Well I asked for it and I certainly got it.
I must be exceedingly slow, because I am just unable to get it into my thick head,
I still do not UNDERSTAND....let me try and explain my problem,
I think I have said it before, there is a religion to fit everyone,
whatever your needs, there is at least one you will like,
why,why,why, are there so many religions? if all they do is pander to peoples
needs, fears, wants, desires, call them whatever, what good are they?
or are they like a kids dummy, ( I think you call them comforters)
something to stop you thinking to much about life and death,
Life to me is simple, you are born, you live your life, and you die,
you can have a good life, bad life, hungry life, lots of different lives,
happy, rich, poor, but at the end of it, you die, now it seems that is not
enough for some people, they insist on complicating things, they can not
accept it is that simple, (99.9% of people are just born, live, and die,
without even making a ripple on the pond,) for them, there has got to be
more to it than that, they think they are some how deserving of more than
that. you can hear people saying 'this can not be all there is.'
It is because I belive it is that simple, I don't believe in, Religion, Nationalism,
Racism, (and lots of other 'ism's' I cant think of now) they all just get in the
way of life, it is far to short a life anyway, I just want to conform to the rules
of the country I live in, avoid bigots, and not answer the door to the 'LDS',
have a few drinks, talk to friends about Religion, Nationalism, Racism, and Rugby.
I have traveled the world, and a beautiful world it is, all to be burnt up
by the sun one day, wether we are on it, or not, and the ant hill will be no more.
we will be forgotten, in fact there will be no one here to remember.