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And Now For The Comedy Thread Section....Hillary Now Blames Bernie For Her Loss


Veteran Member
Go Hillary Go Hillary we want you to run for President in 2020. Really it's your turn, just blame everyone and your loyal subjects will again host their banners for you.

Clinton blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign
Clinton blasts Bernie Sanders for inspiring 'Crooked Hillary' attacks
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for 2016 election defeat in new book

Who Hillary Blames
Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden
James Comey
The New York Times
Gullible Americans
Vladimir Putin:
and last but not least
Hillary Clinton:
and more
Here's a List of Everyone & Everything Hillary Has Blamed for Her Loss

I don't know maybe this entire post should go in the humor section. NAH.....it's to good for that.:D
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah, I remember a similar thread on this a while back. I guess she's still playing the blame game. But it's been over now for 10 months, so there's no point in going over what "coulda/woulda/shoulda" happened.

I suppose she should really blame the Constitution and the First Amendment in particular. Because that's what most of the complaints seem to revolve around: Other individuals or parties exercising their First Amendment rights. Even if it's "fake news."

The presumption here is that people who have access to "fake news" or Wikileaks or anything like that would also have access to the "real news" and other information disseminated by Hillary Clinton or her political allies.

So, the question here is, why would people believe "fake news" over "real news"? Why would people believe the Russians, or Wikileaks, or Trump - more than they would believe Hillary Clinton?

Even if everything she says is true, then the question still has to be asked: Why did anyone believe the "fake news" at all? There are certainly plenty of options available when it comes to news, so it's not as if people are locked in a room and forced to watch "fake news." People chose to believe someone else over Hillary, and Hillary can't seem to understand why.

From what I can tell, a lot of people can't seem to understand why - and that, just by itself, is quite telling. Some people would simply dismiss whole segments of the US population as "demented" or "ignorant" and leave it at that. But that answer is too easy, and doesn't even come close to scratching the surface.


Not Religious
She's right about the gullible American's part. That was the main reason. Someone tells a story, spreads it 24/7 across social media, people believe it, done.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There are several major causes of Hillary's defeat -- everything from voter suppression to the Russians and more -- but to blame those things is nonsense. As a candidate, you're suppose to know they're will be challenges, figure out how to overcome them, and win despite them.

I doubt anything Hillary says in her book is going to change the fact she'll go down in history as someone who lost an election she should have won.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Go Hillary Go Hillary we want you to run for President in 2020. Really it's your turn, just blame everyone and your loyal subjects will again host their banners for you.

Clinton blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign
Clinton blasts Bernie Sanders for inspiring 'Crooked Hillary' attacks
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for 2016 election defeat in new book

Who Hillary Blames
Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden
James Comey
The New York Times
Gullible Americans
Vladimir Putin:
and last but not least
Hillary Clinton:
and more
Here's a List of Everyone & Everything Hillary Has Blamed for Her Loss

I don't know maybe this entire post should go in the humor section. NAH.....it's to good for that.:D
I see several possible explanations for Hilda's petulant victimization laden reaction to losing....

1) She naturally blames others, being unable take responsibility for her own role.

2) She calculates that blaming others will preserve her image of competence
& power, thereby preserving her political potential. "Hillary in 2020!" anyone?

3) She is crushed by the loss of something which belonged to her.
This was no mere loss....a queen had her birthright stolen!
As we heard....
- The polls promised her a win.
- Her opposition was a bunch of undeserving "deplorables".
- "It's time for a woman!"
- The DNC greased the skids for her.
- She was to establish a dynasty.

When something is stolen, one cannot blame the victim. One looks for culprits.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Go Hillary Go Hillary we want you to run for President in 2020. Really it's your turn, just blame everyone and your loyal subjects will again host their banners for you.

Clinton blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race - CNNPolitics
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign
Clinton blasts Bernie Sanders for inspiring 'Crooked Hillary' attacks
Hillary Clinton blames Bernie Sanders for 2016 election defeat in new book

Who Hillary Blames
Barack Obama
Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden
James Comey
The New York Times
Gullible Americans
Vladimir Putin:
and last but not least
Hillary Clinton:
and more
Here's a List of Everyone & Everything Hillary Has Blamed for Her Loss

I don't know maybe this entire post should go in the humor section. NAH.....it's to good for that.:D

You know her base is out of touch when they have to have a website that depicts an alternative reality where Hillary won. Complete with day to day updates and news stories.....


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Not Religious
I think the way the party treated Bernie left a lot of liberals disillusioned.
How did they treat Bernie? Bernie wasn't a democrat. The DNC has an obligation to support the candidate that 1. is a democrat, 2. has the best chances of winning. This is normal.

