There are certain things not worth knowing. Some truths aren't meant to be told, some truths are better left buried. Which is why, God Willing, I won't ask for pure omniscience even if I am being offered.
What makes it worth so? If it does more harm than benefit, than it is not worthy of knowing.
Think about it this way --- Let's assume hypothetically that there is a God and Abrahamic religions are true, and their scriptures are true. Now, we all know just how gruesome and brutal hell is according to the scriptures of these religions. Now, what if, in reality, hell isn't as severe as it is described in the scriptures and is actually manageable, and all the gruesome details are actually just metaphorical, figurative in nature. The wisdom behind making it [seemingly] appear so overly gruesome is to hold people's feet on fire which causes them to haste towards all that is good while refraining from all that is bad. There is more harm than benefit in knowing the truth about hell as this would make believing individual to take things easy [as they'd knew the consequences aren't that severe]. They would take the task of hastening towards goodness while refraining from evil lightly.
We should know just how much we can benefit from certain answers and how much will it cost. That is the ultimate criteria. I don't want to know the answers of celebrities and their personal lives. It is of no use to me and bring unwanted luggage to my cognition. It's useless junk. It's pretty much like food. Junk food aren't worth it and affect the health negatively, so should be avoided.