Here's where I believe your mindset on this all goes wrong... one word you included above gives you away: "suddenly". In my opinion this one word betrays that you can't or refuse to comprehend the incremental change or accretion of process or ability proposed in a process like evolution. Do all animals have the same level of consciousness that we experience? Do insects? How about bacteria? How do you account for all of these various levels and "strengths" of consciousness? I believe that a base level of consciousness arose because the ability to "be mindful" (to, at first, an infinitesimal degree) was proven to significantly increase the likelihood of survival of the organism. In the end, I also believe that consciousness is in place to support and prolong the life of the community of cells that have come together to form the body... and not the other way around. Think about it... single-celled organisms come together, and at that level the mixing of DNA is a matter of one "virus'" or "host's" strand of DNA supplanting some part of the other, and they are changed from that moment forward... even fused. As the "cluster" of cells grows, changes, and more varied capabilities are introduced, there needed to be something to "take the helm" if any of it was to survive at all. Rudimentary "consciousness" was likely started as the main/majority organism asserted dominance by leading the others as it went about it's business trying selfishly to survive. At some point the task of "leadership" was outsourced to a main functioning body of cells (a "brain"). Necessary because all of the other cells involved in the livelihood of the organism needed to go about their business of gathering oxygen and nutrients, running resources about the place, fighting off invaders, etc., and they needed to do so without thwarting one another in the process. So, after that whole mess of text, the point being, the consciousness of the brain was "hired" by the community of cells to do the job of leading - to help keep them ALL alive.
This all just an elaborate fairy tale. You still have in your fairy tale at some point a bunch of atoms forming into arrangements that
suddenly become self-aware. Whether that happened at the ape stage, the fish stage or the bacteria stage is irrelevant, you are still proposing an illogical situation where atoms with no awareness suddenly from such an arrangement that they become self-aware. Why and how is this even possible? It's called the hard problem of consciousness and no single materialist can get past this fatal block.
However, even your "open-mindedness" extends only so far (do you believe in unicorns, for instance?), and you are also selective. Do you believe that anything I wrote above about the communities of cells is possible? If not, you have closed your mind to it - while I remain open to the possibility. Examining the evidences and theories, the above is what I have inferred. So you go on and on about all sorts of things for which there is very little or completely insufficient evidence and claim that everyone who doesn't believe as you do about those vaguely supported ideas is "closed-minded".
First of all, lets get this bit correct, I believe in communities of cells. I believe cells have basic self-awareness and believe humans are just more complex arrangement of cells. You need to get me past that stage where atoms with no self-awareness suddenly at some point collide with one another and form arrangements that are self-aware, as there is nothing within logic that can allow this impossibility to happen. If you are so credulous to believe this, you have no credibility to question those who believe in unicorns etc
Secondly, the "unicorn" argument is a strawman. I am not saying being "open minded" so that you believe and accept anything. I was arguing there are other means of knowledge other than sense perception. We know about sense objects(I won't use the word matter, because it a loaded term) through our senses. We know about mental objects with our mind and we finally know all of reality with awareness. There are truths, such as so-called a priori truths, that we don't know through sense perception, such as the truths of mathematics like pi. There are certain ideas that do not come to us through sense perception like morality, beauty, justice, truth etc. Hence, clearly there are other ways of knowing reality other than sense perception, and thus to only rely on sense perception is myopic and to reduce all of reality to just sense objects is narrow minded.
I'm sorry, but everything you said here is garbage. Ever hear of the "golden rule?" Do you believe that it requires God (or fairies, ghosts, individuals with psychic powers, genies, unicorns, etc.) to be valid?
Not everybody necessarily believes in the golden rule. There are some who believe that we shouldn't treat people as we want to be treated, because some people deserve better or worse treatment.
I admit to this - and so what? Obviously someone who has decided their purpose is to hurt as many people as possible is going to run into trouble trying to exercise that purpose on the others in the world. So they are stopped, put down, locked up, etc. And? What ends up being the ultimate problem with being able to write your own ticket in terms of "purpose"?
This is not necessarily a deterrence and it does not stop people from doing it. It did not stop the various gun shoots outs recently, it did not stop the Nice attack etc The problem is as per the materialist worldview, there is nothing inherently wrong about what these people have chosen to do. The problem with writing your own "ticket" is I can write the complete opposite of it and it equal and equivalent. The ultimate conclusion of this is nihilism, pointlessnessness. Nothing you do really has any meaning beyond the imaginary ones you assign.
And..... you're back to being wrong again. It is not depressing in the slightest... in fact, I feel it has freed me in quite a number of ways in which I know I would feel shackled were I to take up the mantle of any particular belief system. The big one being that there is no need to fear death whatsoever. No judgment to face, no pain, no ability to regret - in fact, anything you could possibly attribute to "death" is non-existent. What is there to fear? There is nothing... literally! And why would this ever make me "dead" while alive? Do you think I don't cherish the time I have? Knowing that it is THE ONLY time I will ever have? If anything, I would bet I have a greater reverence for life than a great number of "believers".
It is depressing, if you don't think selfishly. Sure things might be OK for you, but they are not OK for a starving malnourished kids in Africa. If you think selfishly, then it not depressing, survival of the fittest, everyman for himself. Then you end up living in a world of just individuals with competing selfish interests. Not a world where there is compassion, friendship, brotherhood, community and love.
Here are some depressing facts:
1. 22,000 kids starve to death everyday, 7 million kids every year
2. There are 250 million orphans in the world, 15% commit suicide before reaching age of 18
3. 80% of the worlds population lives on less than $10 a day
4. 2 million kids die every year, from preventable diseases, because they are too poor to afford medicines
5. 1.2 billion people live without clean water and 1.6 billion people cannot afford clean water
6. 250 million children live in forced labour conditions
7. 315,000 women die ever year giving a child birth because of malnourishement
8. 805 million children go hungry everyday
9. 350 million people over the world suffer from depression
10. The wealthiest 85 people have more money than the poorest 3.5 billion people combined
11. 50% of the poorest of the worlds population together owns less than 1%, 10% of the richest own 86%
12. The chance of Native American women being raped in the US in 1 in 3; 1.2 million US women get raped every year; 97% of rapists never got arrested
13. 1 in 4 women are victims of severe physical abuse
14. In the US more than 4 children die everyday as a result of child abuse, 702,000 experience child abuse ever year; 70% die from neglect; 80% of 21 year kids who experienced child abuse suffer from psychological illness
15. 3.2 million kids get bullied everyday in the US.
How is this not depressing? Is it because you have yet had to face suffering you say this?
Another little tidbit I am entirely freed from - thinking that anything is "unfair". I don't... ever. What happens happens... what will be, will be - unless I have the ability to change or fight it. I guarantee that I accept ill-fitting circumstances thrust upon myself far better than the vast majority of believers. Never a moment of "woe is me" thinking - and I am being 100% honest. I never have to question "why is this happening to ME?", or suffer through all of the conceit that is involved in such a question.
It is not a belief it us unfair, it IS unfair. The wold is an extremely cruel and unfair place for a majority of people living in it.
And in your final statements, another tell... you feel that you are entitled to "be enchanted". How quaint.
If the world has no meaning, no love, no purpose and there is nothing to look forward to beyond this unfair, cold and cruel world. If all we are just accidents of colliding atoms, then of course it is a disenchanting, dark, depressing worldview. It removes hope from people. If you are comfortable currently in your life, then you may not feel the suffering as much as somebody who is not comfortable currently, who is going for several days hungry and feels like just pressing the "eject" button.
Religion provides a majority of the people in the world hope for a better life than this one.