I don't believe in Noah and the Ark
I can believe in Noah. I can believe in the Ark. I can not believe the whole earth was flooded. But I like much better the symbolism and lessons we can learn. Old scriptures are know for symbolism and lessons. People forget this nowadays. Understandable, that means you need to wake up your gray cells. I tend to be lazy "sometimes" also.
I see adam and eve in the gaden as symbolism
I believe there is heaps of symbolism. But woman seducing the man to eat from the forbidden fruit seems quite literal IMO. My Master said that 20.000 years ago "King Rama" in India was living, so the 6000 year ago starting human life story I can not believe. Seems that science also found evidence about this. Made it easier to see it as symbolism.
I have trouble believing that God gave moses tablets an the exodus out of egypt
Okay that one I do like. Never thought that were a "doubt case" also. But now I (first time) use my gray cells on this one, it is kind of a stretch. God never gave me something written in stone, so it's kind of hard to believe. He did give me instructions in voice. So I think Moses got the instructions from God (that I do not doubt for a second). Then God instructed Moses "You carve it in stone, and tell them that God did this". Sometimes it's good to tell the kids a little extra, otherwise they don't buy. But don't overdo it, they are not fools. Well considered this is not even a lie, when seen from Advaita "all are one, and God resides in everyone [so God spark in Moses did it".
I believe God came in the form of Jesus to suffer for our sins and to make us spiritually anew and we will one day be one with groom Christ in Holy union. The body of Christ.
I believe "God came in the form of Jesus to suffer by our sin "nailing him at the cross". The rest is to me a nice story to take guilt away from what they actually did or use the story to create the Church empire around it with all power/control games. But again as seen from "God being unconditional Love", then if you believe this "story" then it might be true for the ones who believe it. I do not belittle the story itself at all. I am convinced it works if you believe it.
I believe there is Hell only for the ones who believe in hell, thereby creating it on the spot, meaning here on earth. I don't believe in Hell after death.
Those that don't have the Holy Spirit living in them simply die
I believe we all have the Divine spark in us. In some the spark is a bit dormant. What happens after death is pure speculation. I am not into that. I rather check it out first, only seems to be a thing you can only check out once, and not able to share afterwards. So I keep this one to check out when I know there is no way back anyway.
I believe the scritures are imperfect renditions by people that God uses to instruct us.
I believe also that humans messed up when writing down the scriptures. But we can still learn a lot from them. Unless we don't use common sense and brain power
I know that Jesus loves me. I know that God loves me. I know that I am not in Love with the institute Church. I love it when God tells me "You are wrong", at least He talks to me [then I don't care whether it is positive or negative; just the personal attention is enough]. I love it not when Christians tell me "You are wrong". Why? Because they are not so convincing to say the least. I just not happen to trust them on their word. I do trust God on His word much better.
So I call myself a follower of God. Takes care of all the confusion of the different religions.
I wish you all the best in defining and finding your way "how to believe". I believe it is between God and me personally. Makes chosing for me much easier, if I don't need to worry what other believers believe or tell to me or do themselves.