No one mentions what the RNC did. Much worse.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
How did they treat Bernie? Bernie wasn't a democrat. The DNC has an obligation to support the candidate that 1. is a democrat, 2. has the best chances of winning. This is normal.

No one mentions what the RNC did. Much worse.

Well, the RNC won. That's what they did.

As an analogy, consider a baseball game. If a team chooses to put its worse players in the game and ends up losing, then that's what happens. You can't really blame the other team for actually wanting to win. If the DNC wanted to win, then they should have put in Bernie, regardless of their personal feelings about him being "not a Democrat." Why should they care about that, when the election is on the line?


Well-Known Member
Why are we still on Hillary? I voted for her but I'm ready to let her phase away...

Could have, would have, should have... Blah blah blah...



yawn <ignore> yawn
As an analogy, consider a baseball game. If a team chooses to put its worse players in the game and ends up losing, then that's what happens.
Except that isn't what happened.
A better analogy would be:
Suppose the rules of the game make every white player's run equal two black player's runs. Everyone knows the rules in advance, so the winning team considers this fair and refers to the losing team as "crybabies".


Veteran Member
Except that isn't what happened.
A better analogy would be:
Suppose the rules of the game make every white player's run equal two black player's runs. Everyone knows the rules in advance, so the winning team considers this fair and refers to the losing team as "crybabies".
Please explain how you come to the conclusion that a certain ethnic group is better served in an election than another ethnic group.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Please explain how you come to the conclusion that a certain ethnic group is better served in an election than another ethnic group.
It was analogy about a rigged system where voters in Wyoming have nearly four times the voting power of a Californian voter, in the Presidential "election" .

But yeah, if you want to talk about race and voting power, compare the number of nonwhite people living in the big urban areas disenfranchised by the current rigging of the system with the number of nonwhite people living in states like your Idaho.

Black voters are at a serious disadvantage because so many moved out of the rural states to escape the more unrepentant racism, and into the more urban and diverse states. Like New York, Illinois, and California. Where they have a lot less voting power because the people who wrote the Constitution were wealthy white male landowners and rigged the system in favor of similar people.


That she blames Bernie for telling the truth about her sums Hillary up quite nicely.

She should have got Bill to sleep with him. That would have shut him up!


Veteran Member
It was analogy about a rigged system where voters in Wyoming have nearly four times the voting power of a Californian voter, in the Presidential "election" .

But yeah, if you want to talk about race and voting power, compare the number of nonwhite people living in the big urban areas disenfranchised by the current rigging of the system with the number of nonwhite people living in states like your Idaho.

Black voters are at a serious disadvantage because so many moved out of the rural states to escape the more unrepentant racism, and into the more urban and diverse states. Like New York, Illinois, and California. Where they have a lot less voting power because the people who wrote the Constitution were wealthy white male landowners and rigged the system in favor of similar people.

Are you sure that they moved out of rural states due to racism. Got any facts to back that up? Maybe it has something to do with something else.

Mister Silver

Faith's Nightmare
That she blames Bernie for telling the truth about her sums Hillary up quite nicely.

She should have got Bill to sleep with him. That would have shut him up!

I think you mean Bill should have gotten a BJ from Bernie. Consistency, dear, it matters.


yawn <ignore> yawn
That she blames Bernie for telling the truth about her sums Hillary up quite nicely.
How Canadian. You think political opponents tell the truth about each other.

Hillary let Bernie use the DNC as a platform for his views. They didn't even win over Democrats. So many of his supporters were nonvoters that they tied up lines in the primaries for blocks, unaware that they couldn't vote without doing something more substantial than Facebooking.
Then, when the rubber hit the road, they voted for Trump. If only by staying home.

Bernie Sanders supporters proved that his platform won't turn out voters. So, of course, the DNC won't much bother with them in the future. They'll stick with the people who do vote.

The BernieBros need to start their own party.


How Canadian. You think political opponents tell the truth about each other.

Hillary let Bernie use the DNC as a platform for his views. They didn't even win over Democrats. So many of his supporters were nonvoters that they tied up lines in the primaries for blocks, unaware that they couldn't vote without doing something more substantial than Facebooking.
Then, when the rubber hit the road, they voted for Trump. If only by staying home.

Bernie Sanders supporters proved that his platform won't turn out voters. So, of course, the DNC won't much bother with them in the future. They'll stick with the people who do vote.

The BernieBros need to start their own party.

Speaking as an outsider, it appears to me that the DNC greatly underestimated how sick and tired Americans are with the two parties and how desperate they were to find someone, anyone, who wasn't part of the establishment. Bernie would have beaten Trump like a Baltimore cop on a minority suspect. I doubt Bernie supporters stayed home because they didn't get Bernie. They stayed home because they could think and couldn't bring themselves to vote for Girl Dubya.... Hillary.