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Well-Known Member
xexon said:
The Gaza strip is nothing more than another Polish ghetto. Were the world not watching so intently, Israel would have slaughtered those poor people long ago.

If Israel treated Gaza like the Czar treated Poland, it would be gone with current technology, when it comes to foriegn opinion, the murderers didn't give a damn.


‡Âlãn‡ said:
In October 2005, Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss issued a statement criticizing Jewish attacks on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Weiss wrote that Ahmadinejad's statements were not "indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments", but rather, "a yearning for a better, more peaceful world", and "re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism." [14]
What he really said.

It's true.


The "illegal occupation" of Palestine? Palestine was a British protectorate until the British decided to carve it into a homeland for Jews. It's called Imperialism, pretty revolutionary concept no? Personally, I think those Palestinians need to know when they're conquered and move somewhere else if they don't like it. There are plenty of Arab nations that need cannon fodder for their "jihad"


SPQR said:
The "illegal occupation" of Palestine? Palestine was a British protectorate until the British decided to carve it into a homeland for Jews. It's called Imperialism, pretty revolutionary concept no? Personally, I think those Palestinians need to know when they're conquered and move somewhere else if they don't like it. There are plenty of Arab nations that need cannon fodder for their "jihad"
Why should the Palestinians get up and leave when they were there first?
The Jews and the Arabs were living together in peace from the year 500(something) until the British Mandate was lifted. Then the Israelis started taking over Palestinian land.


Well-Known Member
Doktormartini said:
The Jews and the Arabs were living together in peace from the year 500(something) until the British Mandate was lifted. Then the Israelis started taking over Palestinian land.

Wrong. Violence between the two groups always existed. And Jews where attacked before the British left http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_Riots_of_1947 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_riots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920_Palestine_riots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husayni
gb2 wh.


Well-Known Member
blood anger and violence are unacceptable...period. God/Allah's message is one of Love. His laws are a guide how to love, his son's edicts and tenets promote Love, the land where all his peoples join together to praise apart should be the last place Satan has a strong hold simply because of fear and anger. All parties should remember the strength of Allah the Love of Yahweh and live and grow together in it.


Destroyer of Worlds
What the influx of European jews did to Palestine is the same thing the white man did to native Americans. They locals were overwhelmed by a culture not there own, and they did the only thing they could do. Fight back the best they could. x


Well-Known Member
if all we can manage is hate in return for hate and nobody stops and says enough is enough. Bring on the love and compassion and let's walk together in God then Satan will truly rule over Zion


Religious Zionist
anti-zionist jews are a minority within the jewish population.

Zionism is, in and of itself, a primarily political thing, specifically it is jewish nationalism, anyone who looks at the political climate of the preceding decades prior to Herzl publishing "Der Judenstaat" can see that, especially given that the majority of the forces behind the Zionist movement were predominantly secular.

There is nothing ugly about zionism, i'm sooo sick and tired of people using zionism like it's a 4 letter word. You can disagree w/ the policies of Israel's government, fine, but Zionism is only the jewish version of the any other kind of nationalism, and if you look at the history of many groups of people who have fought for their own place in the world because of a driving nationalist desire...guess what...it often involvles lots and lots and lots of violence...shocker.

These anti-zionists jews are sticking their heads in the sand and are living in a fantasy world, IMPO.
‡Âlãn‡ said:
Christian belief of the Trinity and Moshiach goes against the Torah.

Bere**** 1:26 "Elohim said, let US make man in OUR image under OUR likeness."
US was not being used here as a symbol of power. It was used for the same reason that the Quran uses WE. Because the origins of Is-Ra-El go back to Ancient Egypt. Other roots extend into Ancient Babylonia and some of their views (Babylonians/Zoroastrians)came from Hindus. This is not the Middle Ages, friend. True History is known now. Bere**** contains a Babylonian Tale of creation, nothing more. It is not the Word of God, it is a story, created to explain how mankind came to be. Look up Hammurabi's Code which pre-dates Judaism. There are Native American archeological sites that pre-date Israel and contain a similar story.

