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Americans have become ignorant pushovers.


Veteran Member
Those who are being rewarded by the systemic corruption never see it as being that bad. They just see it as inevitable and don't want to disrupt the status quo. Of course.

Those who are suffering are so busy just trying to survive that there's little they can do to change anything. And those who are being rewarded don't want to care about them. To care about them would bring up a lot of very uncomfortable questions and issues. So the suffering of the poor remains out of sight, and out of mind. A kind of abstract idea rather than an ugly, painful reality.

And the people that are causing all the harm are driven by a greed and selfish ambition akin to an obsession, or an addiction. So they care about nothing and no one but achieving more, and more, and more. Even a billion dollars isn't enough. There is no such thing as enough, for them. And everyone else pays the price for allowing these people to take control and corrupt everything that they touch. But those who are benefitting from the corrupted system don't care, and those who are suffering from it have no voice or power to change anything because those who are benefitting don't want any change.

The rich are killing the poor, and the folks in the middle are enabling it. It's a sad state that will never change until those in the middle decide to care about the plight of the poor, and choose to stop enabling the criminal gluttons at the top. But so far, selfishness reigns.
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Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Still, I feel that democracy is still mostly working in America. In a democratic system, you don't just go and start turning tables over, you change hearts.

But it clearly does now work. The government is in perpetual gridlock and seems unable to accomplish even the simplest tasks. The will of the voters is being systematically ignored, with minority presidencies more and more common and gerrymandering prevalent. So most seats in Congress aren't even at risk. Even things, like basic gun control that are supported by vast majorities cannot seem to be accomplished. Look how long it took to get even a basic infrastructure bill passed. Our country is worst in the developed world in many categories, from infant mortality, to life span, to availability of health care, to parental leave, etc.

Exactly how do you see this system as working?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I find it perplexing that my countrymen who once rebelled against tyranny now lay down and let our obviously corrupt government put their boot on their necks. Traitor Trump led a coup attempt and stole top secret military documents and he's chilling in Florida talking crap about the FBI daring to do their job. If you or I did less than one tenth of the stuff Trump's pulled we'd be in prison so fast it'd make our heads spin yet privileged Trump (old rich white guy with connections) gets to play by different rules. Why is that? Why do VERY FEW people around me even seem to notice or care about this obvious two-tiered legal system that bows to the rich and crushes the poor? If Americans in general had a clue about things and any self-respect, they would be in the streets everywhere angrily protesting about being treated like second class peasants. On the other hand, maybe I'm the crazy one. Guess it'll take the corrupt banks and corporations COMPLETELY running the country into the ground to the point people and their kids are starving before people wake up. Thoughts?
Temper tantrums aren't the answer.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But it clearly does now work.
Do you mean "not" instead of "now"?
The government is in perpetual gridlock and seems unable to accomplish even the simplest tasks.
It accomplishes many many tasks.
Just not always the ones you & I want.
The will of the voters is being systematically ignored, with minority presidencies more and more common and gerrymandering prevalent.
Evidence for this?
Unless you believe in a stolen election, Biden had a majority.
Besides, the way our Electoral College has always functioned,
winning is based upon states voting, not individuals. Perhaps
it doesn't work the way you want, but it works, as evidenced
by government continuing & functioning.
The "will of the voters" is no monolithic thing. There are many
competing interests. Each sometimes wins, & sometimes loses.
We've each no right to have our way.
So most seats in Congress aren't even at risk. Even things, like basic gun control that are supported by vast majorities cannot seem to be accomplished. Look how long it took to get even a basic infrastructure bill passed. Our country is worst in the developed world in many categories, from infant mortality, to life span, to availability of health care, to parental leave, etc.
Complain, complain, complain.
When you say those words, do so thus....
Exactly how do you see this system as working?
It continues.
It works.
It even has some successes, eg, Dems fail to
ban guns, gay marriage is legal, Ukraine gets
aid, NASA has laid the universe before us,
& AOC continues to entertain.

