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Am I agnostic?


New Member
So my family is christian and they think I'M christian, but I don't consider myself one. I don't like going to church, I don't believe most of the stuff they teach, I don't feel like i connect with anyone there, and I don't practice any of it. If i did, I'd be a hypocrite.

It's been a few years now that I questioned my faith and god. I doubt a lot of things in the bible and I'm not even sure if jesus really came. I also wonder how people can prove that theres a god? it's impossible! I do like to think that something created us....but no one knows for sure.

I just hate lying to people when they ask if I'm religious or not. Chances they are and if i say something like...oh i don't believe in anything....they would surley tell me otherwise.

I want to figure out what I really am....


Treasure Hunter
You seem agnostic to me, because you don't really believe in god, but you sort of think there could possibly be a creator. That sounds agnostic. You could tell your family that. I don't know them though, or how they would take that bit of information. If they are the kind of people who would be rude to you for disagreeing with them, I might just not tell them at all. Most of my family doesn't know I'm not religious. They don't need to. But, of course, I don't have to go to church with them either, so it's a little different.


New Member
Hmm, I want to then I don't. I do wanna tell them so they would stop bugging me to go to church with them.

And I kinda don't wanna tell them because know they'll say "oh no you're not. you just need to go to church blah blah blah" or they'll think I'm just deppressed and don't wanna believe in or do anything.


Treasure Hunter
Well, I guess you just need to decide of the nagging you'll receive is worth it. My parents were a little shocked at first when I told them I didn't believe in god. Now my mom is really accepting of it. She is also not sure what she believes anymore though, so it's not as though we are polar opposites and we never went to church either. My dad always told me I was wrong and tried to explain why I was stupid, then we just never talked about religion anymore. Luckily, my immediate family never attended church, so even though their beliefs aren't like mine, it hasn't really been a problem. I only told my mom, dad, and sisters though. Some of my older relatives are pretty religious, and I think they wouldn't like me anymore if they knew.


non-existential luminary
Yes, we are all agnostic.
tell your family you and they are agnostic.
or don't. i don't know your family, i can't know how they might react.
they can't force you to go to church. i was like you, my church said i would be the next pastor, because i knew so much of bible and religions. i understood we were agnostic though. sometimes people need religion. my sunday school teacher said he would be a cold blooded sad murderer if he became an atheist so.... sometimes relgion is good.
don't worry you're not as much of a hypocrite as them. they are lying to themselves. i guess you would not want to lie to others, then try to keep it a secrete, ignore ever getting into the topic of truth or your personal believes. deal in their stories and believes only. that's what i did, and they never suspected i was agnostic. ofcourse, i LIKED going to church. i hate arguing agnosticism with random people face-to-face because i dont know what to expect as a reaction, so i try not to have the topic be brought up with strangers or people who will react negatively. but i continually try to teach agnosticism to my close family, and inform people here who misunderstand it but wish or ask to be helped to understand,
i noticed you have your gender as both. is your family o.k. with that? cuz they might blame agnosticism as the cause of that "horror". and definately try to like exorcise you or something. like i said. i dont know.
i say you shouldn't go to church if you dont want to. maybe tell your family that religious people freak you out. or maybe you could make some huge scandle like get a grlfriend pregnant in church, they would surely BEG you not to come back. just think about what might happen, the consequences of your actions. you know more than i about your situation.
i hope you find a way that helps you deal with your problem my friend. :). decide what you decide i hope it goes well.


New Member
i noticed you have your gender as both. is your family o.k. with that? cuz they might blame agnosticism as the cause of that "horror".

Wait what?? I thought that meant you don't want people to know your gender? I'm certainly not both! haha


non-existential luminary
Wait what?? I thought that meant you don't want people to know your gender? I'm certainly not both! haha
lol :biglaugh: you must have made a mistake. or maybe i dont recall how it works :angel2: [edit - nope, see you have to choose "undisclose", i just did and it goes blank, not "gender-neutral" lol. i think gender-neutral means you dont identify solely as male or female.]
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Treasure Hunter
My gender is set at both... O_O

It's just to confuse people though. I like to switch my gender all the time... and then get offended when someone accidentally calls me a "he" or "him." (I don't really get offended. I should pretend though. Freak some people out. The next time someone makes that mistake, Imma **** them up.)


New Member
Well, technically we are all agnostic as there is no way of knowing what most consider the unknowable. I can't make a link but you can go to Wikipedia and look up Agnosticism and read up on the different types. When you find out what type you are you may feel more comforted.


non-existential luminary
Go to AgnosticUniverse.org its a great site. there's a nice parable about a metallic cube that tells more specifically what an agnostic is.


So my family is christian and they think I'M christian, but I don't consider myself one. I don't like going to church, I don't believe most of the stuff they teach, I don't feel like i connect with anyone there, and I don't practice any of it. If i did, I'd be a hypocrite.

It's been a few years now that I questioned my faith and god. I doubt a lot of things in the bible and I'm not even sure if jesus really came. I also wonder how people can prove that theres a god? it's impossible! I do like to think that something created us....but no one knows for sure.

I just hate lying to people when they ask if I'm religious or not. Chances they are and if i say something like...oh i don't believe in anything....they would surley tell me otherwise.

I want to figure out what I really am....

Ask your parents if God could make a rock that he couldn't lift.
Then tell them, "See, I don't believe in God."

What I suggest is to read about agnosticism (and about everything else in the world that interests you). There are more than just a few labels in terms of all the different perceptions of the world. There is a little truth in everything, if you perceive it.


... "oh no you're not. you just need to go to church blah blah blah" or they'll think I'm just deppressed and don't wanna believe in or do anything.

If you think they'll literally say that, then explain to them that nobody chooses to believe or not to believe. Your mind makes itself up for you. You can't make yourself believe that you are of a different race, and you can't make yourself believe or not believe in god. Your conviction, and everybody's conviction is a mental process that is not concious.

If they don't believe you, ask them to choose to believe that everybody that lives on your street except your own family are all cats instead of humans. They can't do it, just like they can't choose whether to believe in god.