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Alaska Gay marriage ban overturned


Wonder Woman
I do believe I'm on ignore. :p

Oh well, it's an almost happy day that I can flummox someone to the point of ignoring me. Don't mind me then, I'll just Happy Heathen Pagan Dance over here in the corner.



You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
If you're suggesting the bible is metaphorical and allegorical, I agree. If you are suggesting it is literal and can be supported by science, that's where we part company.

I am suggesting it is both. But as i have said many times, understanding it is crucial. It is seen in many levels. It is not as easy a read as you first think. It is not written to let people in but to keep them out. People always make the mistake of thinking that they understand with their eyes what was written by someone else's. It is normal.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I do believe I'm on ignore. :p

Oh well, it's an almost happy day that I can flummox someone to the point of ignoring me. Don't mind me then, I'll just Happy Heathen Pagan Dance over here in the corner.

Ignore by who? But i like the dance, haha


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
In order to say that nothing about the bible has been scientifically "dis-proven" one must assert that it is entirely a work mythology, never intended to be more than analogy and metaphor, folklore, legend, and archetypes one can build philosophy and faith around. Therefore placing it equally on par with all other mythologies all over the world. For they all speak the same way, of the same base knowledge. Is that what you claim? If not, if you claim any real inherent applicable truth to the bible, apparent in the physical world, then it becomes something else entirely. A claim of "truth", of fact. And facts are in question. Fact can be proven or not. Evidence is to be weighed.

So which is it? Myth on par with all other myth? Or fact?

Ok, perhaps you think it is me. I would say check out the link I have posted of G Schroeder. If you do not like any of what he says, then there is nothing more I can add. We all follow our own ideas at the end of the day. I understand that there should be evidence. But if you think that all evidence is only evidence if it is physical, then you would be misguided. Most people think that so dismiss the truth in doing so.


Science has not disproved anything in the Bible. Science corroborates it. It is a failure to understand scripture by non-believers and believers alike which can make it sound as though it is at odds. The big bang, evolution and the multiverse have all been spoken of well before carnal man came up with his ideas.

You are free to ignore that though... that is why people think that religion and science are at odds.

MY-OH-MY! Why do you folks keep saying things like that.

The earth is not a scribed flat circle (pancake shape) with the heaven like a tent above, - with God on top looking down! This is what the Bible tells us.

EDIT - to add verse.

Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle (chug) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Chug = a flat scribed circle = pancake shape.

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for anyone interested this shows some of the 6 days:

Gerald Schroeder - Articles - Age of the Universe

OK - I wasted my time reading that.

It does not in any way mesh the Bible and Science.

He had to change time to two different "times perspectives" to try to mesh this.

I was disappointed as it says Gerald Lawrence Schroeder is an Orthodox Jewish physicist.

Note his correction at the bottom - someone obviously called him on his bull.

Now the numbers no longer mesh.



Veteran Member
But if that is the case, then whoever is reading it is misinterpreting it in the first place. It is not a history book in the modern understanding, nor a lecture in physics. But the reality is there, it is not wrong. People do not understand it, as they are not supposed to understand it. So you take your own meaning out of it in order that you can prove it wrong. Do you not understand that somethings written in anything can be ambiguous?

Scripture is speaking of the higher-conscious first and foremost. Without that understanding, materialistic people will go in with the wrong mindset. That is why they are better staying out.

Maybe you're the one who's got it wrong. :shrug:


Libertarian Egalitarian
I do believe I'm on ignore. :p

Oh well, it's an almost happy day that I can flummox someone to the point of ignoring me. Don't mind me then, I'll just Happy Heathen Pagan Dance over here in the corner.

Can deists do the"Happy Heathen Pagan Dance" too? I'm not pagan, but I have been called a "heathen" a time or two.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I do believe I'm on ignore. :p

Oh well, it's an almost happy day that I can flummox someone to the point of ignoring me. Don't mind me then, I'll just Happy Heathen Pagan Dance over here in the corner.


Ima join in! :tribal: Duivelspeck's Theotmahal - Die Thingstatte (or as I call it, the Wodendance) just started playing after all. ^_^


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Science has not disproved anything in the Bible. Science corroborates it.

No, they don't.

It is a failure to understand scripture by non-believers and believers alike which can make it sound as though it is at odds.
It is the literalist interpretation that directly puts them at odds.

We know that there was no light until several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang because, guess what? We can still see the First Light. If you still have one, unplug the cable from your CRT TV and turn it on. That First Light is part of what makes up the static you see.

The big bang, evolution and the multiverse have all been spoken of well before carnal man came up with his ideas.
No, they weren't. None of those things are in the Bible, anywhere. The Biblical canon is no less "carnal" than any other book.


