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American Gun Laws,i just don't get it (Aurora Cinema shootings)


Sugar and Spice
I think American gun laws and culture are crazy. However, with America being the way it now is, I think there is a good argument that all of it's citizens have the right to carry ONE gun for personal protection. (I would never advocate the same here in the UK).
Having said that, the horrific incident in Aurora just goes to show that whatever checks are supposed to be made in the gun trade, aren't being made properly. And the price is being paid in the blood of innocents.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I think American gun laws and culture are crazy. However, with America being the way it now is, I think there is a good argument that all of it's citizens have the right to carry ONE gun for personal protection. (I would never advocate the same here in the UK).
Having said that, the horrific incident in Aurora just goes to show that whatever checks are supposed to be made in the gun trade, aren't being made properly. And the price is being paid in the blood of innocents.

I too would hate to see this in the UK,i have a sporting Shotgun which is licenced,i also have a Rifle which never leaves the Gun club Armoury,this makes sense for many reasons and safety being the top one.

This Guy had an assault Rifle and was allowed to legally take it home with hundreds of rounds of ammunition,this is way past having a Pistol for protection and seems quite crazy to me.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Obviously its all over the news BBC News - Aurora suspect James Holmes 'bought guns legally'.

I don't get it,a Guy buys an assault Rifle,Shotgun,two Pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo and nobody questions it,ok i understand the right to bare arms for protection but there ought to be some restrictions,from what i understand of them the American Gun Laws are crazy IMO.

The Second Amendment is based on the idea that the citizenry should be able to overthrow a tyrannical government if need be. The rights it grants specifically protects the right to own the sorts of weapons used to wage a war. That's the whole point.

Any gun rights that are useful for personal protection or hunting are secondary to this. The Second Amendment is about preserving the capacity for a civil war.


Sugar and Spice
The Second Amendment is based on the idea that the citizenry should be able to overthrow a tyrannical government if need be. The rights it grants specifically protects the right to own the sorts of weapons used to wage a war. That's the whole point.

Any gun rights that are useful for personal protection or hunting are secondary to this. The Second Amendment is about preserving the capacity for a civil war.
Fear and paranoia seem to be deep seated aspects of American identity.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The Second Amendment is based on the idea that the citizenry should be able to overthrow a tyrannical government if need be. The rights it grants specifically protects the right to own the sorts of weapons used to wage a war. That's the whole point.

Any gun rights that are useful for personal protection or hunting are secondary to this. The Second Amendment is about preserving the capacity for a civil war.

I'm glad the UK doesn't have such a law,an assault Rifle is a serious piece of kit to have in someones house who could be like Brenda Ann Spencer of the "i don't like Mondays" fame.


Well-Known Member
Obviously its all over the news BBC News - Aurora suspect James Holmes 'bought guns legally'.

I don't get it,a Guy buys an assault Rifle,Shotgun,two Pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo and nobody questions it,ok i understand the right to bare arms for protection but there ought to be some restrictions,from what i understand of them the American Gun Laws are crazy IMO.

This guy broke a number of laws when he did this. Why would he care about a law restricting or banning guns? He obviously didn't care about laws against killing people, so how would anti-gun laws have stopped him? Guns were merely his weapon of choice, I can go down to home depot and pick up enough supplies to take down the whole theater in minutes, does that mean floor cleaner should be illegal? Anything can be turned into a weapon, banning certain weapons isn't going to stop crime or even limit casualties. If he wanted to kill a dozen people, he was going to kill a dozen people, guns had nothing to do with it. Actually, he probably wanted to kill more than a dozen but apparently his aim was off.


This guy broke a number of laws when he did this. Why would he care about a law restricting or banning guns? He obviously didn't care about laws against killing people, so how would anti-gun laws have stopped him? Guns were merely his weapon of choice, I can go down to home depot and pick up enough supplies to take down the whole theater in minutes, does that mean floor cleaner should be illegal? Anything can be turned into a weapon, banning certain weapons isn't going to stop crime or even limit casualties. If he wanted to kill a dozen people, he was going to kill a dozen people, guns had nothing to do with it. Actually, he probably wanted to kill more than a dozen but apparently his aim was off.

Concur. And if those guns were illegal, think he could get them anyway?


Well-Known Member
Stop the American bashing! If your not an American I don't care what you say about our gun laws. This is a time of mourning not a time to criticize what you don't like about us!

This guy broke a number of laws when he did this. Why would he care about a law restricting or banning guns? He obviously didn't care about laws against killing people, so how would anti-gun laws have stopped him? Guns were merely his weapon of choice, I can go down to home depot and pick up enough supplies to take down the whole theater in minutes, does that mean floor cleaner should be illegal? Anything can be turned into a weapon, banning certain weapons isn't going to stop crime or even limit casualties. If he wanted to kill a dozen people, he was going to kill a dozen people, guns had nothing to do with it. Actually, he probably wanted to kill more than a dozen but apparently his aim was off.