The Christian views definately do contradict the true view of Moshiach, and so does the Jewish view. The Moshiach isn't going to be Jewish. The King Moshiach was prophecied LONG before Israel was even a Nation. He was prophecied to the world, not to the Jews. God does not care about your race. God cares about human beings.

"YHWH said the my Lord" - David. How can David call his offspring Lord or King? How, if the Moshiach is just a man (which he is), can this be? Who was David's Lord (King) before he became King? David's throne does not belong to David at all. He was not the rightful heir. It belongs to another who was taken in battle. David's beloved.

How many Jews would support killing Homosexuals?
How many Jews go against the Torah today? Do Jews charge interest in their banks?
Do Jews observe the Sabbath properly? Stop pointing your fingers at each other and look at your self.

Thousands of years . . . we're climbing into the stars and yet we can't unite on earth?
Others are trying to unite the world for all the wrong reasons and you, brothers in faith are supplying them with all that they need to make it happen. They do not believe. But they don't have to because you who claim to believe are the only ones fighting each other. Wake up! Muslims, Jews and Christians will be brought together soon along with the Buddhists, Taoists and others who follow a good path, and the detestable world will be crushed. The Capitalism will deteriorate. In record time they built cities and states, nations and empires and overnight they will be torn to the ground and their power will be handed over. Israel will not be a state. It will be the largest and most holy city on the earth.

It has already begun.


Well-Known Member
How many Jews would support killing Homosexuals?
How many Jews go against the Torah today? Do Jews charge interest in their banks?
Do Jews observe the Sabbath properly? Stop pointing your fingers at each other and look at your self.

Oral Torah.

Look it up, I don't have time to deal with such basics.


Religious Zionist
Jonathan Rex said:
Bere**** 1:26 "Elohim said, let US make man in OUR image under OUR likeness."
US was not being used here as a symbol of power. It was used for the same reason that the Quran uses WE. Because the origins of Is-Ra-El go back to Ancient Egypt. Other roots extend into Ancient Babylonia and some of their views (Babylonians/Zoroastrians)came from Hindus. This is not the Middle Ages, friend. True History is known now. Bere**** contains a Babylonian Tale of creation, nothing more. It is not the Word of God, it is a story, created to explain how mankind came to be. Look up Hammurabi's Code which pre-dates Judaism. There are Native American archeological sites that pre-date Israel and contain a similar story.

The Christian views definately do contradict the true view of Moshiach, and so does the Jewish view. The Moshiach isn't going to be Jewish. The King Moshiach was prophecied LONG before Israel was even a Nation. He was prophecied to the world, not to the Jews. God does not care about your race. God cares about human beings.

"YHWH said the my Lord" - David. How can David call his offspring Lord or King? How, if the Moshiach is just a man (which he is), can this be? Who was David's Lord (King) before he became King? David's throne does not belong to David at all. He was not the rightful heir. It belongs to another who was taken in battle. David's beloved.

How many Jews would support killing Homosexuals?
How many Jews go against the Torah today? Do Jews charge interest in their banks?
Do Jews observe the Sabbath properly? Stop pointing your fingers at each other and look at your self.

Thousands of years . . . we're climbing into the stars and yet we can't unite on earth?
Others are trying to unite the world for all the wrong reasons and you, brothers in faith are supplying them with all that they need to make it happen. They do not believe. But they don't have to because you who claim to believe are the only ones fighting each other. Wake up! Muslims, Jews and Christians will be brought together soon along with the Buddhists, Taoists and others who follow a good path, and the detestable world will be crushed. The Capitalism will deteriorate. In record time they built cities and states, nations and empires and overnight they will be torn to the ground and their power will be handed over. Israel will not be a state. It will be the largest and most holy city on the earth.

It has already begun.

i wasn't aware this kind of stuff was permitted in the DIR forum.



xexon said:
Zionism has 2 heads.

