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Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to see who responds to this. There was one poster, possibly Jewscout was his name, who classified himself as a Zionist I think. I do not know of any Jews on RF against it.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
I would suggest that if you want to call Israel an illegal occupation, that you should move this to the debate forum so we can talk about it.


Well-Known Member
I am not jewish but close to I adhere to the teachings of the To'rah. I am opposed to the occupation because of the method in which it transpired. Using violence and hatred instead of love is contradictory to the goal. And so the jewish people have been tricked by Shatan into taking worldly treasures (their state) in place of their heavenly treasures


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Always love the loaded questions.

But, speaking for myself, I am not opposed to Israel's existance. I'm opposed to some of their policies, which is very different.

But I have met some Jews who are opposed to Israel in general. Not surprising, really...Jews having different opinions. I know there are a lot who are opposed not so much to Israel as to a secular or semi-secular Israel.

I'm somewhat curious as to what your feelings are about living in the US, then?


standing_on_one_foot said:
Sweet! Always love the loaded questions.

But, speaking for myself, I am not opposed to Israel's existance. I'm opposed to some of their policies, which is very different.

But I have met some Jews who are opposed to Israel in general. Not surprising, really...Jews having different opinions. I know there are a lot who are opposed not so much to Israel as to a secular or semi-secular Israel.

I'm somewhat curious as to what your feelings are about living in the US, then?
Actually I don't really like the US at this point in time. When I get older I plan on moving somewhere (preferably Iceland).


Well-Known Member
astarath said:
I am not jewish but close to I adhere to the teachings of the To'rah.

Christian belief of the Trinity and Moshiach goes against the Torah.


Well-Known Member
Doktormartini said:
Hey, I know there are quite a few Jews on here, but I was wondering if any of the Jews here are actually against Zionism and the illegal occupation of Palestine?

Two Jews, 80 opinions ;) ... or something along that line the joke goes.

I think you should search out the Gerrer opposition to such publications,the same with the Lubavitcher and non chassidic sources.


Well-Known Member
Indeed that would be the slight bit that I differ on I feel that an annointed one has already come and that he was the son of god however I believe he came to call the nation back to the teachings of the To'rah and eliminate the cultural inadequecies that had been added to the tenets of Yahweh. So I follow the practices of the Judaic faith, yet I believe it is because Yahweh's son called me to do so.
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Religious Headbanger
‡Âlãn‡ said:
Two Jews, 80 opinions ;) ... or something along that line the joke goes.

I always loved the joke about the Jew stranded on a deserted island who built two synagogs. One he prayed in and one he wouldn't step foot in. LOL!


Destroyer of Worlds
Zionism has 2 heads.

The first is the religious element of Judaism which points to ancient scriptures as Israel being the spiritual homeland of the Jews. Fine.

The second is a purely political entity. These are the people who control Israel as a modern country. They're jewish by birth, but they only wear the title to further their cause. They use the Jewish faith and faithful as a host body. Their idealogy cannot stand by itself.

Zionism in this form is extremely dangerous.

I consider these people to be on par with the nazis. They are intent on a one world government and they will use any means to bring it forth. They already have control over US policies concerning the Middle East. They also have control over our military. The Iraq war has their stink all over it. AIPAC wields more power in Washington DC than our own citizens do.

These zionists are extemely clever. They have attached themselves to a protected group of people (Jews) and get protection in return. They are staunch defenders of both Israel and Judaism. You can't shoot zionism without shooting judaism first. Very clever indeed. The truth of the matter is Jews are being played just as Christians and Muslims are being played. They will use all these people to get where they want to go and then dispose of them.

That wall in Israel also works to hold people in.

Since zionism reared it's ugly head a little over a 100 years ago, we've seen the native people of Israel overun by tens of thousands of European jews flooding into the country displacing people and cultures alike. Much like what the white man did to the indians. Its been nothing but a bloodlust ever since.

Zionism has invited jews from all over the world to come to Israel. They think they are returning to their homeland when in reality they are going to be used human shields to protect the zionist nest. Most are going to die there someday.

