Again with ignoring my points!
Most of the supplies to build the church in which no bodies were buried were probably wheeled straight up to the side and then lifted straight up the side on ladders. This was very similar to how and why they built the great pyramids. Rather than horses the pyramids used horse power provided by a linear funicular. Rather than being pointed in two dimensions to shed water they were pointed in three to shed their own weight from vertical sides. Rather than being surrounded by graves marked by headstones they were surrounded by graves marked by tombs. Rather than standing for "spirituality" the pyramids stood as a "mnemonic" to remember the "spirit" dead king.
People have always looked for pretty places to bury their loved ones but this doesn't make this a tomb;
Even if it were surrounded by a cemetery it still wouldn't make it a tomb.
There is no direct evidence ANY great pyramid was intended or used as a tomb. The builders said they were not tombs.
Remind me again what high tech and sophisticated means you believe were used to build pyramids or are you just like Egyptologists who say it doesn't matter how they were built? Why do you almost never address anyone's points or questions and instead accuse them of conspiracy and being misguided? Why not provide some guidance? Tell us how these pyramids were really built and show your evidence they were tombs. I always get a kick out of unidentifiable body parts spread around the Red Pyramid. I always get a kick out of Egyptologists who fail to mention that bodies were crammed into any void that could be found for thousands and thousands of years after the pyramids were built and still there are no known burials in any great pyramid. There's no literature saying there was a burial in any great pyramid and no direct evidence of any nature that there was. There's no evidence any were built with ramps and the word "ramp" isn't even attested. There's no evidence the builders were superstitious other than a book from a century later that looks and feels like a book of incantation. There's no evidence that the builders were like later Egyptians except for interpretation of lists, labels, and incantation.
After you enlighten me about how you believe the pyramids were built why not mention where you heard it first. Tell me what evidence you have for your belief. How these were built lies at the heart of my theories and so is of extreme interest to me but I'd love to talk about any part of any of my theories or about the nature of knowledge, language, Egyptians, animals, metaphysics, Egypt, ancient materials, Pyramid Texts, etc etc etc...
I've gone to a lot of effort to show how, why, and when Egyptology went wrong AFTER first figuring out how the pyramids were built. It seems you could point out my errors.
I have some old and new leads to follow so for the next few days I might not answer. I will not answer more words games or ignoring of the argument. I think it can be determined when and how Meidum collapsed and there may be a lot more information in the PT that I can now tweeze out of it.