What does everyone think happens to our animal babies after death? Do they have a soul or spirit? Do you think they end up in the same place?
This was a short topic in my philosophy class... but my professor was an arrogant one. I don't remember where he got the basis for his stance... but he said they have no soul.
i think it had something to do with Aristotles levels of being or levels of something...
Saint Tigeress,
Consider what the Bible tells us at Ecc 3:18-20, where we are told that the same eventuality will happen to man and animal. They are both made of dust and to dust they will return.
If you get a concordance and look up the Hebrew word used for soul, you will find that both men and animals are called souls.
Notice when God created Adam, at Gen 2:7. Here we are told that God created the man out of the dust, blew into his nostrils the breath of life and the man BECAME a living SOUL. Adam was not given a soul, he BECAME a soul. The Hebrew word for soul is NEPHESH, and is used interchangable for man or beast.
Jesus came to earth to buy back what Adam lost for us, perfect human life. remember that man was created in the image of God and Jesuus came to save imperfect men. Jesus did not give his life for animals, so animals will return to dust, but will not have a chance to be resurrected, 1Tim 2:4-6, Matt 20:28, Eph 1:7, Rom 5:12.
In one way this will be a blessing to people who will live forever on earth, Ps 37:29. When the earth gets comfortably filled children will cease to be born to humans, but we will always have the great pleasure of seeing the little ones of all the animals born, probably throughout all futuure generations.
Many people have had pets, including myself, that we loved just as a person, and we can't bear of never seeing them again. There will be many born that will be similar, that in time we will have our memories dimmed about our dead pets.