Cannon fodder for a cause they know nothing of.



Religious Headbanger
I was going to say in my first post that Zionism is the mix of religion and politics. I agree with that much.


Well-Known Member
Zionism has 2 heads.

Multiple really, religious Jewish Zionism is different from Evangelical Zionism for example.

The first is the religious element of Judaism which points to ancient scriptures as Israel being the spiritual homeland of the Jews. Fine.

The second is a purely political entity. These are the people who control Israel as a modern country. They're jewish by birth, but they only wear the title to further their cause. They use the Jewish faith and faithful as a host body. Their idealogy cannot stand by itself.

We have many Druze who fight and hold Israel in thier hearts. And yes, it can, the growth of purely secular Zionism goes with this.

Zionism in this form is extremely dangerous.

I consider these people to be on par with the nazis. They are intent on a one world government and they will use any means to bring it forth. They already have control over US policies concerning the Middle East. They also have control over our military. The Iraq war has their stink all over it. AIPAC wields more power in Washington DC than our own citizens do.
They have control of our military? That's odd, why are we not in lebanon?

These zionists are extemely clever. They have attached themselves to a protected group of people (Jews) and get protection in return. They are staunch defenders of both Israel and Judaism. You can't shoot zionism without shooting judaism first. Very clever indeed. The truth of the matter is Jews are being played just as Christians and Muslims are being played. They will use all these people to get where they want to go and then dispose of them.
The New Anti Semitism idea ... nevermind :p

That wall in Israel also works to hold people in.

Since zionism reared it's ugly head a little over a 100 years ago, we've seen the native people of Israel overun by tens of thousands of European jews flooding into the country displacing people and cultures alike. Much like what the white man did to the indians. Its been nothing but a bloodlust ever since.
Hay guyz, Jackson killed the Martians. Why? BECAUSE ME AND JOE JOE WITH A .COM SAY SO.

Zionism has invited jews from all over the world to come to Israel. They think they are returning to their homeland when in reality they are going to be used human shields to protect the zionist nest. Most are going to die there someday.
G-d protects us. Our enemies should be crying now.



Destroyer of Worlds
Don't call me an anti-semite.

This is the favored rubber stamp tool of zionism to silence those who would speak against it. In this country, it is used to keep politicians in line who try to speak out against Israeli policies. Get branded an anti-semite, your political carreer is over.

Jimmy Carter finally spoke out and the zionists are trying to tear him to pieces right now.

I have a number of jewish friends.

I spent Christmas day at a jewish household even. His wife and child are Israeli jews and there were a number of kids there from Israel.

But I don't discuss politics with my jewish friends.

There IS a difference between religious jews and the political zionists. I can tell the two apart. Most can't say that.

But "I" know the difference.



Well-Known Member
xexon said:
There IS a difference between religious jews and the political zionists. I can tell the two apart. Most can't say that.

But "I" know the difference.

You mean the Satmar and the like? The Hasidim who believe the Holocaust was punishment by G-d?


Destroyer of Worlds
There are a number of jews who believe Israel to be an illegal state. I'm most familar with the Neturei Karta.

As I understand it, they believe that God's decree of exile from Israel is still in effect. They see all those who have flocked to Israel as transgressors of that decree, which can be found here: http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/index.cfm

The Holocaust unfortunately has roots much closer to earth. Research how certain zionists assisted in it's creation and execution. Zionists and Nazis have alot in common. More than you would think possible.

The Gaza strip is nothing more than another Polish ghetto. Were the world not watching so intently, Israel would have slaughtered those poor people long ago.



Well-Known Member
In October 2005, Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss issued a statement criticizing Jewish attacks on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Weiss wrote that Ahmadinejad's statements were not "indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments", but rather, "a yearning for a better, more peaceful world", and "re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism." [14]


Well-Known Member
On Thursday, 21 December, the Edah HaChareidis rabbinical council of Jerusalem also released a statement calling on the public to distance itself from those who went to Iran. The Edah's statement followed, in major lines, the Satmar statement released a few days earlier [26]