Liberals are unhappy. Conservatives unhappy.
Libertarians are....well, always unhappy & irrelevant.
So it goes with shifting political wins, failures, & compromise.
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Trump is a mascot for greed and selfishness. And a lot of people both rich and poor approve of greed and selfishness. They see these as positive human traits. They consider them expressions of "self-reliance" and homey (non-intellectual) wisdom. So they admire Trump blatantly parading these traits in public. They love watching him insult the weak and silly humanists and idealists that have always looked down on selfishness and greed as being socially toxic.

I think these people have always been among us. It's just that since the Great Depression and WW2 selfishness and greed have been considered a bad thing. So these people have had to hide their admiration of it, and minimize their expression of it. But the republican party and the rag media both figured out that they could get rich and win election by pandering to this otherwise ignored subgroup of Americans. So for the last 30 years they have been doing exactly that. And now these people feel emboldened, and justified, and vengeful. And Trump is their public "gladiator". The embodiment of all they admire.

I think there are certain elements of traditionalism they tend to embrace, although noticing the split within the Republican Party, the old image of "Country Club Republicans" (which dominated the Reagan era) has become even more tarnished and rejected by the MAGA crowd. The irony is that Trump himself is a product of Country Club Republicans. But somehow, he became some kind of crazed maverick, stepping out of line with the rest of that crowd and creating a big ruckus.

As for his supporters, they're mostly a mixed bag, although they seem to have in common a certain nostalgic sentiment for a quasi-religious, ultra-patriotic/nationalistic ideal. They perceive a nation in decline and want to return it to a position previously thought to be "great." Trump is certainly not the first person to step forth with this kind of message.

Ponder This

Well-Known Member
I find it perplexing that my countrymen who once rebelled against tyranny now lay down and let our obviously corrupt government put their boot on their necks. Traitor Trump led a coup attempt and stole top secret military documents and he's chilling in Florida talking crap about the FBI daring to do their job. If you or I did less than one tenth of the stuff Trump's pulled we'd be in prison so fast it'd make our heads spin yet privileged Trump (old rich white guy with connections) gets to play by different rules. Why is that? Why do VERY FEW people around me even seem to notice or care about this obvious two-tiered legal system that bows to the rich and crushes the poor? If Americans in general had a clue about things and any self-respect, they would be in the streets everywhere angrily protesting about being treated like second class peasants. On the other hand, maybe I'm the crazy one. Guess it'll take the corrupt banks and corporations COMPLETELY running the country into the ground to the point people and their kids are starving before people wake up. Thoughts?

You believe that the US government is "obviously corrupt", but Trump is "talking crap about the FBI".

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I'm not sure what happened, although there have been quite a number of protests in recent years. However, they can't seem to sustain any real momentum to bring about anything other than minor changes here and there. The politicians and pundits know how to work the crowd.

As for Trump, his legal troubles still continue, although it does seem kind of weird, I'll admit. Sure, he's rich, and it's true that rich people can get away with a lot more than a poor person usually can. But there's also a lot of rich people (along with a lot more poor people) who want to put Trump away. He has a lot of supporters, though, but even that may start to diminish with this latest stunt - this trading card gimmick. He's turned into a parody of himself. Perhaps he thinks his only chance of avoiding prison is by pleading insanity or that he's unfit to stand trial.
Protests are ineffective. Educating people is better.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Jesus ****ing Christ. Trump did some bad things. He’s facing lawsuits and investigations on multiple fronts. Move on already. The more both sides talk about Trump the more nauseating it becomes. Attacking Trump does NOTHING to make American lives better.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I think there are certain elements of traditionalism they tend to embrace, although noticing the split within the Republican Party, the old image of "Country Club Republicans" (which dominated the Reagan era) has become even more tarnished and rejected by the MAGA crowd. The irony is that Trump himself is a product of Country Club Republicans. But somehow, he became some kind of crazed maverick, stepping out of line with the rest of that crowd and creating a big ruckus.

As for his supporters, they're mostly a mixed bag, although they seem to have in common a certain nostalgic sentiment for a quasi-religious, ultra-patriotic/nationalistic ideal. They perceive a nation in decline and want to return it to a position previously thought to be "great." Trump is certainly not the first person to step forth with this kind of message.
Trump will use anything to feed his ego. His dad was a POS and made Trump what he is today. A bad upbringing creates an insecure and hurting person. He could have gotten help, but instead is using power to feed his insecurities.