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And South Carolina goes one better,


Well-Known Member
I disagree. It was far better than today's promiscuity is and you know it.
You won't believe this I know, but statistics say that HS graduates are more likely to be virgins today than any time in the last 50 years or so, in fact it has climbed over 50%.

As for sex ed, with most people not living on farms any more and getting the basics before the age of 10, instruction on the hormonal changes and feelings due to sexual maturity needs to be taught. In another of those societal pressures against freedom, we not only discourage behavior from this point we even prohibit it as at no time in human history.
Why are you so against the human drive and right to sexual Congress, it seems not in keeping with the rights of the individual?
Could it be that you think that some behaviours should be subject to decisions of the polity, perchance for the mutual good?


Well-Known Member
I think he is saying that teens are boinking more now than they did in the 50's but the lower teen pregnancy is because they are being responsible. That the boinking is what he finds objectionable and wants to return to the oppression that he imagines existed in the 50's.

I don't know if this is true, and even if it is I think it is good that teens are being more responsible and we should encourage that.

And if @Twilight Hue objects to my characterization of his viewpoint, he can explain it for himself.
Indications are that recently, they are in fact bonking less and they are more responsible.
Blame it on OPEC and the shift to smaller cars or urbanization so it is harder to find that private place or the rise of liberal ideas or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Actually you hit the nail on the head. Aside from me thinking boinking each other is objectionable. I encourage more boinking around. Calms people down.

Boinking each other has never been higher but there is more responsibility in limiting potential pregnancy until they are ready to raise children.

I'm glad someone is smart enough to understand my commentary for the most part anyways.
except that you are wrong, boinking amongst teenagers is actually less prevalent than in the past.


Well-Known Member
If I'd had to read at my grade level I'd have been
very ill served by the school system.
It's a conspiracy to keep those Asians down. It's not fair that they get valedictorian all the time. :)
My academically struggling son would test +4 years in English and -4 in math. but he was "normal".
The other one was just bored getting his A's, and don't even get me going about my half Vietnamese nephew now niece.


Well-Known Member
I just find it ironic that suddenly, book banning is all on the news and so many people don't know the history of it.
Is that the banners or the people elevating it to news that you find Ironic.
I have a new name for you. Kathryn E. Newman.

It seems to fit your nonchalance relative to most any discussion.


Veteran Member
I think he is saying that teens are boinking more now than they did in the 50's but the lower teen pregnancy is because they are being responsible. That the boinking is what he finds objectionable and wants to return to the oppression that he imagines existed in the 50's.

I don't know if this is true, and even if it is I think it is good that teens are being more responsible and we should encourage that.

And if @Twilight Hue objects to my characterization of his viewpoint, he can explain it for himself.
You're overanalysing it. The Problem @Twilight Hue has, is that today's teenagers aren't boinking him.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Is that the banners or the people elevating it to news that you find Ironic.
I have a new name for you. Kathryn E. Newman.
View attachment 93632
It seems to fit your nonchalance relative to most any discussion.
Yeah, I am pretty nonchalant about most things on RF. It's not real life, you know. I am not nonchalant about real life by the way.