When Trump was asked whether white nationalism was a problem Trump stated that it wasn't. Here, we have a shooter who killed several people including a 6 year-old boy who will never realize his potential.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying again that Trump's rhetoric is emboldening a specific sector of his base that is dangerous. If fear that if Trump gets re-elected, this sector of his base will only get more bold. However as a repricussion I do believe an extreme group on the left will form along with disgruntled and disinfeanchised people of the minority community will start targeting back.
I suspect no conservatives will be on board in channeling criticism against the divisive rhetoric of this so-called leader, but this needs to stop.
Your header declares facts not in evidence. If the ´police don´t know the motive yet, I don´t understand why you think you do.
The half Iranian, half Italian man certainly had some disturbing statements online, nevertheless, I prefer facts over speculation.
If race, once again, is the criteria, then I would suggest that Blacks have been getting their own back vigorously.
The assassination of Police Officers is a predominantly Black sport, and it has been going on for a number of years.
Further, those champions of minority causes, ANTIFA, have exercised much violence in their quest. In Portland, they do it with impunity, knowing the police will make no effort to stop them.
So, lets not play the race card yet. Lets agree that there is a worm eating at the heart of America, the redress of political disagreements by murder of innocents.
Until we stop couching the problem in exclusively racial terms, and simply admit there are a lot of sick people who want to kill others, we can never address the issue properly,.
Pointing cfingers and jumping on the we v them bandwagon only gives cover to these sickoś.
I have a different take on the Gilroy incident. Once again honest law abiding people in one of the strongest gun control states, had no method of self defense against crazed idiots. Luckily the Police were close, and did what should be done to all of these loons.
Whst if they weren´t so close ? The slaughter toll would be much higher. If only one person had a firearm and used it, the shooter would have to be distracted at the least, stone cold dead at the best.
Until we realize that this crap is a societal problem, for the entire society, and not a racial or gun control part ( which never works) it will continue.
WE have to kill the worm. People desensitized to killing by watching it over, and over in movies, TV, and video games. The rampant belief that killing will somehow solve some kind of problem.
Ignoring despair, mental illness, hate in all kinds of people.
London is now in crisis because of knife killings. Their solution ? Knife control laws. Pure futility, but it gets them off the hook for a while as far as addressing the real causes in these murders.
Doing less is like telling a man with a severed leg, to take a baby aspirin, and he will be just fine.