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And you're proud to be christian?


Veteran Member
That was too easy.

Now try looking up something that shows Christians at their best.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Humble to be a follower of Christ's wording (Child of God), as Christianity is the opposite of his teachings...so looks like he got all the hypocrites in one big snare for removing....
Humble shall inherit the earth...not the proud, self righteous. :angel2:


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
As tragic as this is, it doesn't reflect what I believe any more than it reflects what you believe. I'm no more "proud" to be a Christian than I am "ashamed" to be one. After all this time on RF, you still don't get it, do you? All Christians aren't alike. All Muslims aren't alike. All atheists aren't alike. When is this going to sink in?


Glass half Panda'd
As tragic as this is, it doesn't reflect what I believe any more than it reflects what you believe. I'm no more "proud" to be a Christian than I am "ashamed" to be one. After all this time on RF, you still don't get it, do you? All Christians aren't alike. All Muslims aren't alike. All atheists aren't alike. When is this going to sink in?

never :)


Veteran Member

The title of your thread is quite insulting. I think there is a subject worth debating within the link you provided but I would advise you to change the title of the thread.

It seems the church did show some kind gestures toward the family in providing food, making the memorial video and offering to pay for another venue for the service. I give them credit for that. However, it really broke my heart they declined the memorial service be held at their church, like this vet was someone to throw away. At least that's how I felt.

Where do gays go for memorial services?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Is it religion that makes people good?
Then is it swearing an oath to Christianity, that makes you Anti-Christ and in debt, as you swear it is right to kill God's own?
Mat 23:18
(18) And, Whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever sweareth by the sacrifice (gift) that is upon it, he is guilty.

So my question is why are Christians so proud to be Anti-Christ?


Flaming Queer
i must say i am finding this to be a very typical thread from you LogDog. why would what one group of people is doing reflect anything at all on the whole of the Christian community?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
And you are proud to be a Christian-hating atheist?
If an atheist is not to believe in God, yet man...... the difference is one stops the other believing....
90% of atheists I know are put off God, due to Christianity.....
The teaching of the Pharisee rubbish, about God killing his own son, so God can give out free inheritance to his murders, is plainly sick….plus Anti-Christ's wording!
It is what Balaam teachings are and what Revelations is speaking about...


Done here.
It seems the church did show some kind gestures toward the family in providing food, making the memorial video and offering to pay for another venue for the service. I give them credit for that. However, it really broke my heart they declined the memorial service be held at their church, like this vet was someone to throw away. At least that's how I felt.
That, to me, is the real issue. Here are people who are basically kind, who want to be kind, but they feel compelled by their religious principles to be insulting and unkind.


Disciple of Chaos
I am not the biggest fan of Christianity, but even I find the flaws of your weak and ignorant question to be pitiful.
Are you proud to be an atheist, since they have murdered, stolen, raped, and molested?
Are you aware that Christianity has caused some good in the modern world? Just as much bad?
Next time you want to debate, do some research and don't jump on an ignorant assumption that all people in the same path in life are the same.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Christ said do not swear oaths and do not kill the innocent....
So Christians following the Pharisees stand against Christ and swear an oath that it is good he died...people who can accept that as part of them, have something very wrong to begin with... then to tell people Christ will be your friend for this, is another point of Bizarre logic….
No wonder moral standards are falling, when what is perceived as Good, is in fact evil as it has taken life, from a living God.

What is your point in all of this? You can find examples of horrible acts by any group of people. Christians, Hindus, atheists, Muslims, scientists, Buddhists, and all the other groups of the world have wronged some one else in some way. Finding a religious person who has done harm or wronged others is not even a difficult task, seeing as how 80% or so of the world is in some way religious. The problem is people themselves, not the groups they are associated with.



Brother Rock
i think the church was wrong to cancel the service so close to the start time.

but do you think they have the " right" to choose what services they want to do?

“We did decline to host the service — not based on hatred, not based on discrimination, but based on principle,” Simons told The Associated Press. “Had we known it on the day they first spoke about it — yes, we would have declined then. It’s not that we didn’t love the family.”

just because there beliefs are not the same as yours, they still have the right to do services who WHOEVER they want.

i believe they have the right to stand on there principles. althou i think it was very bad taste and hurtful to accept and then cancel.