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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Unfortunately, in our current society there is an awful lack of parents/guides actually aligning the youth's compass so it can function properly. The Bible would be better than nothing.
The Bible teaches intolerance, misogyny, promotes slavery, and unquestioned obedience. Nothing would be better than a book that wants apostates and adulterers murdered. There isn't much good to be found in a source that refers to a man who offered his owm daughters up for a gang rape as righteous. Asking a parent to kill his own child? There's nothing good to be derrived from the story that wants obediance from the father at the expense of a traumatized child who would be in the right to never trusthis father again.


Well-Known Member
I see upholding the good of the Bible to be no different than upholding the good if Hitler. It was there, but as everyone with a properly functioning and aligned moral compass knows the bad of Hitler very heavily outweighs the good.

Indeed throwing the baby out with the bath water in the case of social engineering


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, in our current society there is an awful lack of parents/guides actually aligning the youth's compass so it can function properly. The Bible would be better than nothing.

On the other hand! I see people who would hastily relate Hitler to anything or anyone that they have a blind biased against, to have a questionably functioning and aligned moral compass. So, perhaps you are evidence that the Bible creates hatred.

Edit: If it had not been for the Bible, which my grandmother introduced him to, my father would likely have remained in his spiral of prison and hard drugs. Had she not invited her into her house to study the book with her, my mother would not have met him.

If the Bible = Hitler????, then I'm grateful for Hitler???? Without Hitler???? my father would have been a drug addled statistic, and I wouldn't have been born. I have Hitler???? to thank for my life....

The Bible is a book of dualism .. containing both the light and the dark side. If Ya don't eat your meat .. HOW can you have any pudding ? HOw can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat !? Warmth is meaningless without cold.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Indeed throwing the baby out with the bath water in the case of social engineering
No, it's that both the Bible and Hitler are tyrannical and genocidal. Hitler I would argue even had more good in than the Bible as he began the animal protection laws practiced by modern Germany. But Hitler will never be a good role model or appropriate source of morality, no matter how good a thing anti-smoking campaigns are.
And indeed, killing kids for calling someone baldyiis a reason the Bible is not a suitable source of moral guidance.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If Ya don't eat your meat .. HOW can you have any pudding ? HOw can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat !?
Do you understand what is meant by that?
The Bible is a book of dualism .. containing both the light and the dark side. If Ya don't eat your meat .. HOW can you have any pudding ? HOw can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat !? Warmth is meaningless without cold.
That just makes it look that much worse that Abraham's God is thought of as perfect, merciful and benevolent.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
No, it's that both the Bible and Hitler are tyrannical and genocidal. Hitler I would argue even had more good in than the Bible as he began the animal protection laws practiced by modern Germany. But Hitler will never be a good role model or appropriate source of morality, no matter how good a thing anti-smoking campaigns are.
And indeed, killing kids for calling someone baldyiis a reason the Bible is not a suitable source of moral guidance.
Either this is a failed troll, akin to the stylings of Ye... Or there may be some need of some self-reflection in your life. Then again, he's off his meds...

I cannot think of any redeeming qualities of Hitler. You know.. Eva Braun apparently thought he wasn't half bad, and she was a gem!
I never read any. You seem to like the man, are his speeches any good at least? Was he a good speech writer? He sure stirred up the masses.

He loved animals so much, did he? You must not have seen the experiments his and the Soviet scientists did to poor dogs.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
No, it's that both the Bible and Hitler are tyrannical and genocidal. Hitler I would argue even had more good in than the Bible
Bible: Describes (most likely fictional) acts of genocide and tyranny and how some may LIKE HITLER will justify it.

Comparing these two is like comparing a medical journal to Fentanyl on the streets.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I cannot think of any redeeming qualities of Hitler.
Animal rights and environmental protections
Anti smoking
Volkswagen and the Autobahn
Assistence for mothers and children
Ironically, workers rights
It's actually good to know Hitler did some good to realize how he spellbound a nation to him and was able to carry out his wickedness.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
Animal rights and environmental protections
I credit the general consensus of the German population from what I heard.
Sure, because it was a dictatorship, he had to sign it in. Eff him.
Rules not for the party themselves, obviously.

In my opinion animal and social rights are ridiculous in that we shouldn't have to have someone tell you it's wrong. But I digress, I wonder of the status of our moral compasses.
Anti smoking
It may have been a good thing... But HITLER had to be a part of it.

Volkswagen and the Autobahn
State owned and ran anything is questionable. Unless you're in a totalitarianism or don't mind tyranny.
Assistence for mothers and children
Oh yes, how lovely this one was... The 'goodness' of this program was more full of holes than a brick of Swiss cheese.