Wonder Woman
Just have to love the argument "It is right, it does mean this, it can't be proven wrong and anyone who thinks differently just doesn't understand it." As if it is so apparently obvious that it is only able to be interpreted one way. Yep, that's why there are all these denominations based upon the same book, why there have been and always will be all these debates about the same book, why you can go from one Christian to another and another ad nauseam and get different opinions about the same thing all with basis in that very same book.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
MY-OH-MY! Why do you folks keep saying things like that.

The earth is not a scribed flat circle (pancake shape) with the heaven like a tent above, - with God on top looking down! This is what the Bible tells us.

EDIT - to add verse.

Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle (chug) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Chug = a flat scribed circle = pancake shape.

I think I should be saying ' my oh my'. It has to be seen in context with the reality that it speaks of. The writings of the Bible are divinely inspired about something earlier. Everything is about something earlier... so it will not reflect in the way you might expect. It is not a normal book to be read in a normal way. It is scripture. The sooner people understand that, the sooner they could relate to it. But that is why it says it is spiritually discerned.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Just have to love the argument "It is right, it does mean this, it can't be proven wrong and anyone who thinks differently just doesn't understand it." As if it is so apparently obvious that it is only able to be interpreted one way. Yep, that's why there are all these denominations based upon the same book, why there have been and always will be all these debates about the same book, why you can go from one Christian to another and another ad nauseam and get different opinions about the same thing all with basis in that very same book.

haha... Ok, fine.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
OK - I wasted my time reading that.

It does not in any way mesh the Bible and Science.

He had to change time to two different "times perspectives" to try to mesh this.

I was disappointed as it says Gerald Lawrence Schroeder is an Orthodox Jewish physicist.

Note his correction at the bottom - someone obviously called him on his bull.

Now the numbers no longer mesh.

No. It still works. He gave the new numbers. But that is not the point. It starts from the higher-consciousness. What they speak of is the higher-consciousness... so it is not going to reflect as it does above because there is always error. It is written that way for the 'babes' who want it simple. There have been many attempts on the six days and they all show it to be true in the main.

The problem is the idea of six days. It is not six days. We look from our persepctive of what a day is. A day is light... a period of light. Repeat. It is not speaking of here. It is speaking of above. Thus it is right when understood. But in simple terms, it will not be understood. It is a good way of keeping the chaff out... haha


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
We know that there was no light until several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang because, guess what? We can still see the First Light......... That First Light is part of what makes up the static you see.

So firstly you are agreeing that light came about. So Genesis is right and you agree even though you are not agreeing.. haha.
That is what it says 'let there be', it says nothing about being immediate.
And the word is actually more to to with illuminary than light per se and can mean many things.

Perhaps it is you who takes it to literal with your own preconceived ideas


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Just have to love the argument "It is right, it does mean this, it can't be proven wrong and anyone who thinks differently just doesn't understand it." .

So what exactly are you saying then? You not understanding it means you are right, and someone not agreeing with you is wrong. Where is the difference. Oh I see... those were your ideas not mine.. got yer


Wonder Woman
So what exactly are you saying then? You not understanding it means you are right, and someone not agreeing with you is wrong. Where is the difference. Oh I see... those were your ideas not mine.. got yer

I'd like to say nice try at twisting things around, but it really wasn't a very good try. Welcome to try again if you'd like.


Ingledsva said:
MY-OH-MY! Why do you folks keep saying things like that.

The earth is not a scribed flat circle (pancake shape) with the heaven like a tent above, - with God on top looking down! This is what the Bible tells us.

EDIT - to add verse.

Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle (chug) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Chug = a flat scribed circle = pancake shape.

I think I should be saying ' my oh my'. It has to be seen in context with the reality that it speaks of. The writings of the Bible are divinely inspired about something earlier. Everything is about something earlier... so it will not reflect in the way you might expect. It is not a normal book to be read in a normal way. It is scripture. The sooner people understand that, the sooner they could relate to it. But that is why it says it is spiritually discerned.

LOL! "It is spiritually discerned."

You are not going to get away with that crap here.

If you don't like what I posted - PROVE IT WRONG!

It is very obvious what it is saying -

Isa 40:20 He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.

Isa 40:21 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Isa 40:23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.

By the way - this is how I would translate the verse -

Isa 40:22 Established is He over the scribed circle (chug) of the earth; and the inhabitants, they are like locust to He who stretched forth the gossamer specks/dust of the heavens, and they did spread out, as a sanctuary (temple/tent/covering,) to inhabit.

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