Exactly, gun laws would not stop him.

Concur. And if those guns were illegal, think he could get them anyway?

Of course he could, there are Ak's, AR15's, M16's, and all kinds of submacine guns and pistols on the american black market.

Let's be glad the guy didnt have a fully auto, which does require a permit. To get an AR15 one does not need a permit though. Semi-auto assault rifle, pull once per shot.

Or better yet if someone was armed in the theater... read below:

I carry a 40S&W Glock 22. Body armor means that instead of shooting at center of mass or pelvis, you go for the head.
A perp who lacks cover would be vulnerable, even with a helmet. If this actually happened, it would have been a harrowing
experience, so I doubt that I'd be sitting back down. I'd quickly leave to avoid the cops.

Seriously, any decent shot that had a concealed weapons liscence could of gotten him down.
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Admiral Obvious
Obviously its all over the news BBC News - Aurora suspect James Holmes 'bought guns legally'.

I don't get it,a Guy buys an assault Rifle,Shotgun,two Pistols and thousands of rounds of ammo and nobody questions it,ok i understand the right to bare arms for protection but there ought to be some restrictions,from what i understand of them the American Gun Laws are crazy IMO.
Do you honestly believe that in America it is legal to kill 12 people and injure more than 60?

Your above quoted post sure makes it appear that you do.


Admiral Obvious
Seriously, any decent shot that had a concealed weapons liscence could of gotten him down.
This is nothing more than wishful thinking.

You do know that he filled the room with a tear gas like substance and was wearing a gas mask, right?


I'm all for gun control, but also at the manufacturing level, not just for individuals. This chart List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is interesting, especially when you look at the US versus most European countries.

Comparing the US to European countries isn't fair culturally. Europeans aren't a few generations removed from living on the frontier of an unexplored continent. The social and cultural zeitgeist is different. The biggest difference between them and we Canadians is that we adhered to the British model during the colinization of the country, while they forged their own.


What? Me worry?
Of course this is tragic, but as long as nut-jobs, criminals, and tyrants can get a gun then I want two. Also it's a little inflammatory to say this maniac had an assault rifle. Assault rifles by definition have to be selectable between semi-automatic and fully automatic. These are illegal in the US.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The Second Amendment is based on the idea that the citizenry should be able to overthrow a tyrannical government if need be. The rights it grants specifically protects the right to own the sorts of weapons used to wage a war. That's the whole point.

Any gun rights that are useful for personal protection or hunting are secondary to this. The Second Amendment is about preserving the capacity for a civil war.
Pretty good...for a Canuckistanian!
Liberty vs security thru restrictions is always a contentious trade-off. When I look at disarmed populations in Africa, Asia & Eastern
Europe, it becomes clear that order comes at a price, ie, the risk that there is little recourse against an oppressive gov't, & that
when strife does erupt, the unarmed segments suffer pogroms. Is the chaos of liberty, with individual malefactors continually
committing crimes any better? I cannot argue that. I just prefer it to a more powerful gov't protecting us from ourselves.
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Pretty good...for a Canuckistanian!
Liberty vs security thru restrictions is always a contentious trade-off. When I look at disarmed populations in Africa, Asia & Eastern
Europe, it becomes clear that order comes at a price, ie, the risk that there is little recourse against an oppressive gov't, & that
when strife does erupt, the unarmed segments suffer pogroms. Is my desire for the chaos of liberty, with individual malefactors
continually committing crimes any better? I cannot argue that. I just prefer it to a more powerful gov't protecting us from ourselves.

It's a fine line. I don't see how you can legislate guns away from a criminal though. Ever heard of a zip gun? Limiting access to guns punsihes people who obey the law in the first place, and they're not the people you need to worry about.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Of course this is tragic, but as long as nut-jobs, criminals, and tyrants can get a gun then I want two. Also it's a little inflammatory to say this maniac had an assault rifle. Assault rifles by definition have to be selectable between semi-automatic and fully automatic. These are illegal in the US.
They are legal for civilians to own, but it requires a special license. I even looked into getting one in order to acquire
a Lewis Gun for museum display, but it was a spendy proposition, & my money had better use elsewhere. BTW, kudos
for knowing the definition of "assault rifle", which is entirely lost in the media, who call dang near everything that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's a fine line. I don't see how you can legislate guns away from a criminal though. Ever heard of a zip gun? Limiting access to guns punsihes people who obey the law in the first place, and they're not the people you need to worry about.
Yeah, I favor a different sort of regulation, eg, storage, security, training, & restricting prohibitions
against concealed carry. Not all fellow gun nuts would agree with my plans.....but then, we're all nuts.

I particularly want to see gun control applied to governments. There are too many regimes out there
who use them against others (both domestic & foreign) with impunity, eg, Uncle Sam. But this isn't
too popular with voters here either.
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