One of the problems with the abortion discussion, is women have been conned into believing that an abortion is a woman's right. Name me a male's right that only men share? Something does not add up.
A right is something that applies to all; human rights. A right is not a niche thing, that only some can enjoy. The right to own guns, applies to men and women, black and white, atheists and theists, etc. The right of free speech applies to all and not just one political party.
Things that do not apply to all, such as abortion, is an entitlement. The entitlement mentality brings us down a slippery slope, since every niche will want its own share of entitlements, to make it fair. Instead of equal rights for all, each niche will be given an edge over others so we all can cheat in our own special ways?
Rights are part of an advance culture. Entitlements are a throw back to the age of the monarchies, where the king and queen where entitled to chose life and death for others. This entitlement approach is regressive to Democracy, since monarchies do not care about anyone, who is not entitled.
The forming of the USA was a milestone in human history. It represented a transitional time, where the age of monarchies, from the start of civilization, were finally transcended, in favor of a new form of country where all people had equal rights, instead of only some people, having all the entitlements. It appears the Democrat party is attempting to regress back to the age of monarchies by bestowing entitlements on some, while limiting rights on others. This is a threat to Democracy, since free Democracies has no entitlements, but only rights that apply to all.
The time in US history, where monarchies sort of made a comeback, was connected to 1820's, Industrial Revolution and the rapid rise in slavery. If you were a slave, you had no rights and no entitlements, unless given by the owner. The owner was entitled to the fruit of the labor of their slaves. The slave owner was also entitled to have power over life and death, like a mini king and queen.
By 1860, the debate over slavery was heating up due to the rise of the mini monarchies; wealthy plantations and a new type of Aristocracy. The Democrat party became divided in terms of its attitude toward slavery. The Southern Democrat plantation owners in 1860's, owned most of the slaves and did not wish to upset their mini monarchies.
The northern Democrats were more anti-slavery since the industrial north was less dependent on slaves. The party became divided before the 1860 elections, with each side having their own candidate for president. This division allowed the Republican, Lincoln, to win. Thereafter, there were enough votes; Republican and Northern Democrat to free the slaves,
Southern Democrats did not agree and wanted to start a new country based on slavery; mini monarchy type of country. However, they were defeated in the Civil War, and the Union was made whole. But the Southern Democrats were not expelled but allowed to be part of the government. They vowed to rise again, which they did through the Legislative process. Their influence was the main source of systemic racism; restore the glory days of the mini monarchies, where whites were entitled to better everything. This power of entitlement appealed too many people, giving it traction.
The way they did this, is still done today. Bills, about one thing, often have extra things added, that have nothing to do with the original bill, like pork barrel and law changes. These are often political payback for their vote in other areas. The Southern Democrats played long ball, until a dual justice system was put into motion. This entitlement mentality allowed racism to remain for decades.
This monarchy mind set has entered the abortion issue, with women entitled to choose life or death, apart from any human rights that apply to all. This comes from the same mold, as post slavery racism, with the unborn at whims of the female plantation owner; her uterus, where lives.
It is important to know the difference between rights and entitlements if you believe in a Democracy or the regression back to monarchy control. Personally I am less worried about the plantation owners compare to the slaves ,,they lord over, who have no worth to them.