The first is the religious element of Judaism which points to ancient scriptures as Israel being the spiritual homeland of the Jews. Fine.

Really? So you think its fine to use religious conviction as a reason to make your nation? What if my religious beleifs were that God has promised me your house? Would it be fine for me to move in?

xexon said:
The second is a purely political entity. These are the people who control Israel as a modern country. They're jewish by birth, but they only wear the title to further their cause. They use the Jewish faith and faithful as a host body. Their idealogy cannot stand by itself.

Zionism in this form is extremely dangerous.

There is no such thing. Zionism is inseperable from Judaism. ALL Zionism points to the Torah as evidenvce of Israel being the ancient homeland of the Jewish People. Zionism is an ideology of bringing the Jewish People back to their biblical home.

xexon said:
I consider these people to be on par with the nazis. They are intent on a one world government and they will use any means to bring it forth. They already have control over US policies concerning the Middle East. They also have control over our military. The Iraq war has their stink all over it. AIPAC wields more power in Washington DC than our own citizens do.

Wow, I love this.

Of course, Zionism (Jews to Jewish Homeland) is on par with Nazism (All other races inferior, genocide of 6 million Jews, 6 million Poles, and millions of others). The resemblance is simply overwhelming.

Also, the claim that invading Iraq was an Israeli (Zionist) goal is one that would only be made by someone who has absolutely no understanding of the region, or an anti-Semite. At present, I am not sure which of the two you are.

The war in Iraq has been the most damaging event to happen to Israel in possibly the past decade (more than the conflict with Hizballah easilly).

xexon said:
These zionists are extemely clever. They have attached themselves to a protected group of people (Jews) and get protection in return. They are staunch defenders of both Israel and Judaism. You can't shoot zionism without shooting judaism first. Very clever indeed. The truth of the matter is Jews are being played just as Christians and Muslims are being played. They will use all these people to get where they want to go and then dispose of them.

Good to see lots of hard facts, supported by reliable sources as opposed to mindless conspiracy theories.

xexon said:
That wall in Israel also works to hold people in.

Of course. Too bad those scheming Zionists forgot that planes can fly over walls, eh?

xexon said:
Since zionism reared it's ugly head a little over a 100 years ago, we've seen the native people of Israel overun by tens of thousands of European jews flooding into the country displacing people and cultures alike. Much like what the white man did to the indians. Its been nothing but a bloodlust ever since.

Why is it a problem that European Jews want to live in Israel?

xexon said:
Zionism has invited jews from all over the world to come to Israel. They think they are returning to their homeland when in reality they are going to be used human shields to protect the zionist nest. Most are going to die there someday.



xexon said:
The Holocaust unfortunately has roots much closer to earth. Research how certain zionists assisted in it's creation and execution. Zionists and Nazis have alot in common. More than you would think possible.

Go on. Show us this astounding evidence that has been somehow missed by credible historians.


Doktormartini said:
Why should the Palestinians get up and leave when they were there first?
The Jews and the Arabs were living together in peace from the year 500(something) until the British Mandate was lifted. Then the Israelis started taking over Palestinian land.

Very good, you get an 'A+' for 'Clueless about the Middle-East.'

Jews and Arabs did not live in peace. In 1929, two decades before Israel, 133 Jews were killed, hundreds more wounded, and Jewish women were raped by Arabs in a SINGLE DAY. Would you like to know how the British responded to protect the Jews? The ethnically cleansed the city of Hebron (4th Holiest city in Judaism) of all Jews.

The same happened in 1936-1939 (over a decade before Israel), when Arabs instigated riots and killed 400 Jews.

And, of course, what I like to point out to people who compare ZIonism to Nazism: It was the Palestinians who supported the Nazis. Mohammed Amin Al-Husayni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (who was interestingly Arafat's uncle) and the Palestinian leader, went to meet Hitler to discuss the expansion of the final solution to the Middle-East. His goal was identical to Hitler's: The total destruction of the Jewish People.
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