Isn't it the Democrat party and the Left, the organization that espouses identity politics? It teaches diversity, which means one is to be proud to maintain their cultural, ethnic, racial or sexual distinctions. The white supremacists are simply doing what they are taught in school by the left. White is a cultural identity similar to black, brown, etc.
The problem that arises is due to the dual standards of the left; women's prerogative. Everyone else can do what the white supremacist is accused of, but the rules are different for them. This is a scam for creating political division. It creates racist and cultural dual standard that excludes. The Democrat party traditionally made the blacks scape goats with their dual standard. This has not changed, other than using is new scape goat and the dual standard.
The way around this, is to get rid of identity politics for all. Trump believes in making American Great. American was the melting pot for all cultures and people. It is an amalgam of all ethnic, racial, cultural and sexual distinctions that merge as one team. This is unique to the history of the world.
The left is the party who plays identity politics and tries to divide the unity of the American melting pot into separate ingredients. This leftist method of political and social division helps to create the white supremacist, since it too is an identity based on the rules of this dissociated model.
The analogy is a sports team. A good team integrate all its diverse talent toward a common and shared goal. A bad team is one that is full of hot dogs and back stabbers, who only think of themselves or their own clique. In both cases, there will be good players who are the top scorers. The entire good team will benefit by the skills of its best players. The bad dissociated team is full of petty jealousy. They resent the efforts of the best players, if not in their clique, since they don't see the team coming first.
I liked the way the liberal youth of the 1960's dealt with this. They created a dividing line called the generation gap. The slogan was don't trust anyone over 30. Instead of dividing people along ethnic and racial diversity lines, the dividing line was based on age. This rule allowed all ethnic and racial distinctions to be on the same team, since only age mattered; new and older generations. Once on the same team, all group members benefitted by the skills each team mate brought.