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Any Zoroastrians here?


Its only a Label
Friend Odion,

In a way, this is both a good thing and a bad thing; a good thing that they are slowly beginning to allow inter-religious marriages, but it's a bad thing that this ancient group are becoming extinct. Maybe one day the numbers will begin to grow, as converts are allowed also.

By the evolutionary process every thing will be extinct one day even humans and the earth and the sun. However the process will continue to higher stages of evolution.

In nature we see that higher forces always take up the lower ones and so even if the Parsis become extinct it will only be a change of form.

Love & rgds


Hostis humani generis
Friend Odion,

By the evolutionary process every thing will be extinct one day even humans and the earth and the sun. However the process will continue to higher stages of evolution.

In nature we see that higher forces always take up the lower ones and so even if the Parsis become extinct it will only be a change of form.

Love & rgds
You're right. There is little point in clinging to things that are impermanent, but at the same time, I'm sad to see such things go. :) It seems strange to think that one day, all we will be is but energy somewhere else, or at max, our species will be a fable told to the young of another species...


chardi kla
You're right. There is little point in clinging to things that are impermanent, but at the same time, I'm sad to see such things go. :) It seems strange to think that one day, all we will be is but energy somewhere else, or at max, our species will be a fable told to the young of another species...



Well-Known Member
It won't be sad Gursikh,it will be a *point & laugh* experience for our children.

I intend to take my kids to a re-constructed 1970's house,mad wallpaper,stupid adverts,black & white tv,loads of things we did before computer's & *proper* tv channels.....In 40 years we shall look around at the *naughties* & a new generation shall be in disbelief at how primitive we are now.

*you did what?????,why do that when you could..............*

Very few job's have been invented that everyone will be doing in 20 years time.

I have a nice link upon the stats should you desire this.

I am completely with Zenhero & Od.


chardi kla
:eek: mind blowing stats DARK , especially for me , you know i just completed my MASTERS IN APPLIED PHYSICS ( NANO-TECHNOLOGY ) , i m preparing for a TEST , that will lead to research fellowship .

to all plz pray for success in exam :liturgy:
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Well-Known Member
:eek: mind blowing stats DARK , especially for me , you know i just completed my MASTERS IN APPLIED PHYSICS ( NANO-TECHNOLOGY ) , i m preparing for a TEST , that will lead to research fellowship .

to all plz pray for success in exam :liturgy:




You do know where the nano' s disappear too in between the picoseconds they are visible/traceable,don't you.

You may not of heard of my *Munich* experiment,when I gatecrashed a Nanotechnology conference there?

Good Luck Gursikh!


chardi kla


You do know where the nano' s disappear too in between the picoseconds they are visible/traceable,don't you.

You may not of heard of my *Munich* experiment,when I gatecrashed a Nanotechnology conference there?

Good Luck Gursikh!

:eek:oh no , my degree is too outdated now :tribal:

i should join reseach at FERMI LEVEL now

what you done at MUNICH ?:sarcastic


Well-Known Member
I was there by chance,very drunk & staying overnight at a Holiday Inn near the airport.There was a big Nanotechnology Conference going on & they had green superballs(bouncy)with an orange nanotechnology symbol on them,which lit up when they bounced.

The pub had a large single plate glass front,it was very dark outside.I went out for a smoke & thought I would bounce a superball to see if it was any good(I took them for my sons)

Unfortunately the large courtyard was cobblestones,so the superball bounced off in random directions & was only visible when it landed & lit up....I chased it all over the courtyard until it ran out of bouncy energy.

I went back inside & to my amusement some physicists went to the courtyard & started bouncing superballs,trying to observe them.:)

Once we identify the Void,we will know where the energy comes from & returns too without having to view energy as it seems to appear & disappear unpredictably.

I studied applied physics & electronic's,love maths....I studied on the old Rockwell binary machines(pre-stoneage) in the 1st year.....had to leave & get a job,so I am frustrated.:(

I would love to try to get a handle on any new things you are studying,all is good for *perspective*.

I'll check out Fermi Level.

All the best!



chardi kla
ITS really great great experiment , your name IS immortal NOW ,





Well-Known Member

kinda like the more famous *Copenhagen* theory which I have never tried out,sounds like fun though.A bit like mine,just you have to get nakkid to do it properly & drunk of course.Two male/one female being the ratio in order to be *distinguishable*.


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Well-Known Member
'SAT SRI AKAL' Gursikh.....& you too Aupmanyav!

The *Copenhagen* is not as naughty as you may think.......eh the official one anyway?in that it was not in any way openly sexual,one couple being married.

I feel a calling to start a energy/time thread,spheres,torus tubes,dimensions,centre point travel,dunno where to put this?


Well-Known Member
Ooooooohhhh,I see in your reply to Richard Dawkins we maybe have some common ground,I am hugely flattered.


Tis'much simpler...energy...& so superabundently common we overlook it.

First you have spheres(say,a raindrop),then you have a torus tube,which is just a sphere(or raindrop) inverted,to give the standing columnar wave effect which allows for centrepoint travel via a straight line........which is only possible once you grasp the nature of spheres(tree's) & lightening strike' Kaballah.....twin star/flame to ramify exponentially.

A raindrop hitting water pushes down on surface tension,then is pushed back up to form a *splash*....thus the raindrop(sphere) inverts into a torus tube or visible standing Columnar wave.

Firstly you must get out of the *first sphere*,where everything can seem to be located all at once.Once you break your sphere into manageable & identified sphere's,you have a chance to progress.

I'll join Aupmanyav!eh,like many I am breadwinner so do not have full time to apply to my studies,I will not let you down.




Are there any Zoroastrians here? Who come on?
Anyone a convert from, or to Zoroastrianism?

After the islamic invasion of Persia, most of the Zoroastrians fled to India , fleeing islamic persecution.

The numbers of these people , through the centuries , are dwindling , and efforts are being made by the zoroastrian leaders to increase their numbers by advocating more children.

It is a great tragedy really . If the islamic invasions have not taken place, these guys too would have been in large numbers in the zoroastrian forum, explaining their religion , culture and heritage to others over here just like the other religions members are doing, and other friendly chit-chat. :(