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An Israeli TV attacks Christianity!


Well-Known Member
As I said, I really don't care. I simply wouldn't watch the program. I've stopped watching certain TV shows because they're blasphemous. However, I wonder if you're taking such a cavalier attitude because they're central to a religious tradition.

You'd probably benefit from watching such a program. The basic message of the episodes in question is the absolute stupidity of holocaust denial. Christianity became the subject of that episode simply because it's a bishop whose excommunication was lifted by the pope, despite the fact that he's still a holocaust denier.

And since the pope was there firsthand, he shoulda known better.


Active Member
You'd probably benefit from watching such a program. The basic message of the episodes in question is the absolute stupidity of holocaust denial. Christianity became the subject of that episode simply because it's a bishop whose excommunication was lifted by the pope, despite the fact that he's still a holocaust denier.

And since the pope was there firsthand, he shoulda known better.

Yes, I've been following the story. As I'm not Catholic, to me it's just politics. I've never seen this program, and I don't need to. Holocaust denial is the ultimate denial of history, and I can't abide such blatant stupidity.


Well-Known Member

News from the Latin Patriarchate

Press Release from the

"Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land"

We, the members of the "Assembly of the Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land" deplore and condemn with utter dismay the repulsive attacks on our Lord Jesus Christ and on His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, carried out on Channel 10 of the Israeli television.​

In these days, during a night show on Channel 10, a series of horrible offenses were launched against our faith and consequently against us, Christians. The show directed its attacks to the holiest figures of our Christian belief in an attempt, as the director of the show himself specifically declared, to destroy Christianism. In so doing, Channel 10 was used to desecrate the holiest figures of Christianism offending hundreds of thousands of Christian Israeli citizens and of many millions of Christians all over the world as well.​

The Catholic Bishops in the Holy Land consider such programm a symptom of greater problems disturbing the society, such as intolerance, refusal to accept and respect the other and inherent hatred. More important, the Heads of Churches view this recent incident in the larger context of continuous attacks against Christians throughout Israel over the years. Only a few months ago, copies of the New Testament were publicly burnt in the yard of a synagogue in Or Yehuda. Since years, Christianity has been doing a lot to stop some manifestations of anti-semitism, and now Christians in Israel have to find themselves victimised by a low profile manifestation of anti-Christianism?​

While condemning this and all other intolerant acts, we call on all concerned parties to investigate the matter and to take the necessary actions in order to put an end to such horrible desecration of our faith. It is unconceivable that such incidents have to occur in Israel which hosts some of the holiest shrines of Christianity and which rely to a great extent on pilgrimage from Christian Countries.​

Therefore, we ask the Israeli people and its Authorities to take the appropriate measures against such unacceptable offense and its perpetrators. At the same time, we urge Channel 10 to acknowledge its responsibility and to officially and publicly apologise for this incident and never to allow its repetition.​

We want also to express our understanding and appreciation to the deep reaction of our Christian Communities and Institutions as well as to the many reasonable representatives of Moslems and Jews who were themselves shocked and appalled and expressed their dismay and protest at this fact. Actually such programs have nothing to do with freedom of expression, art and entertainment. They can only work against national integration and harmony in our society.​

We call on them all to exercise the utmost seriousness and restraint and to follow their Ecclesial Authorities in dealing with this very important and delicate matter.​

Jerusalem, February 18, 2009.

His Beatitude Fouad Twal, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, Emeritus Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

His Excellency Elias Chacour, Greek Melkite Archbishop of Akka

His Excellency Paul Sayya, Maronite Archbishop of Haifa

His Excellency Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Latin Patriarchal Vicar / Israel

His Excellency Pierre Melki, Syrian Catholic Patriarchal Exarch

His Excellency Yousef Jules Zerey, Greek Melkite Patriarchal Exarch

His Excellency Butros Mouallem, Emeritus Greek Melkite Archbishop of Akka

His Excellency Kamal Bathish, Emeritus Auxiliary Bishop of Latin Patriarch

Fr. Pier Battista Pizzaballa, ofm, Custos of the Holy Land

Msgr. Rafael Minassian, Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Exarch

Fr. Paul Colin, Chaldean Catholic Patriarchal Exarch

Fr. Pietro Felet scj, Secretary General


I thought this was something new, but it's not, according to the press release above.​

Why they are attacking Jesus and Mary?​

Is it for religious reasons or others which i'm not aware of?​

Whatever they say, I just don't care. Those mad people should not be the center of Catholic faith or any religion's faith but their beliefs.


