Will you Survive the Sinking of this System?
The sinking of the Titanic was unthinkable. As the captain and commander of the Titanic E.J.Smith said I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that. But it happened! Even as that great ship began to sink, people on board refused to believe they were really in danger. As reported in the April 19th 1912 New York Times, one survivor made this statement .
The members of the crew urged everyone to get aboard (the lifeboats) but no one was in a hurry to do so. It was believed that there was no danger and the general feeling was those who had put off were making fools of themselves and would have the trouble of rowing back to the ship again after a few hours.
The people were apathetic at first throughout the ship. The confidence that the ship was unsinkable was so great that most felt sure of its safety until the last minute. One of the stewards told us afterward that he had knocked at the door of a woman repeatedly, but she refused to move. Finally he tried to drag her out but she fought him off, until finally he gave up. She went to the bottom of the sea, it is thought in her stateroom.
The Titanic lifeboats had room for 1,178 persons not enough for everyone, but more than enough for the 700 survivors. Many died needlessly because those early lifeboats went out half empty thanks to the misplaced confidence in the unsinkable ship!
Did you notice that the steward knocked at the door of a woman passenger repeatedly warning her that the unthinkable was happening only to be ignored? How foolish! you might say. Yet people repeatedly knock on your door too, giving you an urgent warning.
Those people are Jehovahs Witnesses, faithful stewards of Almighty God. Their warning is not that this entire worldwide system of theirs is in danger of sinking in a flood of war, crime and brutal violence. Rather that God will soon send it to the bottom so that it can be replaced with a righteous new order ruled by his heavenly kingdom.
What is your response to that warning? Like that woman passenger on the Titanic do you say ridiculous, unthinkable and close your door?
Such an attitude can cost you your life!!