xxxxxxxxxxxx% could also not exist. But you are defning nothing in terms of physics, where nothing is a vacuum. A vacuum is always defined in terms of what is solid, and vice versa. So you are not speaking about nothing, but emptiness. Nothing is absolute emptiness. It cannot be measured via of physics, nor by logic, nor by analysis. All attempts to see nothing via the rational mind's workings will fail since it cannot be contained in any concept or idea.
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