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An illustration


Well-Known Member
Will you Survive the Sinking of this System?

The sinking of the Titanic was unthinkable. As the captain and commander of the Titanic E.J.Smith said “I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that”. But it happened! Even as that great ship began to sink, people on board refused to believe they were really in danger. As reported in the April 19th 1912 New York Times, one survivor made this statement….
“The members of the crew urged everyone to get aboard (the lifeboats) but no one was in a hurry to do so. It was believed that there was no danger and the general feeling was those who had put off were making fools of themselves and would have the trouble of rowing back to the ship again after a few hours.
The people were apathetic at first throughout the ship. The confidence that the ship was unsinkable was so great that most felt sure of its safety until the last minute. One of the stewards told us afterward that he had knocked at the door of a woman repeatedly, but she refused to move. Finally he tried to drag her out but she fought him off, until finally he gave up. She went to the bottom of the sea, it is thought in her stateroom.
The Titanic lifeboats had room for 1,178 persons – not enough for everyone, but more than enough for the 700 survivors. Many died needlessly because those early lifeboats went out half empty thanks to the misplaced confidence in the unsinkable ship!
Did you notice that the steward knocked at the door of a woman passenger repeatedly warning her that the unthinkable was happening only to be ignored? “How foolish!” you might say. Yet people repeatedly knock on your door too, giving you an urgent warning.
Those people are Jehovah’s Witnesses, faithful stewards of Almighty God. Their warning is not that this entire worldwide system of theirs is in danger of sinking in a flood of war, crime and brutal violence. Rather that God will soon send it to the bottom so that it can be replaced with a righteous new order ruled by his heavenly kingdom.
What is your response to that warning? Like that woman passenger on the Titanic do you say “ridiculous, unthinkable and close your door?

Such an attitude can cost you your life!!

Judgement Day

Active Member
I would respond that I would gladly be in interest in it, but don't expect me to join you because the sinking ship that we are in might just be an illusion or a false news.
Or maybe it was really happening but the question then is, which lifeboat is the right lifeboat? What if the lifeboat you took sank too?


Well-Known Member
Judgement Day said:
I would respond that I would gladly be in interest in it, but don't expect me to join you because the sinking ship that we are in might just be an illusion or a false news.
Or maybe it was really happening but the question then is, which lifeboat is the right lifeboat? What if the lifeboat you took sank too?
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14
(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.


Well-Known Member
One could take a completely contrarian point of view.

If you equate the knocking on doors by Jehovah's Witnesses to that of an emergency situation, I can turn to many more examples of where people came knocking on my door, I bought what they had to sell, and then shortly therafter, I'm left with a broken vacuum or a carpet cleaner that doesn't really get out stains.

Try not to make comparisons of this sort - it only weakens the message. I doubt reading a tract that a person has foisted upon me outlining things that THEY believe is going to happen will change me.

So come knocking. I'll stay silently inside knowing that 85% of fatalities occur outside of the home.


Well-Known Member
FatMan said:
One could take a completely contrarian point of view.

If you equate the knocking on doors by Jehovah's Witnesses to that of an emergency situation, I can turn to many more examples of where people came knocking on my door, I bought what they had to sell, and then shortly therafter, I'm left with a broken vacuum or a carpet cleaner that doesn't really get out stains.

Try not to make comparisons of this sort - it only weakens the message. I doubt reading a tract that a person has foisted upon me outlining things that THEY believe is going to happen will change me.

So come knocking. I'll stay silently inside knowing that 85% of fatalities occur outside of the home.
your choice


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What happens if a Mormon or Baptist knocks on a JW's door, with essentially the same assertion?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
People have been reading the bible for nearly two millenia and it's generated no end of competing interpretations and denominations.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Seyorni said:
People have been reading the bible for nearly two millenia and it's generated no end of competing interpretations and denominations.

But just reading the Bible has only really been advocated for about the last 500 years or so. Prior to that everyone was well aware that there was more to Christianity than that. Interestingly, though, the vast majority of competing interpretations stem from exactly the post-Reformation period, which lends weight to the point you were trying to make.



Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:
What happens if a Mormon or Baptist knocks on a JW's door, with essentially the same assertion?
then i would tell them about the goodnews of the established heavenly kingdom. DANIEL 2;44 because only Jehovahs witnesses Are telling the goodnews about the established heavenly kingdom MATTHEW 24;14 this heavenly kindom was established in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chonology and this is the only way to peace on the earth . other religions may come knocking ,but no other religions are pointing to Gods established heavenly kingdom with Jesus as the reigning king.


Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:
What happens if a Mormon or Baptist knocks on a JW's door, with essentially the same assertion?
i dont think that they would be giving out this message about the sinking political ship of this world, the established heavenly kingdom or goverment of God is soon to go into action , and this heavenly kingdom was set up in 1914 inline with bible prophecy and chronology. only Jehovahs witnesses are pointing to this established heavenly kingdom with Jesus as king .
"And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite DANIEL 2;44


Well-Known Member
winnie1 said:
How arrogant are you to think that if I don't join your religion I am going to die?

"Seek Jehovah . . . Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger."—ZEPHANIAH 2:3...............the way to go is to follow the channel that jesus is using ,matthew 24;45-47 everlasting life is what Jehovah is making possible for you
This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus ChristJohn 17;3 having humility is the way to go .and recognizing that Jesus is feeding a faithful class of people with lots of good things and it is all for our benefit .i suppose it depends on how we look at it ,i see it as humility to listen to direction from Jesus through his faithful ones matthew 24;45-47 but i see it as arrogant to refuse the channel that Jesus is using.there is only oneway to go and it is to follow the channel that Jesus is using . many things are happening in this time of the end, and the day of Jehovah is very near zepheniah1;14 and believe it or not it is very goodnews:clap


Well-Known Member
may said:
Will you Survive the Sinking of this System?


Did you notice that the steward knocked at the door of a woman passenger repeatedly warning her that the unthinkable was happening only to be ignored? “How foolish!” you might say. Yet people repeatedly knock on your door too, giving you an urgent warning.
Those people are Jehovah’s Witnesses, faithful stewards of Almighty God. Their warning is not that this entire worldwide system of theirs is in danger of sinking in a flood of war, crime and brutal violence. Rather that God will soon send it to the bottom so that it can be replaced with a righteous new order ruled by his heavenly kingdom.
What is your response to that warning? Like that woman passenger on the Titanic do you say “ridiculous, unthinkable and close your door?

Such an attitude can cost you your life!!

Firstly, please show me evidence to support your claim that God exists.
Secondly, please show me evidence to support your calim that God is going to destroy this world to make room for Heaven (which has apparently been around longer than the earth).
Thirdly, show me evidence to support your claim that your religion is the right "lifeboat" when every other religion has made an identical claim.

Please note: The Bible doesn't count as evidence because if it was true evidence it would be demonstradably true. It is not.


Well-Known Member
Tiberius said:
Please note: The Bible doesn't count quote]it is your choice to listen to what the bible says or not , but without Gods word a person will forever be without the knowledge of God, and when there is a turning to Jehovah he will draw close to you .
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness 2 timothy 3;16


New Member
I think a vital issue is that Jehovah's teach the kingdom of God is the only solution for world and individual peace. They are not offering some political scheme. Their theocracy is not a meddling earthly movement. Man lost peace by rejecting the Creator's will. Man's political schemes have been an exercise of that rejection. The message of Jehovah's witnesses does not amount to a hill of beans if it is a human message. They rely on the Bible as their absolute authority, and as the word of god. This then is what it says:

1) Human rule is bound to fail
(Jeremiah 10:23) "I well know, O Jehovah, that to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."

2) The world by and large will reject the Government God has chosen
(Psalm 2:1-5) "Why have the nations been in tumult And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing? 2 The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one, 3 [Saying:] &#8220;Let us tear their bands apart And cast their cords away from us!&#8221; 4 The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. 5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger"

3) God will only accept individuals who submit to the divine will, those who recognize that his rulership is the only rightful rulership
(Matthew 22:34-40) " After the Pharisees heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they came together in one group. 35 And one of them, versed in the Law, asked, testing him: 36 &#8220;Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?&#8221; 37 He said to him: &#8220;&#8216;You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.&#8217; 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, &#8216;You must love your neighbor as yourself.&#8217; 40 On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.&#8221;

4) God will take the gift of life away from anyone misusing it
(Proverbs 2:22) "As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."

5) God will restore what Adam threw away. Those of Adams offspring who submit to the divine will will live in a restored earthly paradise.
(Revelation 21:3-4) "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: &#8220;Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.&#8221;

So the issue each of us has to resolve for himself is this: Is the biblical message really from God.
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