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
be nice, but they own the stations (corporations) as well imposed the centralization of broadcasting..... (no more over the air transmitting)...........

not to mention half the governing body is in their pocket :sad:

Just what the heck are you talking about?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
As I said, I really don't care. I simply wouldn't watch the program. I've stopped watching certain TV shows because they're blasphemous. However, I wonder if you're taking such a cavalier attitude because they're central to a religious tradition.

By gosh you're right, Jacobweymouth. If they had made fun of Attilla the Hun or Rasputan I'd be up in arms. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Just what the heck are you talking about?

it means; from time/warner to disney and the majority of BIG media type corporations on the globe (do a google).............. the control is owned by folk of a specific sect.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
why is it so wrong to mock religion, i mean do people really think it upsets God or Jesus? what is it that makes it Taboo ?
People think it's wrong to mock religion because they kind of turn it into a mocking of themselves.

do you think its worse to mock than to outright dissagree?
Neither is worse and both should be harmless, but most people in the world are too immature and arrogant to realize that. RF is like a freakin oasis.

No, I will never defend the rights of people to not have their religion mocked.

I will criticize those who mocked the religion for not doing it very well.


In addition I agree with Father Heathen,

people need to get a spine and grow a thick skin.

It's stupid stuff like this, people getting all butthurt when they shouldn't, like little children poking at each other and crying about it, that causes too much of the unnecessary drama in the world.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Absolutely ridiculous and juvenile. I'll tell you what the real comedy is, that people still believe Mary was a virgin, and Jesus was the son of God, people have all the right to target such superstitions and make a buffet of jokes of them, and hopefully even make some people think along the way. if this kind of superstitious and ludicrous concept would be out of reach of comedy, than that is one sad state of affairs society would be in.
although this particular comedian is not even funny according to my taste, the day that organized religion (and this was not even an attack on organized religion) would be out of reach of entertainment is truly a day we decided to go backwards in time.
According to Psalm 2 ,it will be God that laughs at those that scoff him and maybe you will be the bunt of what real comedy entails

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
I tend to have a high tolerance for these kinds of things, so you would not see me sign a petition or something any day soon. But I am perplexed. Is this not a station owned by the Israeli government? Would that be like the BBC putting on a sketch insulting Islam? Should governments permit this kind of content on their stations?


Jewish Leftist

After all the things which Catholics have done to the Jewish people, they have no right to complain over a little comedy sketch. This is an issue of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

This is the 21st century. We respect human rights. Just because Christians choose to worship the zombie sky fairy aka Jesus does not give them extra right to override the rights of the Jewish people.
So are these the rules guiding Jewish-Catholic relations now? Numerous Jewish associations can make an uproar over the internal affairs of the Church (ie. Williamson, where one might consider that the FSSPX is far more likely to have its anti-Semitic tendencies stemmed within communion with the Vatican, which has an unambiguous policy regarding this question since Vatican II, upheld firmly by every Pope since that Council). ?

Catholics would be right to forget all this inter-cultural dialouge if others Jews feel its fine to ridicule to our most sacred things and reply to us that we simply "suck it up".


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
it means; from time/warner to disney and the majority of BIG media type corporations on the globe (do a google).............. the control is owned by folk of a specific sect.
What sect? The Rich?

What does this have to do with 'over the air transmitting'? Do you mean the digital conversion? It's a good thing from what I seen, I have quadrupled the channels my rooftop antenna gets.

Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
How very quaint. The public reinstatement of a holocaust denier is nothing more than one of "the internal affairs of the Church." Got it ...

Do you understand what actually happened regarding Williamson?

Williams has no canonical standing within the Church. As such, he is not considered a licit bishop. He was not "re-instated"- his ex-communication for defying Church authority was rescinded. He simply is able to receive the Last Rites or take communion, provided he is in a state of grace.

The conditions for his "reinstatement", if it could be even called that, include a public denunciation of his stated opinions and an acceptance of the Second Vatican Council. This has not yet happened.


well, i have to know what was said to even consider answering this... anyone know?
im sure that if it was condemned by the Vatican, then it wasnt pretty.

also, if the Pope forgave williamson, im sure it was with good reason.
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Jordan St. Francis

Well-Known Member
The Pope, not aware at the time of Williamson s comments, lifted the ex-communications of the four bishops involved in the illicit ordinations as an "act of paternal mercy", as he said. This was but a necessary pre-condition for the reconciliation of the Society to the Vatican.

Removing the ex-communications did not restore any of the FSSPX bishops to a Vatican approved public ministry , as discussions are still ongoing, and as they still need to accept publicly the documents of Vatican II and (for Williamson) recant his offensive statements.