What does everyone think happens to our animal babies after death? Do they have a soul or spirit? Do you think they end up in the same place?
This was a short topic in my philosophy class... but my professor was an arrogant one. I don't remember where he got the basis for his stance... but he said they have no soul.
i think it had something to do with Aristotles levels of being or levels of something...
Well, it depends on one's definition of "soul", I think. Your professor's argument was probably based on a definition of soul that requires a level of self-consciousness that animals don't have. They're self-conscious, but not to the degree that we humans are; as evidenced by their general lack of shame, quilt, empathy, and the like. And the definition of soul usually includes this higher degree of self-awareness.
But does it?
What is YOUR definition of a "soul"? Once you decide on that, you can decide if such a soul could reside in other animals besides humans. I lived for many years with a pet beagle, and it would be hard for me to reasonably argue with myself that he did not have "soul". It's true that he lacked a degree of intellect, but I'd be hard pressed to claim that he wasn't as self-aware as any human. I think he did feel empathy, shame, guilt, and things like that. Maybe not to the degree that we do, and certainly, without language, he didn't have a lot of ways of expressing it, but I'd have to say that I think he did feel those things.
Also, I was there when he was 'put down', and I distinctly felt the lack or loss of something intangible as he passed. The difference was very clear, "he" was there one moment, and he was not there the next. And that distinction was a clear as day.