"Come young women and become young mothers!! Don't wait to get wed, get pregnant now!! Do not get an illegal abortion we will ensure your children are healthy!! Oh, you thought we wouldn't take them for our war? The Aryan race will win this war, we need more soldiers!!!"
Ironically, workers rights
Ironically? The Workers Party of Germany... You ARE trolling.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I credit the general consensus of the German population from what I heard.
Sure, because it was a dictatorship, he had to sign it in. Eff him.
Rules not for the party themselves, obviously.
Hitler planned on shutting down all slaughterhouses in Germany after the war. He was ahead if the average German in this area.
It may have been a good thing... But HITLER had to be a part of it.
So? Someone had to be first, and it's entirely the fault of those who came after for trying to weld anti-smoking to the Nazis and remove it from good health.
In my opinion animal and social rights are ridiculous in that we shouldn't have to have someone tell you it's wrong.
Unfortunately that's just not the world we live in and we have to have those laws.

State owned and ran anything is questionable. Unless you're in a totalitarianism or don't mind tyranny.
No, it's nit always questionable or bad, unless you think a car any of your citizens can afford is bad.
Amd it was actually Porsche that designed then.
Oh yes, how lovely this one was... The 'goodness' of this program was more full of holes than a brick of Swiss cheese.
It wasn't perfect, but it's basic principle is still around today.
Ironically? The Workers Party of Germany... You ARE trolling.
No, you just haven't studied Hitler. Yes, it's true, German workers had rights amd protections under Hitler. Amd, yes, that is ironic as of course we all know the reality of the Nazi concentration camps.
It's not trolling, it's being aware of that things aren't black and white and ultimately even good things may not be desirable if the one bringing it comes with a monstrous policy of wanton death and destruction.

Mark Charles Compton

Pineal Peruser
unless you think a car any of your citizens can afford is bad.
I had a teacher in grade school who said she was born in Germany. She said the wait time to get a car was extremely long, years.

Just pay me an appropriate wage and I'll buy one when I need it, thanks.
No, you just haven't studied Hitler. Yes, it's true, German workers had rights amd protections under Hitler. Amd, yes, that is ironic
It was named the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party) in 1920. It would be ironic if they did not achieve workers' rights.

It is ironic that they employed tedious slave labor upon an entire culture of people.
Well, I guess the "National" in their name could imply, 'strictly Aryan'.


Does AI have the potential to become the antichrist?
I don’t necessarily think AI will be the antichrist, but the antichrist will likely make use of AI to impose his dominance, deception, and authority across the globe during the Tribulation period.

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted powerto give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:14-17


Well-Known Member
Do you understand what is meant by that?

That just makes it look that much worse that Abraham's God is thought of as perfect, merciful and benevolent.

It means no light without dark .. and who is this God of Abraham you are referring to ?? Not the Evil YHWH I hope.


Well-Known Member
Animal rights and environmental protections
Anti smoking
Volkswagen and the Autobahn
Assistence for mothers and children
Ironically, workers rights
It's actually good to know Hitler did some good to realize how he spellbound a nation to him and was able to carry out his wickedness.

One of the minions of YHWH this one .. and not much good about him .. "Anti Smoking" is not good .. What the heck are you talking about .. celebrating utilitarianism .. the evil plague.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
One of the minions of YHWH this one .. and not much good about him .. "Anti Smoking" is not good .. What the heck are you talking about .. celebrating utilitarianism .. the evil plague.
Smoking is so hazardous and toxic that anti smoking campaigns are indeed a great thing.


Well-Known Member
Smoking is so hazardous and toxic that anti smoking campaigns are indeed a great thing.

Not talking about that so much .. althought that is part of the lead up. Talking about Legislation banning people from smoking ... which is where our Friend Adolf was going.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It means no light without dark .. and who is this God of Abraham you are referring to ?? Not the Evil YHWH I hope.
Yes, I am referring to Yahwey/Jehovah/the God of the Bible.
And darkness is eternal. It doesn't require light and will be still be here when all light has beemw extinguished.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am referring to Yahwey/Jehovah/the God of the Bible.
And darkness is eternal. It doesn't require light and will be still be here when all light has beemw extinguished.

Spare me the disingenuous oblivion ... There is no appreciation of the light without darkness .. no concept of Good without Evil .. Turn on your brain that God has given you .. such that you are not so easily fooled by our friend .. the darkness.

YHWH is one God in the Bible .. certainly not the God of Abraham .. nor the God of Jesus.

Jesus tells you that banning either is against the will of "The Father" .. who is not YHWH .. it is because you choose to dwell in the dark .. that you do not know the light. Matt 7:12 Don't do to others what you hate .. "This rule sums up the law and the prophets"

The Golden Rule .. as told you before .. IS EVERYTHING ..

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
YHWH is one God in the Bible .. certainly not the God of Abraham .. nor the God of Jesus.
The God of the Bible IS the God Abraham and IS the one Jesus calls Father.

Matt 7:12 Don't do to others what you hate .. "This rule sums up the law and the prophets"

The Golden Rule .. as told you before .. IS EVERYTHING ..
That's lame and falls short. What I hate amd you hate has some variation. So how can this be a good guide for prosocial behavior when I do to you what I think is good but you think is evil?
This is why proper morality cannot begin with considering what I want. It must begin by considering others and trying our best t9 not cause harm to others.